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Re: Patch on Thursday, Sep 29th 2005

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:07 pm
by philu
threbus wrote:I believe Fryde made an comment on the post Sxar made not on the post by ajsuk.

Anyway I'm looking forward to ryzom being done loading ;)
Oops, teach me to read it properly. Sorry Frydes. :)

bf649ztp wrote:I'm trying it all today to make sure, but the changes have hit my char the hardest. After about an hour of play, it's all bad so far. I've had 11 months of enjoyment out of this game and would love to have 11 more. If, at the end of today it's still as bad for me, i'm afraid i'll be closing the door on this game.

Oh dear oh dear. Sorry to hear that. That is exactly the kind of response I feared from this patch.

Re: Patch on Thursday, Sep 29th 2005

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:12 pm
by blaah
bf649ztp wrote:I'm trying it all today to make sure, but the changes have hit my char the hardest. After about an hour of play, it's all bad so far.
sorry to hear that.
is it ele to heal ? (those are 2 biggest changes)
give it time.

i went ingame for a few min and noted that i can only make 250+180 (i think that was it) double nuke without time creds (not 245 yet). it sure do make things interesting for foragers who were able to handle adds before.

but its no reason to quit imho ;-)

Re: Patch on Thursday, Sep 29th 2005

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:26 pm
by hans1976
threbus wrote:I believe Fryde made an comment on the post Sxar made not on the post by ajsuk.
Yup, and Sxar and me know each other a bit. I am really really sure Sxar was referring to the joy of learning to team anew. This is no sarcasm, I am an explorer / socializer with a chunk or archiever. Exploring, crafting mixing, finding a mobs weak spot, finding a good team balance based on the skills available to the teammembers... I really love that.
Seeing all these changes is a good thing, cause it means we can start exploring again in some area's. Like the part where we *can* take on bigger zerx with a large low lvl group, cause the zerx will not one-spit-kill our two little tanks. Longer fights mean more use for affliction, ranged, anything but a nuker and a healer dominating the team...

Anyone up for a below lvl100 skills Fairhaven -> Pyr trip?

Re: Patch on Thursday, Sep 29th 2005

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:26 pm
by philu
blaah wrote:sorry to hear that.
is it ele to heal ? (those are 2 biggest changes)
give it time.

i went ingame for a few min and noted that i can only make 250+180 (i think that was it) double nuke without time creds (not 245 yet). it sure do make things interesting for foragers who were able to handle adds before.

but its no reason to quit imho ;-)
How many of you remember the dark days of Patch One?

They made changes that upset a lot of people. They had to do a series of mini-patches to fix things. A lot of people left at that time.

Personally I stuck around and worked through the problem. I was below lvl 50 in those days and found it hard but eventually adapted to the changes. I'm still here today. However, in those days I was still full of optimism for the future of the game and for Nevrax's plans for it. I was a supporter of Nevrax.

Today I am neither. I fear for the future of the game that I still love. I have had my faith in Nevrax destroyed over time. I fear that they are going to make this game too PvP oriented and spoil it for those of us who hate PvP.

So to Kodel I say, give it a go for a while. Try to work it out. However, if you aren't enjoying the game anymore, then by all means vote with your feet. This time I'll be doing the same TBH. My subscription runs out in December. I will try to work with it until then. After that, another Elder of Atys will bite the dust. I wonder how many of us are left?

If your enjoyment of the game has been spoiled by this patch then it IS a reason to quit.

Re: Patch on Thursday, Sep 29th 2005

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:27 pm
by philu
hans1976 wrote:Anyone up for a below lvl100 skills Fairhaven -> Pyr trip?
Now THAT sounds like fun! :)

Re: Patch on Thursday, Sep 29th 2005

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:11 pm
by threbus
hans1976 wrote:Anyone up for a below lvl100 skills Fairhaven -> Pyr trip?
I'm in when are we leaving? :D

Re: Patch on Thursday, Sep 29th 2005

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:24 pm
by linwelin
IS the game running?

Re: Patch on Thursday, Sep 29th 2005

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:25 pm
by sidusar
linwelin wrote:IS the game running?
Yes, the game is running.

Re: Patch on Thursday, Sep 29th 2005

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:28 pm
by jinnear
bf649ztp wrote: I've had 11 months of enjoyment out of this game and would love to have 11 more. If, at the end of today it's still as bad for me, i'm afraid i'll be closing the door on this game.

Oh my... no disrespect here but, are you even listening to what you are saying? You have had 11 months of good time and after 1 day of "bad time" you are ready to jump ship... those must be very bad things you are experiencing now, as they bring such havoc to your commitment.

Me, I havent noticed any bad stuff yet (except maybe for some of the racial animations, but those are optional)... it would be fun to know what is so totally wrong.

Oh and I believe if anything should prove to be a major flaw in this patch, that Nevrax will fix it pretty fast... just as they did with the notorious patch1.

In all friendlyness... give it a few more days. 11 months must be worth at least double the time you have just given it. :)

Re: Patch on Thursday, Sep 29th 2005

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:12 pm
by iwekg74
The patch spoiled the game, especialy with "rebalancing" costs and power of magic. You cant use max range with max power and u have to use even the time credit 20!!!! - what imho is nonsence. What is the point of 250 level then? It is like you have melee at 250 and u cant create action with highest increase dmg and precise attack because you dont have enough conterpatrt so u have to use the lower q weapon or just lower stanzas which so u cant use max power. Nonsece!

Heal is way to weak,it was already hard to keep ppl alive when huntin some fun mobe like neamed, that all was already said in forum before but it seems nevrax doesnt listen.

Power of AoE did grow but u cant use it with double spell plan because you cant pay it - ther is difference of 130 missing credits for it.

I am melee as magic user, but i dont find any fun more in this.

I terminated my subscription today, have 2 more months to go, maybe something happens meanwhile as I hope. I found this game really great before because of freedom to do what ever you want and powers was good balanced, only AoE stanzas was bad. With boosting it for 2, but you cant pay it, you have to reduce power or AOE we are on same calulation as before, so it doesnt make sence to me. I am just wondering if those ppl who make those changes play this game at all??????

Nevrax congratulation you did really bad job on "magic balancing", I cant remeber last time I was so unhappy.

Like whole ppl here I love this game and I am spending every free minute to play it, and it was fun till now. Hope you will see that those changes are not good and fix it as soon as possible for our and your sake.

And next time you decide to do such changes, listen to a Homins, it will save you lot of work, lot of anger and los of players.