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Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:53 am
by apolo
cant stop sad tho
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:55 am
by raven41
*sigh* So sad, People still arguing over this x.x
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:57 am
by apolo
not arguing just seeing that some people just disguise the reallity with thier propaganda

Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:00 am
by raven41
That wasnt aimed at you, you just posted faster then me

Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:06 am
by final60
moved post
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:11 am
by motan
forever wrote:I'd say the number of players in each faction is about even.
It comes down to who can get more of their members out to the battle field, some days it's the Kami and others the Karavan.
It may seem to you that we are many... but it's because some of us are good at it. Other than that, we are few.
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:38 am
by mrshad
Does the OP really think he will get an answer?
heh...get over yourself.
Even if GF were inclined to answer, how would they tell?
Number of people that did the Kami rite?
That wouldn't really be a good indicator of the numbers that show up for a battle, but it would be an accurate count, I suppose.
As far as the perrenial argument of which side can field the largest army, I am going to have to say it is cyclical. Yesterday it was Kara, for sure. Today in Maiden Grove, it was really pretty even; but I think once Kara took the OP, too many Kami quit (I might be wrong on that).
However, I have seen HUGE Kami ocean of red dots. In particular; the TS defense a couple of weeks ago, and when the Kami took Whirling the last time. I really think the sides are pretty close, but these past few days have been bad for Kami turnout.
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:26 am
by setstyle
wardone wrote:That is the who list after first wipe last night on soul op you will see kami numbered 60 people max (which is a good/average turnout for us)
Kara numbered in excess of 100
For those that say kami not outnumbered wake up
Did you forget that the Soul OP was forcibly won from the Karavaneers that so outnumber you? There have been spectacular showings from the Kamists in past battles that awarded them great victories. Have you heard much crap on the main forums when the Karavan forces lost? The numbers argument might come out a bit, but for the most part they took it on the chin, appreciated a good battle, and continued on unaffected. It's the Kamist losses, however, that we usually get crap about on the main forums in greater detail and with louder cries for sympathy, balance, and so on. Maybe if more time was spent on planning and gathering support, we would see a continued winning streak for the Kami. It's not our fault you didn't muster support for your outpost, so don't try blaming us.
The problem here isn't numbers, it's information and organization.
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:22 am
by raven41
setstyle wrote:Have you heard much crap on the main forums when the Karavan forces lost? The numbers argument might come out a bit, but for the most part they took it on the chin, appreciated a good battle, and continued on unaffected.
*Sorry but can't resist* Ofcourse they do, because they hold most of the OPs.
[Edit] Just a note- From my 1 hour of fighting with Kara for once, I did learn that Kara 'are' far more orginized in their battles, I never went more then 5 seconds without Sap, Where as with the Kami, Iv stood for so long that I regened enough to cast two or three more times. (without sitting) and that happens in almost ever battle I'v faught. [/edit]
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:54 am
by d29565
I wish you hadn't brought this to the forums DD.
We know just how many we were missing. We know that the oh, 5 or so that couldn't attend but normally do wont make much difference against 100+ or whatever it was at Riders as well. We also know that we've never had a force near to that large, at least not in the last few months.
The force we had when neXus took Whirling also included particpants that rarely or never partake in Outpost battles, but did because of negoations etc, we know this. We also know that the defense we had at Team Spirit was abnormal because, again there were people that have never and probably will never again participate in Outpost battles.
Really DD. You should have known all the crap you were going to hear when you made this post, this thread. You should have guessed that KA members would come here and call you a whiner, Kamis whiners because Kamis keep calling out the numbers card. You should have known they'd get defensive when it was pointed out to them the truth. Now that the mercenaries, and a few others i wont mention have left, Kamis can only muster those that are actually still playing.
DD, you should have known they would say that it is all in the Kamis organization and what not. But, I do remember a few battles recently that were very organized, it just seemed that the Kamis couldn't get on their own feet. Hm. Anyway.
DD, really though. You should know that it isn't about numbers. It's all about the ability to give out the most cats to newbies!
Hm.. I ran across a young guildless matisian in Majestic Gardens today. He was almost killed by a Baying Ragus near the Blights camp. I tossed him a heal, and he finished off the Ragus. He was of course amazed that he'd killed the Ragus, then he said, "6000xp!" Amazing. This young homin, wondering abouts in ragus and gingo infected forest, guildless and probably knowing only the other homins in Yrkanis, shouting out 6000xp. It took me a few moments to realize that he meant he had full 3000xp, with the addition of cats.
The moral of this story is: Kamis need to stop playing the numbers game. They need get out there and start recruiting like mad, giving out the tiny bit of cats available (because, none of the Kamis could get near to having alt ops and more than one op per guild). They need to find young homins that know not real skill, but only the 6k ding. Kamis! We need quantity of quality!
Really, stop complaining about the numbers. Recruit recruit recruit Kamis!
(i'm such a satirist).