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Re: Faulse Declarations? o.0

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:45 pm
by richky
final60 wrote:Whats Rp about faulse declaring war over and over? It would be more RP to fight for the outpost no?
Why is fighting more RP than making an alliance for mutual defence?

Re: Faulse Declarations? o.0

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:45 pm
by drcole22
Why can't you just defend other Guilds ops the old fashioned way Kostika?

This seems a little low for an old time player in an old time Guild.

You, should be setting examples of fair play.

Re: Faulse Declarations? o.0

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:48 pm
by catfud
ambika wrote:Duh. :p I'm not for false declarations.
I know i was just having a little dig at other ppl ;)

Re: Faulse Declarations? o.0

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:49 pm
by marct
I must say false declarations are very very POOR. You have a fair opportunity to declare your defense period in a timeframe that is suitable to you.

The idea of outposts is to use your diplomacy and power to maintain control of a somewhat limited resource. It is not intended for someone to have been the first to click, for the same reasons you dislike an ill-timed attack, it is very poor to bend the rules thereafter so that no one can challenge you.

I too will look for the post, not to mention sending a ticket requesting that this be considered an exploit.


P.S. Increase the cost as your number of unfulfilled battles goes up!!!
Fist battle 400k, second 2 million, third 10 million, fourth 20 million. And, btw each fulfilled battle only moves you down one slot in declaration fee.

Not that you can't get around this too. I think it is jest very poor sportsmanship, similar to the holiday things... Although, Atys has no holidays to my knowledge.

Re: Faulse Declarations? o.0

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:51 pm
by marct
and btw, mutual defense does not mean falsly attacking your outpost, it means mutual defense!!!

You really know better, what a sad day it is.

Re: Faulse Declarations? o.0

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:05 pm
by richky
marct wrote:and btw, mutual defense does not mean falsly attacking your outpost, it means mutual defense!!!

You really know better, what a sad day it is.
I was referring to the previous poster's statement about fighting being more RP than diplomacy. I was not making any statement concerning the legitimacy of the tactic.

Re: Faulse Declarations? o.0

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:08 pm
by final60
richky wrote:Why is fighting more RP than making an alliance for mutual defence?
Its more Roleplay then what they are doing currently.
In my opinion only guilds that can defend themselves from attacks from other guilds, deserve to own an outpost!

Re: Faulse Declarations? o.0

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:08 pm
by akm72
This is only necessary (and possible) because attacking guilds don't have to risk anything to declare war. 400k dapper is peanuts to even an individual high lvl digger, a guild with a few good diggers can raise that money in minutes. Increase the attackersÂ’ costs and this wouldn't be a viable strategy - and the number of opportunist attacks would go down making it less necessary anyway.

Re: Faulse Declarations? o.0

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:18 pm
by final60
Just noticed i spelt False wrong, doh

Re: Faulse Declarations? o.0

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:20 pm
by scott23
kostika wrote:Find me the post and I'll believe that. If a GM comes to me and says its an exploit, I'll stop. Sorry but I never read such a thing and I have been keeping close track of the op forum posts.

This isn't the real world.
If you cant hold the OP you want why not go grab yourself a lil 50 one somewhere near pyr, this way you will have no worrys about people attacking you..

as for declearing war agaist each other to hold a post.. this wont last for ever, there will be a time where you just wont be able to make it on time..

selfishness comes into mind when i think of your guild anyways kostika, always has been always will be, your not a guild.. nothing but money grabbing, exploiting cons..

grow up and stop using exploits because you canny hannel it...