Well, I´m glad that 08 ends with such a pleasant surprise
Or rather, that my fears are calmed, as said before.
For quite a long time we had almost a situation of open warfare between some extremely aggressive PvP-Non RPers and the Semi- and Hardcore RPers.
There were attempts to "negotiate" with these people, but they all failed miserably and ended in flames.
Luckily the people behind the open hatred that sometimes was heaped upon RP are gone and will hopefully not return.
Nowadays thanks to two extremely dedicated hardcore RP Guilds (one sadly broke up recently due to internal problems) the Art is accepted and tolerated by most.
For that I´m thankful, but like Jaice said, the fanatics deal works both ends.
I like to call myself not Semi- but rather RPer of Opportunity. I play when I see people doing it and I speak normally with those of whom I know they don´t regularly and I as a RL person do not like PvP. That´s in one way because I really suck at it and because I´ve too often seen it bring out the worst in people to really enjoy it.
For that I´ve been called "Not true RP enough." by members of my old guild, and while I hold no grudge against them, I still think this approach is extremely wrong.
They should be happy for each RPer they can find and not alienate them with arguments like that.
Now I´ve opened my own guild and am trying to get it running with the InGame background of Bards and peaceful negotiators (The Gandhi approach some call it
), but sadly up until now, no-one seems to be interested in this kind of play. And while my post in the Guild section has quite a few hits, nobody has yet approached me on it.
It is a moment of great pleasure find a new player RPing in any situation nowdays and it pains me to see so many not even caring to try and find a "normal" name. I´ll never understand this strange need for fecal/sexual/war/justweird naming of a character that sould represent YOU! XD
So, well my fears of RP slowly dying on Arispotle are laid to rest, but all in all they still remain.