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Re: Wish List

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:15 am
by grimjim
100 scenery per act.
Fix the tell window bug that came in with R2.
GM to have compass and target window available.
The Ring rewards? (crystals)

Re: Wish List

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:54 pm
by cloudy97
I like the Scenery Object Interaction but want to boost it a little by letting it start "Give/Request Item Task Step"-missions.

Example 1: The adventurers finds a fragment of a map in a tent of a deserted camp, and need to find two more pieces until they can find the place marked on the map.

Example 2: A camp is on fire and the adventurers need to extinguish it using water from a pond. Clicking on a water bucket near the pond starts the mission and "delivering" it to the fires ends the water.

(Both these missions can easily be done for solo adventures with the existing tools, but can get mixed up with multiple players)

Re: Wish List

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:53 pm
by kokunze
My wishes:

- getting rid of the "tell-bug"!

- improve stability of the ring! (It seams to crash at least one time, everytime i host a scenario)

- more detailled zone queries. (how much and what kind of objects are inside a zone) for Ex. "If zone XY has n / more than n / less than n players / npcs / mobs, then ..."

- logical conjunctions (AND, OR, NOT), for Ex.: "If XY OR YZ, then ...", "If XY AND NOT YZ, then ..."

- the ability of create real items like weapons, armor, jewels, etc and define their Abilities. BUT if a player leaves the scenario these special items must be lost. They shall be only for the scenario itself, where they are created.

- Replace Objects and Groups without having to rewrite all the sequenzes and events, connected to it.

- Counters and basic maths. (means a counter object, +, -, *, /, =, <, >, !=) for Ex.: "If ... then increase counter XY by 1", "If counter XY > 5 then ..."

- Quests for every single player. So that the quest can be done by each player exactly one time.

- Possibilities to differ between events concerning all players and events concerning only a special player.

- Queries about positions of NPC's, means: "Is NPC XY inside zone YZ, then..."

- More detailled commands for npc's / mobs, for Ex.: "If ... then attack YZ!"

- more interaction possibilities between adventure master and players. (healing, directly damaging or teleporting players)

Re: Wish List

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:12 pm
by grimjim
Please make it so we can fight the Kami/Karavan again please, or have them clobber each other. It would be much appreciated, particularly for machinama.

Re: Wish List

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:54 pm
by cloudy97
One more vote for the ability to Spawn Object (especially Environment Effects)

Re: Wish List

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:58 pm
by grimjim
The other micro environment effects from particular lands. (Zorai ghosts etc).

Compass in AM mode.

Control Creature - Speak. Boxes to close once you stop using speech through that critter.

Re: Wish List

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:25 pm
by therius
I do hope that they implement some type of reward system, whether this be from monster drops of their normal variety, or even an item creation system that allows the making, or even the placing of pre made items that are appropriate to level. Even if, say, you were allowed to make new items. One could craft a sword for example. This new sword could be limited so as not to create rediculousness by things such as making it useable only by an individual who has a skill level appropriate to the level of the sword. For example, if the sword is a two hand verison, and it is 200q, and created in an instance where the mission level is 200, the player who recieves the award would not be able to nuse it unless they had a two hand fighting skill of 190 or so. Also, only allow the creation and oplacement of items relative to the mission level. No 250q items in a lvl 50 ring for example. Another way to add to this would be to make the items from the ring rewards, other than normal mats of course, untradeable. Just a small wish, but one that i think could add a near endless amount of flavor to the world.
Be safe Atys,

Re: Wish List

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:48 am
by arfindel
More publicity maybe... somebody yesterday just told me "what a pitty you cannot import your character there and have to make a new one"

Who on Atys is spreading such "folklore". Of course you can go in the Ring with your character, your top gear and all your skills.

And maybe written documentation doesn't help much, MMO community is not a huge reader one, making regular and often CSR events in Ring will indeed show the power of it to most of the players. The rest is mouth to ear information but at least correct info.

Re: Wish List

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:08 pm
by meloner
-Friend list shows all offline ....Instead of waiting for hours till someone decides to show up id like to actually invite my friends by sending pm's to them.

-been said before but a reward system would be just great ! !
-cut throats with guns :)
-choice of black and white armor color for npc's over lvl 200
-waving/burning/living/electric weapons for warriors/armsmen/guards etc over lvl 200

Re: Wish List

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 6:24 am
by latius
I'd like more control over the graphics/environmental aspects. For instance:

-property-level control over the weather, with the ability to cue masterless weather changes (for dramatic effect, for instance - well placed rainstorms and what not would be very nice)

-ability to change the ambient color for dramatic effect

-access to sounds, allowing for another layer of detail

For Ring to succeed it's going to need to allow user's - of all skill levels - to produce -original- work that has a clear and distinctive feel. By adding in the above cinematic elements (and others, I'm sure :D ) you not only allow people the freedom of their own arrangement of models, dialogues and sequences, you allow them to shape it with more artistic control. The interface and logic already lend themselves to a cinematic approach - we even use the term: "acts."

An example of this use would be, as mentioned above, control over ambient lighting. A red hue during a climactic battle or when a good tribal chief dies when his son poisons him. Adventurers are standing in a small, twisted forest grove as a storm kicks in, a strange darkness settling and the sounds of predators - unseen - all around them. There may even be some success in making it a visceral experience and allowing for a tremendous diversity in finished works. Signature styles would develop, and you have a truly groundbreaking system.

I find the scenario construction to be very versatile. Using the activate/deactivate events you can even build logic into it, allowing for some pretty complex interactions between the NPCs and the environments. I just hope a little more thought is put into allowing people to not only prepare the actors, but to set the stage as well.