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Re: Fairhaven Now a Kami City
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:02 pm
by vonzuben
But Iala you are not the “The Matis in the lake” anymore. Fluffy Bunnies scamper about in the Desert. So to right this for you, we could drain the Tryker lakes directly into the canyon in the desert for ya.
Re: Fairhaven Now a Kami City
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:30 am
by chibiarc
Fluffy Bunnies are fluffy!!
Re: Fairhaven Now a Kami City
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:47 am
by norvic
vonzuben wrote:When you spawn at your TP, you are protected by the TP. Kamis cant nuke you. You can sit and regen and you are untouchable. You have to engage in attack first before that status changes. Now if you understand that, then you can understand that Karas DID have a role to play in what was happening there. Think about it.
Enough crying if we must have more talk and less spaaaaank, how about some offensive smack talk instead of defensive whines? We could be like all Rawr and stuff. Or you could just declare that you are taking your city back.
I dont talk smack, I dont talk about spankings I also am not whining or crying.
All these terms seem to to typify the kind of WOW gameplay that thinks res killing is acceptable.
Have no problem with dying in open combat, and when the silliness started was not invulnerable as you suggest, didnt bother to screenshot the sys info so you will have to take my word that i took no offensive action after spawning. After dying to ress killers once I made one /tell appeal to one of the kami guildleaders that in the interest of the fight calm things down at the spawn, the asshats reply was to nuke me himself.
SM if you want to encourage PvP events then good, i wish you good luck and will probably participate but please lets leave jpgs, smacktalk, spankings and ress killing to the WoW kids I kinda hope our community is better than that.
Re: Fairhaven Now a Kami City
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:11 am
by vonzuben
The reference to smack talk was sarcastic. IMO there's lots of whining here and that belongs in WoW too thus I made the sarcastic comment. You were taking damage because someone in your team had chosen to attack. Normally the TP protects you this is well known.
Re: Fairhaven Now a Kami City
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:21 am
by norvic
Only one person in my team and that was my alt so i know exactly what happened thanks.
edit: dont see it as a whine to point out behaviour that used to get toons banned from the region. You obviuosly think its acceptable gameplay i don't, thats a discussion not a whine.
You were there and you know what happened too.
Re: Fairhaven Now a Kami City
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:00 pm
by dracolych49
Is the invul thing when you spawn at a TP or TP in?
Wondering because people tell me about the invul, I TP to that NE portion of the forest, the Hovel, I think, and am immediately set upon by ferocious beasts.
Basically just wondering if anyone has done any hard tests about this.
Re: Fairhaven Now a Kami City
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:41 pm
by odofitzg
dracolych49 wrote:Is the invul thing when you spawn at a TP or TP in?
Wondering because people tell me about the invul, I TP to that NE portion of the forest, the Hovel, I think, and am immediately set upon by ferocious beasts.
Basically just wondering if anyone has done any hard tests about this.
Hmm... Grove of Confusion? I've used that tp a lot and as long as you don't move *away* from it you should be fine. I usually move up to get my new ticket, then look around.
I do know that I have often TP'd to Karavan Void, and come out in Bajam's face, and as long as I move in to get my re-ticket, there's no problem. The invul area isn't big, but it's definitely there when you tp in.
-- Bittty
Re: Fairhaven Now a Kami City
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:54 pm
by seawe
I had an interview with Sweetmarie and its posted over on for more on this topic. (no camping issues were discussed since neither of us were TPing or had marshmallows...)
Thanks go to Sweetmarie for taking the time to talk more about Fairhaven. Tis an interesting development.