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Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:38 am
by xtarsia
ajsuk wrote:Sure theres plenty of other stuff they could be working on but I wouldn't of thought this would require many reasources. It's just a bit of math and fiddling with some formulas. With the current success rates being such horrendous lies for people who've put alot of effort in to mastering skills it'd be nice for the Master titles to mean something.
I know we'd all like to see some real new and decent content but the odd fix/adjustment to improve everyday tasks is cool and most welcome too, you just have to look at the 'what bugs you' thread to see theres plenty to do.

Building on top of poor foundations isn't a great plan.

Indeed, fix the little things first, they take less time, and once done are small blessing for all. the BIG stuff will come in time, i doubt their going to need the whole dev team on this =)

Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:10 am
by zerotacg
ajsuk wrote:With the current success rates being such horrendous lies for people who've put alot of effort in to mastering skills it'd be nice for the Master titles to mean something.
you did take into account that the current success rate for a master crafter would be 88.888%, did you? cause you just lose focus with an failure so it's more then 85% like in the new system :)

Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 11:55 am
by motan
As people say... if it ain't broken, don't change it!

The patcher didn't look like much either but it broke the game for many for days... and now that it works I cannot say that it improved my gaming experience in any way.

So... why not concentrate on some new things. A new area and new creatures would be good, or furniture and house decoration.

Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:26 pm
by roseh
I agree that while this is an interesting idea, there are many far more critical problems that need to be fixed. And I also agree that all the crafting changes are useless if they don't fix the random number generator which is anything but random and so just changing the math and percentages will not change the fact that if you want something to happen 50% of the time, that it won't happen 90% of the time or more... Or the other way and only happen 10% of the time or less. The generator is so bad I sometimes get into a run of bad numbers that I just log out for a few hours just to give the generator time to get out of that rut.

Also, Master Crafters really should be MASTER crafters, otherwise rename the master title to something more appropriate like "capped" crafters.

Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:00 pm
by ajsuk
*nods* @ Roseh

Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:00 pm
by neofyte
I agree with those who argue that a "Master" should have a very low chance of failure. Otherwise I look forward to the changes being implemented. The only change I would suggest is in the area of the mat quality, I think if a lower quality mat is used then the result should be an average of the mat quality, not the lowest quality mat. Just a personal pet peeve. :)

Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:01 pm
by Marjo
blaah wrote:with destroying mats.... if the random number generator will stay the same, it's very possible that user can destroy whole bag of mats without getting any xp. ohh the fun !
Our tests in house proved that with the same quantity of mats you will progress faster after the change even with the losing mats rule, thanks to the lower penalty on the degraded items. Indeed, after the change, with the same quantity of mats "lost" in degraded stuff, the degraded items will make you gain more XP than now.

arfindel wrote:Good or bad it seems to me a waste (time, human resources and risk of unforeseeable bugs) at the moment, the crafting system (maybe one of the biggest assets of the game in my opinion) is not so unbalanced to require immediate attention while other parts of the game are...
It has, however, a serious flaw in its current state, which some of you already noticed. The bug we found gives you 20% chances of getting a partial success when you craft an item lower or equal to your level (the bug converts the 10% chances of failure into partial success, what was not supposed to be). That's why a level 250 crafter doesn't always look like he's mastering his skill...

With the proposed change, you gain 5 points in success rate (from 80% to 85%) and see your chances of partial success reduced of 5 points (from 20% to 15%) when you craft something of your level, if we compare with how it works in game at the moment.

tylarth wrote:tbh destroying mats from a failure is little different than getting a q100 result on a q250 attemp.. item is useless, mats wasted.
The value of the degraded items will also improve a little. First, they won't be of such low quality anymore, and second their class won't be lowered either. Supreme will remain supreme.

Our goal behind the new system is also to reinforce the meaning of "failure" (through a loss of mats) and partial "success" (through a reduction of penalties). In its current state, the partial success can rightfully be perceived as a failure, as you point it out here.

motan wrote:So... why not concentrate on some new things. A new area and new creatures would be good, or furniture and house decoration.
We do want to add new things, however we are also working on improving what is already in game. Nobody will argue that some basis of the game are flawed at the moment.

In the case of the crafting system, we really need to correct this bug. What brings up a good occasion of improving the whole system.

Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:35 pm
by blaah
Marjo wrote:Our tests in house proved that ...
any change of it appear to ats before live ? (assuming there still is ats ;-)

Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:19 pm
by tr808
Can u explain how i can lose materials if i dont craft anything? :confused:

I already feel pushed into foraging since i want to craft and i still feel u are pushing me more in to foragin this way.... for 20 minutes of crafting i need to forage a whole day...

Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:24 pm
by motan
Marjo wrote: ...
We do want to add new things, however we are also working on improving what is already in game. Nobody will argue that some basis of the game are flawed at the moment.
Far from saying no to fixing flawed game mechanics. But I would like to point out that what is really broken is PvP. Many of my friends left the game discouraged because of the lack of improvements in that area.