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Re: Blind NERFED??

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 6:44 am
by nihir
I think the quotes will speak for themselves.
josephm wrote:whom in the community did I insult?
josephm wrote:hopefully without the sophomoric behavior of a bunch of kids..or 30 year old loosers (yes, like some of the people in my town I'm sad to say) live, breathe and eat Daoc.
josephm wrote:Mommy and Daddy problably pay the bills, and they can spend infinite for playing this game. therefore they feel Über in the SoR universe. This places them above everyone else. According to this pattern of thought, other paying customers who thought the game was cool only and paid their own hard earned $$$ and can't afford much time to play excepton weekends, aren't worth paying any mind.

"We'll just kiss Nevrax's arse, not so much because we love the game, but by defending it without any tact so we can feel a 'part of something' since our lives are so worthless."
josephm wrote:Keep bashing me on this thread, I'll do the same.
josephm wrote:Aside from just knowing people who post in forums like some of you did in this thread, and many others. I have no basis for any of my insults either. But screw it you're all a bunch of lapdogs just to be lap dogs I say. Forget blind, it was forgotten in the third or fourth reply. Let's just talk Sh*t. It's still fun do do and we'll just make this the place for it k?

Re: Blind NERFED??

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:21 am
by billg1
josephm wrote:billg1, read the first post. whom in the community did I insult? I offered my constructive views earlier in another post and yeah, I posted the start of this thread 430ish AM my time so the post isn't perfect. If I'm fustrated so what, let me vent and see who gets the point and can add some kind of information.

There's a few real responses but it quickly degenerates into rebukes quite like yours. Please explain how Nihir's post is construcive. Or for that matter yours. Where did you get the fact that my parents pay for anything in my life? I merely sited the fact I know people like this. If you could come out and accuse me so candidly taking that totally out of context, I wonder that you are not one of the people to which I refer. Must be an easy life man, what do they pay? power? rent? food and travel expenses? And you're such a big man for such a pointless rebuke voicing what others have already mentioned. I wanna be just like you.

A large part of my statement comes from the fact that I DO pay for this game. The tanks in my group were first to mention that my blinds weren't lasting, collectively we thought it was a nerf. If it wasn't then so what? Who said 'I haven't noticed a difference, have you tried this?' Instead people come up with a bunch of negative posts, but all you notice is mine. You are hopping on the band wagon sir, a mindless sheep who doesn't deserve to have a keyboard or any form of communication given to them.

Oh yeah, that last part of your post? I had a GM confirm my spell setup directly. So your last couple sentences only lead me towards the inclination that you sir, have less intelligence than a bowl of lime jello.

Varelse, like I said, the original post was 4:38 am and to all I apologize for it's terrible context. I appreciate your post and wholeheartedly agree. As you can see I have posted 18 times in this forum. Two were in this thread, and yes, are generally negative. One is a question in the technical forum, but the large majority of them are pretty positive, ask questions, or try to provide constructive views and answers. If this thread alone draws so many people who just enjoy to bash threads because they have utterly no self esteem then yes, you are correct about your UO trend. I wonder how many posts these people have; how many bash threads and how many don't....

Still name calling, sill rude, still insulting. When you have to resort to childish name calling you pretty much show a complete lack of intelligence or the ability to form coherent thoughts and sentences and deal with a problem like an adult.

Now you even make excuses at the time of day it was so the post was not all that good. Now you say it was others telling you the spells dont work so you come on the boards and start whining instead of asking questions.

So we can add to the list
Your rude, Your insulting, Your not to bright, You feel the need to call people names, You make excuses for all of your actions so far and you blame others for the information your complainign about.

And yet you still expect somone to take you seriously. What a joke.

Again, both blind and stun worked perfectly all night last night. Not a single difference since release. But after reading your posts I am quite sure you wont be convinced about it and will just need to continue your little session here.

Try to be more pleasant and have a nice day.

Re: Blind NERFED??

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 3:38 pm
by cerest
Everyone please try to be pleasant!

Josephm I'm sorry you seem to be having these problems with your Blind spells. This is just a quick stab, but is your magic amplifier old? Is it time to replace it maybe? You said the Azhrarn tried to help you and recreate the problem, the amplifier came immediately to my mind. Good luck to you.

Re: Blind NERFED??

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 4:47 pm
by josephm
Cerest I don't think that has anything to do with the problem. As far as blind goes, I've been using blind 3 mostly, where blind 2 used to hold hard kipee for long periods of time. I have 4 but I think I get that at level 30 so I'm still under my amp specifications. It would say it was to low level wouldn't it?
The amp I have is Q40, but I use the configuration for stun one with sap loss of +-20 even though the configuration is set for 0 sap. so it isn't the problem there either.ty for the thought though.

billg1 I'd be more pleaseant if I didn't have to deal with people like you. Those who only care about making themselves look big and bright on a message board! There's people like you the net over, who are totally self rightious and quite frankley, boring. I established in the second post that I would be pretty much setting the issue aside.

But you keep writing! You keep defending your title as Champion of Fools who believe the foolish affairs of their foolish avatar will be foolishly dicated to some foolishly meaningful annals of foolishness. Gone is any trace of creativity, should there ever have been.

I do not know, nor care, nor know I could believe you if I did. you are a PLAYER in this game, not its creator. Of this I am ecstatic, because judging by your posting technique, a suckling Yubo would be the pinnacle of your proffered experience.

As for the 'excuse' of time. I did apologize. An apology is an admission of guilt. However you would not know of such a thing. Your avatar is a metaphor for the screaming eagle intoxicated by his soaring freedom. You can say and do as you wish a take affect to nothing, because honestly no one cares. You use this shield with the firm belief that you are it's sole proprietor; that all under your scrutinization are quaking in their boots for your convictions MATTER.

You do NOT sit upon Prometheus' throne. Rather you are akin to him after fire was given human kind. It is your own freedom, the very eagle which I spake, is that rends your liver with his beak upon the rise of every dawn.

And again the end of your post declinates any lofty status you presume to hold above your fellow posters. Your pleasentries? In your last two posts I've yet to see any. You must wish to continue this battery of dunces as surely as I am willing. Word.

Re: Blind NERFED??

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 7:14 pm
by stygeon
I'm sorry to say that I read this entire thread. I had hoped to see something about what I was voting on. Now I think I'll just not vote at all.

Re: Blind NERFED??

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:43 pm
by josephm
Yeah I'll prolly make a new one.

Re: Blind NERFED??

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:52 pm
by nihir
Why would you make a new one? I'm sure everyone's tired of your insults and derogatory tone. We get your point.