Rey and Prince die to Minyatur!

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Re: Rey and Prince die to Minyatur!

Post by tendeep »

korin77 wrote:While I understand your frustrations Ten, I think you should take this up with them privately. This thread was just their attempt to show the event that the gms have created. Lets stick to the topic. Congratz on your accomplishments Minyatur!. :)

I hope these events will be indications of things to come in the following days and I hope they will be held in every land and not just verdant heights.

Sure thing Korin, this will be my last post on this thread. Sorry if I offended anyone while arguing here. Just saw the opportunity to speak out so I took it.
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Re: Rey and Prince die to Minyatur!

Post by kisedd »

On a basic level the first post did turn me off a bit. I loved the screen shots. I certainly enjoy learning about the event. On a first read, it just kinda screamed "spin" to me. A lot of people helped with the invasion and by making it seem that their guild did all the important stuff, I felt was a disservice to the community as a whole. The poster has a giant ad as his signature that draws attention to his guild, I don't think he needed to blair out in the headlines how great his guild is or what they can do that others can't. I just don't think the general forums are a good place for guild propoganda.
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