sidusar wrote:
You're right ofcourse, Ani, that caricaturing others for the sake of argument is not a sensitive thing to do. As a player who can be amused for hours counting the spots in a varynx skin, but who also has half a dozen 250s under her belt, I often feel caught in the middle. I'd feel just as attacked by the "those who care about their levels aren't true Ryzom players" attitude as by the "classifying atysian insects by their nightly feeding habits is a sad waste of time" attitude.
Thanks for your post. After reading it, I think mine would need further explanation. As I stated to Komi, the post was purposedly "biased" and "one-sided". I do agree that the "classifying atysian insects is a waste" attitude is as negative as the ones I mentioned and, although my words were (carelessly?) picken in a (unintentionally flaming?) hyperbolic-style for the purposes of making a point, I admit they may sound aggressive. For that, my apologies.
On a personal note, let me mention that I am in a similar position as you are: although it cannot be deduced by the tone of my post
, and in spite of (besides) having several "roxxor"-masters, I am also a big fan of "insectoid" activities and aspects, including some of your findings, Komi's fauna and pictograms studies, (passive) follower of the first major RP-efforts back to 2004 (Cercle de Sokkarie, in the French community), etc. and I have myself spent countless hours on craft and dig related activities including "nerdish" studies such as "optimization-based guidelines to overcrafting delta for a wide range of assumptions in order to maximize profit and xp per mat"
Enjoy your way of playing. Be proud that your way of playing is the most fun way. Try to convince others why your way of playing is the most fun. Tell them what they're missing out on because they don't play that way. But don't tell them they're lacking something because they can't enjoy what you enjoy.
Very good summary of the underlying message.
That's not to say those players that enjoy saving the princess again are less worthy players, just that I personally would rather see precious development time spent on something else (snip).
I see what you mean, but -as past experience seems to indicate, imho- you need to catter for all kinds of play styles and precious development time needs to be schedulled to address all kinds of aspects. Sadly, whatever you do, someone will (rightly?) complain. As much as there are many play-styles, there are many (different) ideas on what players think precious dev time should be spent on (just let's look at the forums...)
In other words, the statement that they are mutually exclusive makes the assumption that the devs time should be focused. This does not need to be the case (and it has been stated that it often isn't, given the specialized profiles of people involved: 3d artists, programmers, writers...)
Non-durable content additions can be just as half-baked and shortsighted, and there's plenty of possible additions that would actually make the game less fun for me.
Of course then can be... although some of those additions that would make the game less fun for you can mean another players (temporary?) happiness.
they have to make choices.
I tend to think that we cannot pretend (it would be arrogant and condescending) to know *what* choices they would need to make -- although we are slighlty going offtopic, it remains interesting -- so, although of course they need to make choices, they need to catter to at least a few playstyles (without precluding the valid idea that Ryzom should keep its uniqueness and not catter for *all* players, filling a niche). A complex subject and I, of course, do not pretend to know the answer, I would be earning gazilions publishing my own MMRPG...
(that part of the reason we've received so little new content is because they were always trying to work on everything and thus never finished anything.)
I agree and I think it is a reasonable explanation.
Though you can ofcourse do both as well. I regularly play other games for a while to get my fix of 'new content', but always return to Ryzom because it's simply the best platform for 'making your own content'.
And the ideal situation would be not to play other games...
Thanks for reading