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Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:05 pm
by tydamus
Its still being looked into, Mordax.

Can you please tell us what exactly the error says, and at what stage in loading does it crash out in?

Do you have firewalls and routers? Have you made sure all game ports are forwarded/open and have you tried disabling your firewall and bypassing your routers into the modems themselves?

Also make sure you have the latest official drivers for your video card.

Sorry, we're trying to get more information regarding this problem.

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:36 pm
by philu
tydamus wrote:Do you have firewalls and routers? Have you made sure all game ports are forwarded/open and have you tried disabling your firewall and bypassing your routers into the modems themselves?
Assuming no-one has changed any settings, why would this make ANY difference? Game worked before patch, now it doesn't!

I also have nVidia not ATI. Haven't changed any settings, don't have a router, just an ADSL modem. Patched the game last night and crashed and crashed and crashed (each time at the splash screen - can't even get to the logon screen).

Ran ryzom recover as has been recommended in the past, now I have an OLD version of Ryzom with Nevrax logos, which wont log in. Is it because it's looking ofr the servers in the wrong place perhaps? You might want to look at updating the ryzom recover software! Went to bed in frustration.

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:34 pm
by bbobccat
tydamus wrote:Its still being looked into, Mordax.

Can you please tell us what exactly the error says, and at what stage in loading does it crash out in?

Do you have firewalls and routers? Have you made sure all game ports are forwarded/open and have you tried disabling your firewall and bypassing your routers into the modems themselves?

Also make sure you have the latest official drivers for your video card.

Sorry, we're trying to get more information regarding this problem.

Having read every post in this thread it seems that we are all having the same problem even though we have a variety of hardware conigurations.
The pertininent points as I see it:
1) We all had working Ryzom before the patch.
2) None of us changed our PC config/OS/router/AV/Firewall, the game was.
3)We are all seeing the same NeL error within 5-10 seconds after launch. See the exact report as posted already by orbdragon and ishkur, it's identical to mine. None of us ever gets to a login screen.
4)We have all tried to get this to work by trying to fix things that were not broken and all to no avail.
I have tried everything you suggested and a few things you didn't. I have 3 computers, two desktops and a laptop, and the patch worked of two of them on not on the third. I replaced my memory, doubled the size of my pagefile, removed and re-installed my video driver, turned off my AV/Firewall. All three comps are going thru the same router so that's not the problem. I copied the whole Ryzom folder from one of the computers it's working on. I brought back the old version from an archive and let the patcher patch it again. Removed Ryzom completely, downloaded it from the official site and re-installed from scratch. Still get exactly the same error.

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:51 pm
by ishkur

for what i know being on Klients, the fix is in progress. Just need some more time for the devs to complete.

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:23 pm
by sprite
*hugs Philu*

Ryz recover kills the client now... all of the stickies that used to say use it now have big red warnings saying "Do not use" :o

Better to run client_background_downloader.exe instead of ryz recover from now on, but by the sounds of things that wouldn't work anyway.


Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:42 pm
by Androbia

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:10 pm
by galincz
works perfectly, thanks a lot, good job

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:21 pm
by orbdragon

Thank you all for giving me back my newest addiction! And so quickly!

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:49 pm
by philu
sprite wrote:*hugs Philu*

Ryz recover kills the client now... all of the stickies that used to say use it now have big red warnings saying "Do not use" :o

Better to run client_background_downloader.exe instead of ryz recover from now on, but by the sounds of things that wouldn't work anyway.

Teach me to check before doing an old fix.

I do have a back up but not sure how new it is. ;)

If not then it's re-install time. :rolleyes:

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 5:03 pm
by philu
And it's fixed. :)

I just downloaded the installer, ran it and the game ran fine. :D