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Re: Quitting People - A Positive Alternative
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:08 pm
by swe999
draw it out in advance
get started with blender and convince nevrax to let R2 import blender files without all the acrobatics that it would currently require
Re: Quitting People - A Positive Alternative
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:37 pm
by kazuki
I am in love. My lover has betrayed me. I have gone through the anger, through the dismal sadness. My lover has assured me they will not betray me always, just time to time.
I renewed for a shorter period (6 months this time) just to see how this time to time balances out. I will try to not sit with my finger on the button. The saddest part for me is the loss of hope as I know in this staying I am full braced to be disappointed again.
Re: Quitting People - A Positive Alternative
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:08 pm
by headcach
grimjim weakens the resolve and 'voting power' of the Cooperative/PvE playerbase...
The strongest voting power we as players have, is the removal of funding of the project. Why should they change things if you'll just keep paying and playing?
Re: Quitting People - A Positive Alternative
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:31 pm
by totnkopf
headcach wrote:The strongest voting power we as players have, is the removal of funding of the project. Why should they change things if you'll just keep paying and playing?
exactly.... and all your "voting power" goes toward what?
To me, all it means is more negative threads on the forums at the moment. Nevrax is taking the project in the direction THEY want to go. THEY are the ones who make the decisions and they are the ones who choose what to implement.
On the other hand, you can only SUGGEST things. You can do all you want on the forums, but its up to them to choose if it actually makes it into the game or not. Your true "voting power" comes from a cancelled sub. thats sending them one hard "no." and further weakens them by removing funds and a player from the playerbase.
Re: Quitting People - A Positive Alternative
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:49 pm
by marct
totnkopf wrote:On the other hand, you can only SUGGEST things. You can do all you want on the forums, but its up to them to choose if it actually makes it into the game or not. Your true "voting power" comes from a cancelled sub. thats sending them one hard "no." and further weakens them by removing funds and a player from the playerbase.
The problem I see here is that the majority(BTW, that does not say ALL) of the people that are screaming are not providing any suggestions of what could be done differently to achieve similar situation without forcing the PvP or FvF.
All they do is SCREAM I don't want this, nobody wants this, etc. And that get you no where but red faced and more aggravated. Be constructive and you may be able to influence. I am not saying you make the game, but you can influence it.
There is clearly some lore/story related reasons for a conflict here, it is just the incarnation of that conflict which is disputed.
Noin. (still wishing for people to add constructive feedback)
P.S. "We all hate PvP" is not constructive feedback.
Re: Quitting People - A Positive Alternative
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:59 pm
by grimjim
Many positive ideas have been put forward, but the place for those is in the other threads. In summary, anything that seperates out the PvP but still allows for participation by others in some fashion - OR provide them an alternative of equal value.
Re: Quitting People - A Positive Alternative
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:05 pm
by gwythion
totnkopf wrote:
On the other hand, you can only SUGGEST things. You can do all you want on the forums, but its up to them to choose if it actually makes it into the game or not. Your true "voting power" comes from a cancelled sub. thats sending them one hard "no." and further weakens them by removing funds and a player from the playerbase.
Very true however things are somewhat complex. If Nevrax said that they were going to go pro PvP all the way then I think ironically things would be quieter. People would just give up and leave. The reason that there is so much noise is because people think that the Nevrax do mean there to be stuff for non-PvPers/neutrals/etc. The problem is that what Nevrax say is not mirrored in the visible results, yes there are reasons for this but it means that there is no reinforcement for their words.
My own feeling for quite some time has been that Nevrax should actually say a lot less or a lot more about what they are up to. The amount they give out actually makes the FUD worse not better. It leaves too much open to interpretation and that leaves it open to peoples fears.
One of the things that I was taught very early on in my working life was to underpromise and overdeliver as it is the best way to make for happy customers. Nevrax is far from alone in not following this advice, it does some reason seem to be very common in the software industry in general to do the reverse.
Re: Quitting People - A Positive Alternative
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:11 pm
by thosholm
marct wrote:...All they do is SCREAM I don't want this, nobody wants this, etc. And that get you no where but red faced and more aggravated. Be constructive and you may be able to influence. I am not saying you make the game, but you can influence it...
Not quite true.
There have been many suggestions regarding parallel events that would allow both the FvF/PvP- and the nonPvP/nonFvF-players to participate.
For example they could have opened two Dunes areas. One like Aelius with full FvF and few kinchers, one with no FvF and massive kincher, kizerac, kitin-presence. Happy campers, erh diggers, on both sides.
As for the Outposts, I for one feel disappointed that the possibilities available for gaining an outpost, which originally included combat, guild missions, diplomatic missions for tribes, crafting/harvesting missions to buy an outpost of the controlling tribe, to mention those I can remember have been reduced to just one: combat. I'm rather sure I'm not alone in that.
As for the global FvF, fine, have fun. But please do not punish me for not taking part by reducing my possibilities.
Re: Quitting People - A Positive Alternative
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:12 pm
by dc77066
Sorry I don't have much to add...
I want to be part of the story. I am willing to accept a challenge. I just don't want to be made a target by half of the population on Atys.
Instead of telling me to "stay out of it" I would have preferred that I was able to contribute in a fashion of my choosing. I hoping that I still can.
I don't want people to leave either. IMHO, I think they are jumping ship before we hit the iceberg. I've posted my ideas and showed support for others. Hopefully the message will get to the captain and he'll adjust course. No one wants to be left behind in the cold.
Have Fun! Help Others! HOPE for Peace!
Re: Quitting People - A Positive Alternative
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:49 pm
by mrshad
marct wrote:The problem I see here is that the majority(BTW, that does not say ALL) of the people that are screaming are not providing any suggestions of what could be done differently to achieve similar situation without forcing the PvP or FvF.
All they do is SCREAM I don't want this, nobody wants this, etc. And that get you no where but red faced and more aggravated. Be constructive and you may be able to influence. I am not saying you make the game, but you can influence it.
There is clearly some lore/story related reasons for a conflict here, it is just the incarnation of that conflict which is disputed.
Noin. (still wishing for people to add constructive feedback)
P.S. "We all hate PvP" is not constructive feedback.
Noin, Many of have have made constructive, workable suggestions as to what could be done to improve things. A lot of them would take quite a bit of work, but some of them, I think, could resonably be finished in a week or less.
The screaming is due mostly to the fact that we arenot getting any official feedback at all that contians any substance. Lawrence is trying to say "We are gthering your comments, and we will think about them" but that is a far cry from actual answers.
As far as not cancelling the account. IT IS THE ONLY LEVERAGE WE HAVE.
Yeah, we can rant in the forums, tell people about the horrible direction the game is going. Suggest the newbs abandon all hope and give up the game, but the effects of those actions are not easily or immediatly felt by Nevrax. A cancelled sub gets noticed right away....and hundreds of them get immediate attention.
It is time we prove Jessica was right, that non-consentual PvP only damages a game that supports it; and that history has shown that fact over and over again.