Tryker Guardian title

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Re: Tryker Guardian title

Post by cloudy97 »

I suggest GM/Devs check where the rewards went, in case innocent is accused etc
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Re: Tryker Guardian title

Post by arfindel »

The good quality of the community is extremely important in Ryzom, maybe its best asset.
The community is good enough to defed themselves usually. But in this case game mechanics need to give objective data so that the community be able to defend .

Do not forget this is not the act of a mindless kid who just ninja looted, it's a humand brain clever ebnough to open a free account, offer the stolen goods on the bazaar and try to make a "business" out of it. So no excuse whatsoever.

Guilds need to be aware of and defend themselves of such behaviour players.
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Re: Tryker Guardian title

Post by stinky1 »

right i have no intension to bid for this post, but ive heard ppl have started to accuse me of summin ive supposedly done. if you wanna blame someone tell it to there face not cowar in the corner and get another homin to tell a guildie of mine about it to me. you lot are pathetic ppl like you ruin the game and yes who ever did loot has also contributed to it.
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Re: Tryker Guardian title

Post by amitst »

oops, miswrote
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Re: Tryker Guardian title

Post by amitst »

I bid 20000 mats
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Re: Tryker Guardian title

Post by camlost2 »

traderx wrote:i was able to loot the Tryker exterminator and was able to get guardian tryker title pieces. This is an auction for 1 of the materials gained from the loot.
Starting bid will be placed in grind mats and only grind mats Quality 250 basic or fine.
starting bid is 15,000 materials
Minimum increase will be at 5,000 mats
This will end Wednesday at 11.59PM Gmt
This is a once in a life time to obtain this title
I'll gladly buy one at any price, if you tell us who you are :)

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Re: Tryker Guardian title

Post by kibsword »

Is it not possible to kill him again?

If so I would be willing to offer my axe to aid in killing the beast when/if he respawns and I am avaliable. I would also do it for free, without the need for loot, instead letting it go to those who earned it in the first fight. Just let me know. Of course if we know who is responsible, we'll just not invite them :)


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Re: Tryker Guardian title

Post by maccer16 »

okies everyone had blamed whitefire for the ninja looting i kick`d him from KoO for the time being out of 9 people one gets blam`d to settle this i want a screenie of whitefire looting the kittin if not stop saying its him
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Re: Tryker Guardian title

Post by maccer16 »

xythus wrote:got screenshots of the person looting it, so please just hand them back and share, or they'll get released, thanks
plzz send me this screenies of whitefire looting to see if everyone is right
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Re: Tryker Guardian title

Post by kostika »

kibsword wrote:Is it not possible to kill him again?

If so I would be willing to offer my axe to aid in killing the beast when/if he respawns and I am avaliable. I would also do it for free, without the need for loot, instead letting it go to those who earned it in the first fight. Just let me know. Of course if we know who is responsible, we'll just not invite them :)
We are hoping to kill it again. So I may come find you.

Still this person who ninja-looted then lied about not having looted needs to fess up. He/she will get found out eventually anyhow.
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