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Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:28 am
by borg9
I have had a similar discussion with my friend on the subject of 'Content'...

I have been playing/testing the game since Open Beta1.
I was a FBT from week 2.
I played the Final Beta.
I had a 2 week break... and bought the retail.
I am now in to my second week of Retail Play.

So thats me.

I can't seem to get from anyone what they 'really' mean by content.

So I can only comment on what I think of as content.....

The game has:

A 4 class skill system - that works
It is unrestricted - you can progress in all 4 classes if you wish.
Fighter/Magic User - can be started without creation packs or shop bought starter packs.
Game items are player made - due to the properties of the mats, your equipment can be customised to EXACTLY match you requirements. Eg Healer Staff, Armour that aids dodging. Swords that hit Slow and with high damage or Fast and with lower damage.

There are basic tasks that allow money to be generated.
There are basic tasks that allow you to become 'Famous' getting you a better response from other tribes/peoples.

We have the Kami/Karaven mystery to solve!

I have not heard that any guild has bought a Guild Building - so this is a major goal to work toward.

Has any guild tried to control an outpost yet?

To me the above alone is enough to keep me busy for a few weeks/months.

The above is just scratching the bark of the tree of life!

I have been playing for over 6 months, with many character restarts.

My conclusion, but not the end of the subject:

If I was to stand and kill cloppers for 3 hours, non-stop, I would be bored!
If I was to forage for 3 hours, non-stop, I would be bored!
If I was to craft for 3 hours, non-stop, I would be bored!

But I don't do the above!

I have set some goals..... I have added the 'content' to the game! The content that I am being told is missing.

I quest myself to get a nice set of armour....

I could easily go and buy it from a player.

But that would shortcut my quest.

So first I need to forage the mats. This means exploring the lands to find just the right ones. This is a subquest in its own right!

Now suddenly the 3 hours of harvesting to get them is not a chore.... its fun....I will be part way to getting my armour.

Now I need to make it......

This continues untill I have my new armour.

But as I make the quests, I decide when to have other quests.

Example quests
Make Friends
Make Items
Reach an import level (eg Find Supreme Mats in forage level 35)
Explore the world.

My point is this is such a 'non-linear' game there is 'nothing' you need to do. It is very similar to 'real-life'! You can choose to be bored, you can choose to do something, you can choose to do nothing.

Linear games are great, but are five minute wonders!
Ryzom has an end - but we won't see it for another 8 years!

Ask youself a question - are you say there is no content because you want more or is it you haven't seen all the content that is truely in the game.

Some people have been through all the maps (in early FBT most of them weren't populated!)

Some people have seen all the mobs! but these mobs learn and the AI is improving as the devs learn!

But have you? Do you want to?

So there you are. Its just my point of view.

I have played for 6 months and am as enthusiastic today as when I first realised how flexible it is.


ok so lets see your view points.

(I am not personally attacking any individuals, I want to understand what the content is that needs to be added)

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:35 am
by ayne31
mboeing wrote:Well not sure where you live. But here we have no scenery like i find in Ryzom. And to find such things I would have to travel far. I can enjoy the scenery in Ryzom as much as I can enjoy a documentary about other countries in TV. And that makes me sad? Well be it so.

Its not as if I haven't traveled the world to experience such things first hand. But those occasions offer themselfes only 1-2 weeks a year to me.
Time for the "Discovery Channel Online-Game" then - have fun with it!

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:35 am
by mafioso
fnarr69 wrote:If you want to go on epic quests or kill uber boss mobs, then it's probably not going to be your thing. Each to their own.
Hmm...You're wrong here...Ryzom does have uber mobs walking around. You just gotta know where they're hiding. The easiest uber mob to FIND is the goaketh north of Pyr! 1024 dmg so watch your back :)
Ryzom doesn't have quests yet but I think they will implement that in the near future. Just be patient! :)

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:39 am
by borguk
Ive decided to wait for patch 1 and 2, I think they will contain the content that I have been looking for. In the mean time I wil just play for a couple of hours and then do DoW or PS.

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:43 am
by mboeing
borg9 wrote:I have not heard that any guild has bought a Guild Building - so this is a major goal to work toward.

Has any guild tried to control an outpost yet?
Just to update you on these 2. The guild Evolution bought a guild building (aka appartment) on sunday October the 3rd. Its nicely located in Fair Haven at Lorias Rise. If you want to take a look at it contact me and I make you a temporary member of my guild.

Outpost Control is not possible yet. At least I couldn't find a way to even start towards that goal anywhere.

Time for the "Discovery Channel Online-Game" then - have fun with it!
I do. And very much so.

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:47 am
by hivewasp
borg9 wrote:I have not heard that any guild has bought a Guild Building - so this is a major goal to work toward.

Sky's guild did.

borg9 wrote:My conclusion, but not the end of the subject:

If I was to stand and kill cloppers for 3 hours, non-stop, I would be bored!
If I was to forage for 3 hours, non-stop, I would be bored!
If I was to craft for 3 hours, non-stop, I would be bored!

But I don't do the above!

I have IRL friends who play the game, and it's getting tricky to satisfy everyone with what to do and keep a similar level of skills... not a big issue with the way the game handles xp in fight, but the forage/craft part is mostly solo even though grouping is a viable alternative for forage.
borg9 wrote:Explore the world.

One of the best part of the contents is exploration, and reaching other civilisations for the first time; downside of this is again when you have IRL friends who decided to play a different race, so we're playing separately and will have to find a way to reach each other :D

I think the people who ask more contents are refering to the encyclopedia, the quests (most probably encyclopedia linked), the invasions, etc... the stuff that was presented as being unique to Ryzom. While others might expect stuff that is more generic to MMORPG's: Dungeons, Ubermobs with Uberloot... this second category might not be the best thing to add to Ryzom, even if I think a few unique places would add some flavour to the game, there is always the issue of camping (not a game issue, but a player issue... EQ conditionning and brainwashing worked a tad too well).

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 12:25 pm
by webbear
ayne31 wrote:Again: this is NOT the reason should play a game for.

Contemplation and admiring the beauty of nature is better found in REAL LIFE (only in case one has a RL of course )

You know, my cats usually ly on a carpet in front of the window in my home-office while I play (there so social :) ) and when I take a break I certainly do NOT stare at the screen admiring the landscape and loosing my heart on a yubo.

I open the window to get a fresh breeze of autumn air and cuddle my cats before I return to the game. And then its all again about harvesting, crafting, missions, mobs, fame, danger, death. And its all THAT stuff I want from a game, implanted in a virtual world that offers me a reason to do so and gives me some hints where my actions could lead to - and thats what I call content.

Not a RL sunset scene clumsily transferred to 0s and 1s
ayne31. Do you think your the only person that has RL or something?

I'm sure you enjoy your cats and breezy autumn days and I'm pleased for you. But please don't asume that people don't have lives because they're talking about how beautiful the environment is on Atys.

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 12:26 pm
by borg9
Gratz to Sky's Guild - Outposts are you next step then :P

I agree that craft is a solo activity - but the current system soon to be changed means - that the actual time spent 'crafting' is very low.

The ql50 shop mats worries me - I reached level 150 using ql50 gen mats in the FBT in a few days. I have heard that there is a quest in Matis which pays 100k for 3 items which means that the 'dapper' part of the Ryzom economy is already of no worth. With the removal of the 'brake' on crafting - I predict the following.

Harvesters will speed level crafting - to gain the focus/will to power level - Harvest
Fighters will speed level crafting - to gain the HPs needed to power level - Fight
Magic users will speed level crafting - to gain the HPs needed to power level - Magic
Item values will crash and it will be hard to spot true crafters.

I can see people hit levels real fast (within a week of this comming patch!)

We will see

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 12:42 pm
by mboeing
borg9 wrote:Gratz to Sky's Guild - Outposts are you next step then :P

The ql50 shop mats worries me - I reached level 150 using ql50 gen mats in the FBT in a few days.


And I am with you on this. I was shocked when I read the patchnotes. Crafting was fine as it was. The few people whining that crafting was such a bother to lvl didn't understand a thing. =(

Now being lvl 70 crafter means nothing anymore. lvl 150 in a few days? With the right amount of dappers, and I know a few that have >2m it will be a matter of a day or 2.

Oh well, time to save up again (you can guess where all my money went)

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 12:45 pm
by borguk
borg9 wrote:Gratz to Sky's Guild - Outposts are you next step then :P

I agree that craft is a solo activity - but the current system soon to be changed means - that the actual time spent 'crafting' is very low.

The ql50 shop mats worries me - I reached level 150 using ql50 gen mats in the FBT in a few days. I have heard that there is a quest in Matis which pays 100k for 3 items which means that the 'dapper' part of the Ryzom economy is already of no worth. With the removal of the 'brake' on crafting - I predict the following.

Harvesters will speed level crafting - to gain the focus/will to power level - Harvest
Fighters will speed level crafting - to gain the HPs needed to power level - Fight
Magic users will speed level crafting - to gain the HPs needed to power level - Magic
Item values will crash and it will be hard to spot true crafters.

I can see people hit levels real fast (within a week of this comming patch!)

We will see
I should say that by tonight the Rulers of Atys should have a guild hall in Yrkansis (10million dappers), I thought a million dappers for an apartment was something I might get when I had nothing better to do. But that 100000 dapper mission for melee crafters (renews every 2 hours) means you could afford one in 2 days easily.