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Re: Order of the Nameless

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:20 am
by slippery
*wonders if anyone gets paid to bump this thread every few weeks*

Re: Order of the Nameless

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:40 am
by targosz
slippery wrote:*wonders if anyone gets paid to bump this thread every few weeks*
*checks GH funds register - seems there isn't such info...might be used OotN's secret one tho...runs as fast as she can to spank Numaa or Lach- 2 mess-loving trykers.........*

Re: Order of the Nameless

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:19 am
by komissar
We are glad to welcome our wonderful new members:
Bowran - Sweden
Xanthas - Finland
Tyk - US
Ikob - US
Alion - UK

We are very glad to have you guys :D
Hope you will have a lot of fun with OOTN, welcome aboard :)

Re: Order of the Nameless

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:47 am
by eriu3
*wonders if Komissar tried to recruit those ppls the same as he tried with an other player yesterday* which i can tell you, is a pretty sad way to do things. Dont try it again Komi, or i'll prublice what you said.


Re: Order of the Nameless

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:14 am
by komissar
This must be a mistake, dear Fasi since I have tried to recruit noone yesturday.

I met a certain unguilded matis newcomer however and gave her some q50 cats. And when she told me that your guild members were telling her that karavan are now in possession of the majority of the outposts and have an upper hand at battles i told her it is alas not at all so, that karavan have been beaten at all of last OP fights that their numbers are less than kamis atm and that they possess fewer outposts (which she can see for herself in the corresponding thread). I told her Karavan dominated this server not so long ago but not anymore which is quite true, i hope you agree.

When she asked me about your guild I told her that it is a very kami guild full of nice people.

I have NOT tried to recruit her in the least (since we have enough new guildies atm) But i have advised her to choose carefully before joining a "side" because switching can be rather hard afterwards. I advised her to speak to several kamis and several karas before making a crucial decision.
I also told her that according to the lore Matis are usually kara aligned.

I do not see how this can classify as recruiting, it's just comon advice given by any player. I would ask you to not twist my words please. If you have screenies of MY dialogues with this member - go ahead and post them but in a different thread.

I humbly ask you not to start a flamewar i this thread mate. If you want to discuss it on main forums please do it in General section not here. It is best discussed in game through tells however.

I respect you Fasi and ask for same in return. Please do not jump to conclusions before you know what actually took place.


Re: Order of the Nameless

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:57 pm
by vim79
komissar wrote:This must be a mistake, dear Fasi since I have tried to recruit noone yesturday.

I met a certain unguilded matis newcomer however and gave her some q50 cats. And when she told me that your guild members were telling her that karavan are now in possession of the majority of the outposts and have an upper hand at battles i told her it is alas not at all so, that karavan have been beaten at all of last OP fights that their numbers are less than kamis atm and that they possess fewer outposts (which she can see for herself in the corresponding thread). I told her Karavan dominated this server not so long ago but not anymore which is quite true, i hope you agree.

When she asked me about your guild I told her that it is a very kami guild full of nice people.

I have NOT tried to recruit her in the least (since we have enough new guildies atm) But i have advised her to choose carefully before joining a "side" because switching can be rather hard afterwards. I advised her to speak to several kamis and several karas before making a crucial decision.
I also told her that according to the lore Matis are usually kara aligned.

I do not see how this can classify as recruiting, it's just comon advice given by any player. I would ask you to not twist my words please. If you have screenies of MY dialogues with this member - go ahead and post them but in a different thread.

I humbly ask you not to start a flamewar i this thread mate. If you want to discuss it on main forums please do it in General section not here. It is best discussed in game through tells however.

I respect you Fasi and ask for same in return. Please do not jump to conclusions before you know what actually took place.


"so you didnt say karavan are underdogs and are being treated bad by kamis who are trying to dominate the server" ? :(
hello Wake up dont lie to recruit
people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones

Re: Order of the Nameless

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:12 pm
by komissar
vim79 wrote:"so you didnt say karavan are underdogs and are being treated bad by kamis who are trying to dominate the server" ? :(
hello Wake up dont lie to recruit
people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones
No lol I didn't say that. Really interesting how words can be distorted when they go through several hands...

I did say that karavan have lately become the underdogs since they are less numerous now and lose battles and thus own less outposts. Everything else is the product of someone's imagination mate.

Again I repeat I DID NOT RECRUIT ANYONE. Speaking to a player is not necessarily recruiting. At least not with civilised people.

Please, dear person who won't show his name for some reason, have some decency not to flame in the guild tread. Want to flame - start a separate thread in general forums.

It's a pity we don't have "trolling" ban these days really...

P/S I advise you to think twice before accusing anyone of "lying"...

Re: Order of the Nameless

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:55 pm
by arfindel
Exactly the problem, dear Komisar, you didn't try to recruit, you tried to negative recruit for others.
No. 1 you warned the newbie to "think more" before joining a "radical" guild [defining "radical" would have been useful, mainly when you talk about a guild who rezes, teams, allies with kara guilds and who incidentally traded some times with your own guild].
No. 2 debatable but not interesting really, if you count the OPs and their owners the current situation is closer to even, rather than having anyone as underdog... but if you feel like underdog, and makes you happy ... whatever.

Now, the problem is bringing newbies to the politics and drama doesn't make them join faction A or faction B, but surely has a percentage of them leave game before knowing it.

Trust me, if you told the newbie: you're matis, join a matis guild, or just our guild is much more active, fun, <insert praise here> than X guild, come to us, would have been just fair. Negative recruiting is a sad action.

I am sorry I had to answer on your guild thread. Maybe let this die, and make a new guild one, copying the first post.
(oh and have screenies for everything I have asserted above, don't bother contradicting).

Re: Order of the Nameless

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:09 pm
by komissar
Oh well...
I won't dwell anymore into this. It's just another example of what faction drama does to people :(

just try not to spam our guild thread pls.
Want to talk about it - make a thread in general section...


Re: Order of the Nameless

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:41 pm
by daestny
Trolling guild threads is inappropriate behavior. Allegations of "unethical" recuiting belong in game or in PM's. Let's get back on topic and stop the troll like behavior.