danolt wrote:What would the neutrals be fighting for?
How would it be different then what is already offered by either faction?
As a side note Jyudas has already described what faction the samasara lean and placed it in the official lore.
'The fearless leader of our mercenary band feels a little differently to me, most of us will side with the Kami when push comes to shove, of which I am sure you will approve, but it takes a little less shoving to make Kostika see their side."
http://chronicles.ryzom.com/?page=news& ... n=&id=1324
I think these links go bad when they update the chronicles, this comes from "A Tangled Web" currently on page 23.
Consider the age of that post and how many in game years and events have passed since then eh? There's a good idea.
What would neutrals fight for? Well that depends on the neutral in question.
* Freedom from the Powers.
* Nationalism.
* Against expansionism or imperialism.
* For a few dappers more.
* Heretical religious belief.
* A free and fair prime roots.
* To 'take over' an area.
* To 'clip the wings' of fanatical followers of either side.
All manner of things.
Neutrals have lost access to all 250 areas and all access to the PR apart from via nexus and running to the portals.
I don't want to take part in factionalised PvP personally, but I think the option should be there. I don't really see why people object so strongly to neutrals having access to some sort of compensatory freedom or the capability to play to their role.
I would envision the potential neutral PvP tag as being one vulnerable to, and capable of smacking, both factions.
Another thing that should be done IMO would be restoring access to the 250 towns.
I agree though that actions in PvP should result in fame changes based on the fame of the people you kill, increases in the groups that hate them, decreases in the groups that love them. Minor changes considering how many kills can go off in battles but changes nonetheless.
And hey, if you don't like us fighting for the kami more often... *points at sig* the ball remains in your court.
Lore in games isn't a script to be slavishly followed, it's a context into which your character was born, a starting point from which to develop. The same way your reading of a certain poem might change according to your understanding of when it was written, or according to things that have happened to you providing different meaning.
EG: We started out sort-of Kami with a laissez fare/pragmatic attitude to their veneration (as per Fyros lore) while distrusting the Karavan due to their nature as described in the lore. Various events, most especially the temple event, showed the Kami to by hypocritical and the Karavan to be as bad, if not worse, than they'd already been painted prompting the shift to an even more neutral position. Development through experience.