Not necessarily the game but any kind of "economy" in the game is doomed.ayne31 wrote:If thats true then the game is doomed.
But Shrike is right, when you try to supply yourself with materials through fighting or harvesting your fight and harvest skills will level at 3 or 4 times the pace your crafting skill advances, making it impossible for you to supply yourself with level-adequate gear in the long run.
Remember that at the moment the only thing limiting xp gain in craft is availability of materials. When crafting you burn through 20 mats in 1 minute, but you need 1 hour to get the mats in the first place.
However, when Nevrax should re-introduce NPC mats of higher levels then the only thing that limits xp gain in crafting will be the amount of money a crafter can spend. In both cases (availability of money or materials) it's the guild sponsored crafters of all levels who have the edge.