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Re: Dapper - Need more dapper sink?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:27 pm
by meloner
japamala wrote:I think mektoubs should simply be allowed to teleport.
that would spoil all the fun of cross countrying Atys, being chased by aggro, racing friends on foot... :)

@pavmelas : would become a bit of a problem for crafters if they get spammed with requests for equipment. And it'll be a pain in the a** for any player looking for a particular piece of equipment that not a lot of pple craft. vendors allow crafters to show off their work, even if most of the time the equipment is crap, at least you know who to ask for a decent shield or set of LA.

Re: Dapper - Need more dapper sink?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:39 pm
by mithur
pavmelas: History brings the money, since a very earlier stage of humanity, bacause was, simply, necessary. Is needed a long shot to make this an eco game, believe me, you'll not se the title "Wall Street Master" here xD.

The more I play the game, the more I see that there aren't so many people with hundreds of millions of dappers. Most people have little dapper. I've been playing 8 months and never have been in 2 mills. When I have enough money to cover expenses (Mainly tp and some gear), I buy mats to grind craft.

As I've said before... maybe dapper sinks could be good for multi-250 long-term players, who had time to earn a lot of money, or for that players who play 6 hours day, and make a lot of money.

But the standard player who plays about 15-20 hours/week will suffer a lot with dapper sinks like tp tickets increase. So, for dapper sinks, add new content, and make it very expensive. New gear, new weapons, maybe clothes, things like that.

But, for make a better economy, as I've said before, is needed make a better trade system. More accesible, easier, more long-term than a week.

Re: Dapper - Need more dapper sink?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:23 am
by iceaxe68
I like riding my mount, and wish more people had them and used them. But maybe that's because of my geography and history. (Descended from Texas ranchers and farmers since pre-industrial revolution)

It eats like a horse, though! (duh)

Now that I have a little cash saved up, I'll finally get seriously to work on my crafting, which just wasn't very doable before. (Don't really have the playing time available to grind away at digging mats for hour after hour.) And then the dappers will be gone and I'll go back to hunting for a while.

It's a nice cycle, I think. Keeps me from getting bored always doing the same thing.

For the most part, though, and for most people, the economy and dappers are really not very significant and not an important part of the game.

I would dearly miss vendors, though! Despite getting my "good" gear from my wonderful guildies, I also love to go on round the world shopping sprees trying out different outfits in different colors, accessorizing with different kinds of amps and weapons, and generally being all "mall rat". Most of you probably think that's silly, but hey, it floats my boat. I just wish there was more variety in things. (And I wish the "same" color from different lands didn't clash...) :p

Maybe an influx of shopaholics would drive the economy better...

Re: Dapper - Need more dapper sink?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:45 am
by iwojimmy
The bulk of players are in the EU and US timezones, but there are a few of us from other parts of the world - and players who work nightshifts or whatever - who simply arent on at the times the majority is.
We miss out on pretty much all the events, and a lot of the player interaction.. but at least we can buy gear from the vendors ;)

Dapper sinks need to be for "luxury" items, with necessities always affordable for the "low incomes"

Re: Dapper - Need more dapper sink?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:33 am
by roseh
Would be nice to have pure "flash and dazzle" dapper sinks in the game. As well as utilitarian ones. For instance, why can a player only have 1 apartment? Why can't we decorate our apartments as we want? Why can't we invite other homins to share a glass of mulled sap while sitting on a nice Ragus skin rug in front of a roaring fireplace? Why do we all have to wear the same 12 designs of armor? (yes, I know there are actually 36, but the low/medium/heavy grades don't differ sufficiently to be different enough). Why can't we have just some nice clothes to wear when we're inside the city limits protected by the guards and militias? Why can't we go to a bar and BUY said mulled sap bottles or glasses to drink with our fellow homins? The bars are there, just need an incentive to get the homins in them! Why can't we HIRE NPC bodyguards to follow us and keep us safe during a dangerous "safari" into the wilds? (Rich people DO go to dangerous areas you know. And they usually don't go alone, or with just some friends). Why can't we have larger/smaller apartments so that everyone can live somewhere according to their means? Speaking of dapper sinks, why aren't we charged rent/taxes on our property? You want a luxurious villa, be ready to pay for it in property taxes.

I can think of a billion more things that could be implemented that won't affect any of the existing game balance at all and would be great for RPers and monty haulers alike. (not very full of PvP sink ideas because I'm not very big on PvP, but I'm sure I could come up with a few given a few incentives :P )

Re: Dapper - Need more dapper sink?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:27 am
by katriell
roseh wrote:Why do we all have to wear the same 12 designs of armor? (yes, I know there are actually 36, but the low/medium/heavy grades don't differ sufficiently to be different enough).
72 possible combinations, not counting LQ/MQ/HQ. Counting those, 216 combinations. Plus, all armor can be made in five different colors (except for the NPC boss armors, which are of course fixed colors depending on which boss they came from). You don't have to wear an entire set of one type of armor.

For example: personally I think a Vestini skirt, a Tissan vest, Hoben or Fabren sleeves, no gloves, and Wiva boots (sandals), all in LQ blue, would comprise a good set of casual clothing.

Other than the clothing thing, I agree with all of Roseh's suggestions in that post.

Re: Dapper - Need more dapper sink?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:02 pm
by dakhound
I like the idea of mount tp (used to be possible). I think it should be really expensive tho (1m per tp)

I also want
bigger apartments with more options but I cant see this happening tbh.
Merchants in GH's who require paying weekly
the ability to have GH's in places other than the capitals,
digging bags - i.e larger bags that carry 1k but make it so you can only walk when its over normal capactiy, that way diggers can take a load of mats but it wouldnt be practical to use it as a mobile storage.

Re: Dapper - Need more dapper sink?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:48 pm
by japamala
Here's an Idea:

Rentable mektoub chariots.

basically a chariot (the ones you see empty all over the place) that has a very large storage capacity, that you pay to use for, say, 10 days, at the end of which, if it's not paid further, looses the mektoubs, and becomes imobile untill you rent another team.

Re: Dapper - Need more dapper sink?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:51 pm
by riveit
japamala wrote:Rentable mektoub chariots.

basically a chariot (the ones you see empty all over the place) that has a very large storage capacity,
That sounds like more of a cart than a chariot. :)

Re: Dapper - Need more dapper sink?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:52 pm
by ajsuk
Loving these last few suggestions. =)