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Re: For the first time in a long time....

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:32 pm
by simein
iphdrunk wrote:
If I remebre correctly.. Raynes got some bad reputation amongst several players for RPing a Kami extremist in the Prime Roots as well. .
I got a bad rep simply because some players didn't like me. I think I actually killed 3 ro 4 players but the way some made it out, it was like I was going into the roots on a regular basis and killing people randomally.

Some of the things I used to do...

Organize events where a group of us would go kill a Karavan supporting NPC tribe. I had us killing the AntiKamis one week, the Master of the Goo the next.

I'd go to the Matis capital and yell a bunch of stuff on chat, then proceed to wipe out the green seed camp several times.

There was one time someone had a wedding. I beleive it was a Zorai marring a Matis. So I went and talked about how he was a disgrace to the Zorai and should have his mask ripped off.

There was another event where the people who rp'd the Karavan side of things worked with me to act out the killing of a major guild figure in the middle of a "peace" conference.

Here are the links to the threads about them if you care to read: ... ght=raynes ... ght=raynes ... ght=raynes

And my pms are on.

Re: For the first time in a long time....

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:51 pm
by desertt
i dont know you but it is nice to know you chose zorai :)

Re: For the first time in a long time....

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:55 pm
by eschiava
Hmmm, seeing as Miyann is a Matis Karavan worshiper I suspect she might not get along incredibly well with your character should they meet.

I can hardly wait! :D I love RP conflict, it is what makes games such as these fun for me!

Re: For the first time in a long time....

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:59 pm
by iphdrunk
simein wrote:Here are the links to the threads about them if you care to read:

Omg one year already :D and thanks ! there was the name of my mortal enemies, Ifritan of Shadowclan, the fyrosian !

oh.. memories... so close but yet a year ago....

ps: A pity Fyrx and Saiwin are no longer playin :(

Re: For the first time in a long time....

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:37 am
by vguerin
simein wrote: Some of the things I used to do...
Ah, this list is the tip of the iceberg... Welcome back Kami lovin' scum !

Re: For the first time in a long time....

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:07 am
by tylarth
Oooo a Kami who may actually have a reasonable arguement, and not just rattle off the balance for balances sake line.

Re: For the first time in a long time....

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:23 pm
by alibasil
tylarth wrote:Oooo a Kami who may actually have a reasonable arguement, and not just rattle off the balance for balances sake line.
Wot you trying to say Aaj? need i remind you of my forum smackdown on your "Jena is our savior" post? :p

ooc: just after typing that i suddenly thought... what happened to savior? has anyone seen or heard from him? Does anyone even remember him?

Re: For the first time in a long time....

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:26 pm
by bf649ztp
Ah Raynes, hi. I err have your old char name on one of my spares, IF, you want it back, i'd be happy to let you have it. If you don't..meh, i won't use it anyway. I used it once and got more than one evil glare.


H.O. Nexus

Re: For the first time in a long time....

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:40 pm
by simein
bf649ztp wrote:Ah Raynes, hi. I err have your old char name on one of my spares, IF, you want it back, i'd be happy to let you have it. If you don't..meh, i won't use it anyway. I used it once and got more than one evil glare.


H.O. Nexus

LOL!!!!! Yes that name tends to carry some heavy weight. I don't need it back, I have a new character now. :)