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Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:47 am
by legokid
You speak of a sage dear Pero and I must say you impress me beyond words. Your knowledge is amazing.

I have read the words of Jena and Ma-Duk several times and even spoken to High Kami and Kigh Karavan and no were does it say Ma-Duk or Jena nor their followers are evil. Yet they wish you to follow them but why?

I have also asked of this and the reason lies below our feet, in the darkness, in the shadows, they are trying to protect us from the Dark Prince. Have we forgotten what he did Atys; known as Ma-Duks planet, the Karavans home, then ours.

How soon we forget about the evil that froze Atys, took us from our home, ruined the Karavans home and who knows how many others. Could the true peace on Atys lay in the Unity of the Homin Races? Time shall reveal all.

Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:23 am
by karmelit
danolt wrote:How many Zoari have even bothered to read the Resolutions of Ma-Duk and the Commandments of Jena or did they just choose to be followers of Ma-Duk because the cute little kami abducted, mutilated and brainwashed them as children?
I have of course read the commandments, but I do not believe they are true in every aspect. Take the claims that they are the ones who raise us back to life. Why then do they not fully restore their most devote followers? I believe it is an inherent power in Atys itself, and Atys pulls the poor homin who has been rendered unconsious by the trauma of his wounds. Atys raises the life force just enough to bring us back to consiousness, whereby we can regenerate. The Kami and the Karavan seem to have found a way to utilize this force, that's true.

And we were not abducted when we were small children. It is our pride that each Zoraï may show our venerance and faith in the kamis. Thus our parents were proud to let us go to them and recieve our holy masks. They knew we would return to them wearing a mask that show our true inner being.
Besides, how shameful would a Zoraï not be if he were not found acceptable to wear the mask?

Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:29 am
by kaetemi
It's called "The Revelations of Ma-Duk".

Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:32 am
by karmelit
A long time ago I raised the question of who the true creator is. I even asked if Ma-Duk and Jena are just demigods.

They both claim to be our father/mother. If that is the truth, would it not imply that in our current beliefs, Ma-Duk is father of the Zoraïs and the Fyros, and Jena the mother of the Matis and the Trykers?

Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:50 am
by pahya
Had the Fryos and Zorai worshiped Ma-duk since the begining of their history, perhaps that theory would work.