hehe - Actually, its all true. But in a way none of it is, whats important is how each individual views the situation. A lack of players allows me to wander for hours without meeting anyone. Allows me to play and explore...
In Fyros, there is about 150 people in avg dotted about at pyr, 50 more in dyron and about another 20 in thesos. Add maybe 30 more in the other areas, exploring etc. This isnt a consistant number, but an approx. And imo for a released game even with 250 odd people ingame its still a very low pop, even multiply it by 4 for all the races 1k is still a third of the servers expected and Euro english seems to have the highest population, going by number of posts in our forums.
So yes, i'd say ignore the fanbois, but also listen to their agruments, they do have the game at heart, if the current situation isnt good enough, nothing we say will bring you back. Or have you play at all. The original poster is technically just a troll, unregistered. Even if you got the game on release and cancelled it now, you'd still have access to these forums. Dont be afraid to give yourself a name when posting. It add weight to what you say.
I do think most of what you said is correct. But i am now willing to give ryzoms a few months to prove what my suspicious heart says will prove longterm. As such i have resubscribed to Ryzoms. And i will remain here for at least 6 months.
sinking ship
Re: sinking ship
~ Martin
I will continue to be online, but not ingame. Until further notice. So i will still be mr troll to you.
Still not smoking!!
I will continue to be online, but not ingame. Until further notice. So i will still be mr troll to you.
Still not smoking!!

Re: sinking ship
i'm pretty sure i'm right in guessing that your (probably short) experience of the game is without turn the graphics up to max, when their on max they truely are amazing, when low-medium then yeah they look a little dated, but not many games were 'that' good back then, or atleast not online games (not counting things like Ragnarok Online as they wernt aiming for a realistic look so it was easyer to make good graphics)Unregistered wrote:ryzom graphics stiknk.. why do people t hink they look so great? haha get real.. I played games 2+ years ago that look like Ryzom does now..
Re: sinking ship
Unregistered wrote:ROFL....That would be mighty impressive IF THEY WEREn'T ALL THE SAME MOB!!!
Everyone Mob in this game is a carbon copy of every other Mob, with a diffrent model and a diffrent number of hitpoints/damage.
No special AI, either they go kamikazi at you or they just sniff at you.
No special loot. You get generic flavorless crap from every single mob, only useful for leveling up a newbie crafter.
No tactics, no classes, no abilities...SAME CRAP DIFFRENT BOX!
Again you're wrong :
- close to 100 types of mobs , with each type having up to 48 variations.
Some of them are listed here : http://ryzom.l9c.org/mobs.php
- Each type have a differrent AI,Tactic & abilities : Some will baf, some will aggro, blind, cast spells, spits, emit toxic clouds, some have immunities to certain spells, etc.. etc..
- Each single mobs have different attacks /resists : Blunt, Pierce, Slash, Acid, Cold, Rot, fire, etc.. etc ..
- All the extra named mobs may drop special choice, excellent or supreme materials.
In fact the only carbon copy of mob i've seen so far is You, the unregistered Troll on this thread