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Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:20 pm
by katriell
I was thinking of making a text file that says exactly what semi/high means for the Dragonblades, and asking Spriteh to link to it in our RP stance on the list. Maybe other guilds could do something like that.

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:30 pm
by sprite
I asked someone in Wanderlust yesterday (I forget who, so sue me) what their guild fame window said; it was currently Kara/Neutral (or neutral/Matis... again, sue me :p ) but either way, they had decided to work to Kara/Matis
sidusar wrote:With so many guilds setting their RP-stance to either none/semi or semi/high, maybe you should define 5 stances instead of 3 :p
Blame Kyerna! She wrote it :p


Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:55 pm
by ghyselsj
I guess Melinoe would best be described as Semi RP... although we have no set rules. Some people RP a little, other more, others not at all. Totally up to the player. (As long as you agree that all Kami Scum must die. ;) )

And DollyDagger is currently our leader due to Loomas being busy with RL.

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:40 am
by vguerin
ghyselsj wrote:And DollyDagger is currently our leader due to Loomas being busy with RL.
Leave Loomas tagged as leader... Loomas's newborn and RL has him busy ATM... we changed lead to activate the citizenship stuff and haven't made changes to anything else yet and not planning to ATM.

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:06 am
by kgrieve
Eleytheria are [Non-RP]

Although we have several Role-Players, me included, there is very little RP. Guild chat has included best drummers and guitarists, foraging locations, job hunting and advice on bread making.

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 10:22 pm
by rzariz
*Tosses Rice in celebration to everyone*

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 6:11 am
by raven456
Not sure we should really add ourselves because we only plan to be a temp guild (I'll explain below) but for what it's worth;

Emperor's Fist (RavenZahadoom) Fryros/neutral (may go Kami)
Non-RP (altho RP is allowed :) ) mainly as a warm up guild.

Ok why a temp guild? Well I have made this guild with about 7 mates that all joined at the same time. Soon as we came to the mainland it was obvious that most guilds were looking for/accepting new members. We all got nice invites. But we feel we need a better feel for the game before commiting to a larger, more esstablished guild. There for we have come to the plan that this guild will run somewhere from 1 to 3 months to
1. Let us all lvl together (with people of similar lvl in largeish groups)
2. Better judge of the playing field (for when we all make the move into a bigger guild)
3. Not get in the way of all this outpost wars when it's still so very heated :P

This doesn't mean tho we want to be on our own. We are VERY welcome to hunts with pro fyros guilds (of any citizen ship) altho not sure if we will hunt with kara yet (again don't know exactly how that works.. tabo to hunt with enemy? or many it's not even possible to team with them?) we are also open to learning things. We have found the community to be extreamly helpful to us and even other newcomers, that we have seen. We really think this is cool, so we are not trying to say hey we don't need your help.. sure we do.. we are new :)

But the underline thing is.. we such a close community and the politics I can already see (not a bad thing) it would be best for us to get a feel for the game.

Also when I said my friends and I made this guild, I didn't mean it's only open to us. Any new guys are welcome as long as they don't mind becoming a fyros citizen. Maybe you have the same aim as us? to feel out the game before really picking a path. You could say we are a stepping stone guild.
Just contact me in game via a /tell or a mail if your interested.

Hehe I hope this is the right place for this :)


Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:30 pm
by sprite
raven456 wrote:Hehe I hope this is the right place for this :)
Just as long as you tell me if/when you disband the guild :)

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:20 pm
by komissar
Hi all
Well there is one more rather old guild that is still alive and running.

GL = Grusper, Faction = Karavan, Ops- none, Role-play=somewhat

It is me and not them posting here just because I am a good friend of theirs and see it as a shame that such a fine name is being covered up with sands of time...

Re: List of Guilds

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 4:22 pm
by ariwen
I was told last night, too frustated to post that the reason ppl really dont want to support us is we are Classified as Nuetral, even thou we are on the list of Karavan guild.

So to everyone playing we are more nuetral then Karavan, so we cant be counted on because we really havent chosen side.

This is just wrong, they need to add something to the list and not call us nuetral just because some of us dont wat to run around with our pvp flag on, nor do some of us want to get into role playing.

WE are a Karavan guild!!, we dont wanted to be listed as a role playing guild. Although we do have member who do RP.