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Re: Level cap on Starter Island
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:33 pm
by akicks
The level cap is not 21 on the island, but 21 for NON-Paying Subscribers.
Stop moaning, and pay for the game.
If you pay for the game you CAN finish the quests, you CAN kill the mobs, and you CAN get over level 21.
The only people I can see being frustrated by this are people who wanted to play on the ruins of silan forever for free.
Re: Level cap on Starter Island
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:34 pm
by rothimar
For the love Atys, how many of these threads do we need?? My fingers are getting tired from trying to keep up with 467 different threads on any given topic.
Those two posts pretty much sum up my take on this.
Re: Level cap on Starter Island
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:43 pm
by ummax
Maybe there are several threads because people are trying to say something important and dont want this company to make a huge mistake hehe
If people are that opinionated on the issue do you not think that possibly the new players bringing this up have something valid to say?
sorry i can't sleep and these threads keep scrolling to the top with new replies they seem they are all yours hehe so I guess for the time being I am following you. About to stop honest and I will see you ingame.
Honestly though its obvsiously an issue with some controversy behind it. If people didn't think it was such a problem they would not say anything. The minute i saw it i went eep this is not good and instead of subscribing for a year i am going to subscribe for 1 month only because I am not sure of the impact this is going to have on the new subscriber base and ultimately the health of this game.
(I usually pay for a year.. maybe I am cheap but still I am a person who is paying carefully and making a decision based on what I see and this is what I see)
Re: Level cap on Starter Island
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:46 pm
by ummax
akicks wrote:The level cap is not 21 on the island, but 21 for NON-Paying Subscribers.
Stop moaning, and pay for the game.
If you pay for the game you CAN finish the quests, you CAN kill the mobs, and you CAN get over level 21.
The only people I can see being frustrated by this are people who wanted to play on the ruins of silan forever for free.
See here this atttitude doesn't help and its usually well means you have nothing really important to say but think you should say something.
oh and i paid and i'm new and i'm saying this for other reasons and nope i didn't intend to play for free I subscribed about 2 days before I had intended because I was going to use a pay cheque. However " i would not have ever subscribed if the level cap was 21" because i would not have had a good idea if the game was decent or not. Maybe you have more money to throw around but I dont,, sorry.
Re: Level cap on Starter Island
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:04 pm
by iwojimmy
ummax wrote:Maybe there are several threads because people are trying to say something important and dont want this company to make a huge mistake hehe
didnt work for PvP
Re: Level cap on Starter Island
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:09 pm
by calel
iwojimmy wrote:didnt work for PvP
Re: Level cap on Starter Island
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:54 pm
by grimjim
iwojimmy wrote:didnt work for PvP
Did work for some aspects of it. Like Spires.
Re: Level cap on Starter Island
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 6:23 pm
by triprech
iwojimmy wrote:didnt work for PvP
this is vastly different from a pvp rework - this would be an easy change for the devs to make and would not effect the progression of the game or its character - only would make if FAR more likely that new folk would stay to come into the game.
Everyone who keeps saying that anyone who would want to go beyond 21 is a freeloader is simply ignorant. (btw, i use that term according to its denotation, not as a slur or attack).
thanks for listening,
Re: Level cap on Starter Island
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 7:42 pm
by naratuul
triprech wrote:
Everyone who keeps saying that anyone who would want to go beyond 21 is a freeloader is simply ignorant. (btw, i use that term according to its denotation, not as a slur or attack).
thanks for listening,
Thats why I think they should just give you a time limit,( say 100 hours logged into the game) without a level cap. 100 hours of play should be more than enough to make up your mind one way or another. And to those that say well people stay logged on and 100 hours would go by too fast- these are the "freeloaders" that hurt system performance- the ones that stay logged on yet aren't paying...
Re: Level cap on Starter Island
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 7:48 pm
by johntf
100 hours is like a whole months casual play thats a bit much.