Ah, I see where the desire for an RP tag comes from then. If perhaps one in every hundred people you meet is willing to roleplay, then yes, I would be very much in favor of such a tag. I suppose I'm lucky I've never played any of those gamesroles3 wrote:it's better than just talking to people and having to sift through the smiley or l33t replies until you find a roleplayer

My experience in Ryzom is that we have a lot of 'semi-roleplayers', and that even a lot of the people who aren't roleplayers are still happy to play along with those who are. So I feel we don't really need such an RP tag here.
That's an improvement over having just "RPer" or "non-RPer", and would make me somewhat more welcoming to the idea.acridiel wrote:It´s even got Stages of RP: Like "casual Gamer", "Active in RP", "Active and looking for contact", "Not in the mood, come back later" and "Newbe RPGer, please help me."
But it still feels a bit forced. If there are 10 strangers standing at the stable, why would your character strike up a conversation with one of them (the one with the RP-tag on) and ignore everyone else?

I'm afraid I have to agree. I've met my share of RPers who don't only look down on non-RPers, but also look down on anyone who doesn't roleplay according to 'their standards'. Very bad for the image of roleplaying and still the reason why I hesitate to call myself a 'roleplayer' even though most would consider me one.tigrus wrote:Reason RPers get hated, is that they often express opinions or views on things that makes it seem like they look down on non RPers.
Luckily, I've found that to be very rare in Ryzom, which was a large part of the reason I enjoyed it here

She could always be serving the drinksjennaelf wrote:Jeziellia, as a character, would never sit in a pub, has trouble sitting still at all. Always has to be doing...