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Re: Q&A Round XVI - Answers Published
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:40 am
by marct
sprite wrote:To be fair, neutrals will still lose about 18 (excluding PR, and not sure how many tryker ones offhand)
But, place your bets now where the 2 newly added neutral TPs will be
Yes, But you forget so easily that once the spires are in, the Kami and the Karavan will each lose access to about half of the TP's that they could use.
If the Kami control the spire in the region, the Karavan followers cannot TP into the region. And same goes the other way.
I wonder how far off those spires are?
Re: Q&A Round XVI - Answers Published
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:46 am
by iwojimmy
So, once the changes come into effect, the Nexus Tps will be available.. but neutrals will not be able to get PR tickets again.. I guess its a good thing I havent started working PR digging, as Im not going to be able to risk using the tickets I have
Not being able to teleport into purple zones isnt a big change, apart from GoC, although it will be a nuisance for respawns. But excluding Neutrals from the PR is a dirty tactic with the effect of punishing players who arent following Nevraxs simplistic bipolar factions.
Im regretting that my subscription went through a couple of days ago, Im having to reconsider whether I want to be a part of where they are forcing us to go.
Re: Q&A Round XVI - Answers Published
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 5:05 am
by sehracii
There are many alters just outside portals into the PR that neutrals will be able to use for access. We're not used to considering them because we've never been able to use them before.
How much they will alleviate the PR access issue I'm not sure. I don't have a feel yet for what zones they go into and what dig spots are close by.....
Re: Q&A Round XVI - Answers Published
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:49 am
by oldmess
richky wrote:You might want to go back and read more carefully

A neutral guild has the least amount of flexibility. It will only allow neutral members. At least aligned guilds can have aligned and neutral members

I told you I must have read it too quickly. Thanks. That does make a difference.
I'm really trying to stay upbeat about all these changes, but so many limits in what used to be a such an open game. My guild is mostly Matisians, so to avoid limiting themselves too much, they'll now probably choose to become Matis citizens. So, I have 3 choices:
1. Become a Matis citizen to gain access to advance rites (rather not, my RP is closer to a Tryker attitude than a Matis)
2. Stay neutral and not get access to any advanced rites (I guess for now, this is OK since I don't know what those rites are, but they might be something cool and this way I'm outta luck)
3. Quit and join a Tryker guild to gain access to those advance rites (I like my friends and don't want to quit my guild!)
Don't like any of my choices on that front.
Re: Q&A Round XVI - Answers Published
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 8:31 am
by sidusar
sprite wrote:To be fair, neutrals will still lose about 18 (excluding PR, and not sure how many tryker ones offhand)
But, place your bets now where the 2 newly added neutral TPs will be
There are 39 regions in the known world. Both Kami and Karavan will have one altar in every region. Looking at the list of TPs that will be available to neutrals, with the two new ones there'll be exactly 39. So looks like they have balanced it so everyone has access to the same number of altars. (For reference, there are currently 50 active TPs, not counting the 9 in the villages.)
If spires do end up preventing the opposite side from teleporting there, those who pick a side will only have about 20 available TPs left.
Hmmm, 8 new altars of which 4 kami and 4 karavan, 2 accesible to neutrals? There aren't that many altars missing currently, in fact I can only think of eight:
- Upper Bog Kami Altar
- Dew Drops Kami Altar (*)
- Fount Kami Altar
- Gate of Obscurity Kami Altar
- Maiden Grove Karavan Altar (*)
- Haven of Purity Karavan Altar
- Oflovaks Oasis Karavan Altar
- Sunken City Karavan Altar
Of these, my bet would be that the 2 accesible to neutrals will be Dew Drops Kami altar and Maiden Grove Karavan altar, because those are the only two non-purple non-PR regions in which neutrals will not have access to the existing altar.
Re: Q&A Round XVI - Answers Published
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 9:46 am
by blaah
marct wrote:Yes, But you forget so easily that once the spires are in, the Kami and the Karavan will each lose access to about half of the TP's that they could use.
to be fair, it's Karavaneers own damn fault to lose access to _buy_ those tp's. you can still use them (i think

. edit: newest patch says you cant
neutrals dont have that options. they need to get a "few" tickets for their entire game or faction hop (and recover from -50 kami/kara fame two times) to get extra tickets. not to mention, they need to guit their quild for a while to do so.
faction still does not mean anything, just driving ppl away.
Re: Q&A Round XVI - Answers Published
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 10:16 am
by iphdrunk
marct wrote:
I wonder how far off those spires are?
I may be wrong, but I thought that it was announced that the spires and global FvF would be part of Chapter 3. According to the patch announcement and to the now in test/in devel sections I guess a few weeks maybe?
Re: Q&A Round XVII - Answers Published
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:33 pm
by philu
marjo wrote:
3. What happens to your apartment if you have -50 fame with the civ where your apartment is? Sure, you can't go there anymore - but then I should be able to transfer my apartment to a more... hospitable environment. [Submitted by akicks (EN)]
You would surely be in trouble to access your apartment with such a fame. You will be able to transfer your apartment after the patch. So, before reaching -50, it could be wise to transfer it.
To transfer an apartment, you will have to store its content out of it, and buy a new apartment in another capital. Then the old one will be automatically deleted (theres a warning window popping when you buy a new apartment, telling the old one will be destroyed).
Now you can move the stored content into the new apartment. You may need help from friends during the transfer process.
Strictly speaking that isn't a 'transfer' in the sense I believe akicks meant. I think they meant click a button or something to have the apartment moved to somewhere they can go. Like we could with the packers when nevrax messed them up in Patch 1.
What Marjo describes isn't a transfer of apartment, it's getting rid of the old one and buying a new one. Do you get the money back for the old one? No I don't believe you do. Not a transfer.
You're restricting our movements and not allowing us access to our apartments. The least you could do is allow a true transfer to a different place. If you can't go to the city your apartment is in because of fame, you can't GET the contents out because you will be KOS as soon as you get near. That's what Akicks meant by 'more hospitable' - a non KOS location.
marjo wrote:
1. Will we be able to see the information on cult/nation for other players and other guilds?
Say, for example, someone wanted to play a Fyros who was a staunch Kami supporter. As part of that, this player didn't want to associate with the 'enemy' - i.e. anyone supporting the Karavan. How would they know if someone they were teamed with is a Karavan supporter? [Submitted by philu (EN)]
The most reliable way to know if a homin is an ally or an enemy is by looking at your radar (you can also check the faction symbol above homins head, or their name color too).
But, depending on your PvP tag, characters from the opposite faction will be displayed differently.
If your PvP tag is disabled (small green icon on the right), you will see everyone in BLUE, the same blue as currently in game when you see someone.
If your PvP tag is activated (meaning you are pro Kami or Karavan, as Neutrals cant activate it), you will see:
That's not what I meant. I asked how would they know they were teamed with people from other factions. According to your description we can't tell that in non-PvP areas or if we are non-PvP players. So the proper answer to my original questions is NO. We WONT be able to see the information on cult/nation for other players and other guilds. Except by going PvP and that only shows players not guilds. I want to be able to see information on which nation/faction a player or guild supports.
I don't want to know so I can fight them, but so that I know more about them. So that I don't ask someone who is Karavan aligned to craft items for me and offend them, for example.
I'm not talking about allies and enemies because I wont go PvP, I'm talking about INFORMATION. A simple way to see which nation/cult guilds in particular support.
Re: Q&A Round XVII - Answers Published
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:57 pm
by mrshad
Good post, Marjo.
You could have made it shorter though...let me try to help:
"We are jacking with fame in order to push PvP closer to the center of the game. We have not given it any meaning aside from an artificial point of contention between players. Additionally we will continue to give a useless merchant bonus, but it will still be very buggy and largely ignored.
Actual, meaningful, fame-based content, such as rites, guild missions and other useful rewards, will have to wait until we balance out the PvP system that almost no one wants.
But, we are going to activate those teleporters that have stood dormant for two years, and that will be cool, right? Of course, between faction alignments and spires, most of them will be unavailable for most of the players, most of the time.
Good stuff, huh?"
As always, you are welcome. I understand that all of you at Nevrax and Jolt are pretty busy doing..uhh...whatever it is you all do. If you would like my help, feel free to ask.