1 small idea which may brighten some ppl.......

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Re: 1 small idea which may brighten some ppl.......

Post by basicart »

I'll sign a petision to roll back Sinful tho i think he needs the challange :D and would soon pass me again lol
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Re: 1 small idea which may brighten some ppl.......

Post by iphdrunk »

In the line of "interesting" ideas, a cool idea for me would be to trade skills :) , for example, I can trade my 250 elemental for a 250 earring crafting, and my pike for lake harvesting. That would be a good idea that would really brighten me :D
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Re: 1 small idea which may brighten some ppl.......

Post by roninpvp »

iphdrunk wrote:In the line of "interesting" ideas, a cool idea for me would be to trade skills :) , for example, I can trade my 250 elemental for a 250 earring crafting, and my pike for lake harvesting. That would be a good idea that would really brighten me :D

If that was possible only a fool would trade away their 250 earrings for anything! :p
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Re: 1 small idea which may brighten some ppl.......

Post by carrie »

alyssah wrote:I was thinking about this situation too. I wondered if at the start of outposts all fighting skills be reset to lvl 101, newbies as well. Basically the PvP skills would be equalised. That would include all magics too.

Crafters/foragers could retain their levels (since they would prob be fighting most of the time anyway) and they might be needed to supply items for the outpost guards.

Do you think that would be more acceptable or is might, right.
This would be unacceptable to me. I've worked hard to get the levels I have. I've devoted myself to this game and this avi since day one of retail. I've spent countless hours each day to get levels in the skill I chose. Why should my efforts be penalized just because someone else hasn't chosen to do that? How is that fair to all the players who have devoted themselves to achieving certain goals?

And what happens when the next thing is implemented into Ryzom, are we all set back to lvl 101 again?

I've been here since 2004 and have restarted characters so many times I can't even count them. I'm not interested in starting over again or even picking up at some level that someone else deems acceptable.
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Re: 1 small idea which may brighten some ppl.......

Post by glipe »

crokus wrote:if there was a reset of the servers, wouldnt there be a lot of fun for a lot off ppl?

the newby areas will be populated and newcomers to the games will feel better, cos they are close on lvls as the rest.

however some ppl will be unhappy as they have to start from the beginning. Even more unhappy will be the max lvl guys who have spend ages lvling.
the devs may give an option of ppl to chose if they want their chars deleted.

this is maybe a stupid idea but it could do something great to the game

i would recomend this to be done when the outpost are installed in the game .

I have to agree with what you've said. It makes a lot of sense and I know exactly what you mean.

I'm talking about the part where you say it's a stupid idea, of course!

One of the major incentives to come back again and again to Atys is not merely your level but the character which you have built up. My character has a history and a personality created by the world in which he has lived and the people around him. Each level that I have attained has not been through painstaking grinding (though I can see how the thought of having levels fought for like that being wiped would be painful too) but through love of the game and having fun with friends. To wipe all that my character has done and been would be a travesty, a trajedy and other negative words beginning with 'tr'. To go through the lower levels is fun, sure, but I have the opportunity to do that any time I want.

I don't think you have thought the idea through as much as something so drastic should be deliberated over. The concept merits deep contemplation of what would happen to the people currently happy with their character, whether this would bring new people into the game, how it would affect the story and how it would affect the community as a whole. Imagine if you will someone deciding on which MMORPG he will choose. He reads up on Ryzom and finds that there is an imminent server reset, where all characters will be brought back to their base level. Would he think, short-term, 'Oh, great! If I join this game I'll be starting on a level playing field with everyone else!' or instead 'Wow! That must suck for all those people who've played that game for any length of time. Loads of people are going to leave because of that. And what happens if they decide to do it again after I've been playing for a while?".

I can't even get my head around what I would think if what you propose actually happened. I love Ryzom and my Ryzom would never do that to me. It's like imagining your best friend turning around with a gun in his/her hand and shooting you through the heart. Impossible to believe it would ever happen, yet if it ever did....

I'd just die.
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Re: 1 small idea which may brighten some ppl.......

Post by sehracii »

I think we all agree a server-wide character reset is a bad idea, for a plethora of reasons ;)
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Re: 1 small idea which may brighten some ppl.......

Post by sunew »

basicart wrote:What ever ya reset it to the Harcore grinders would still out lvl ya in a few weeks. If we had a reset i wouldnt leave, i would Sue :D
Hey basic you could sue for either defamtion or destruction of character
Sunew of the Trykers, Master of Attacting aggro ; )
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Re: 1 small idea which may brighten some ppl.......

Post by magick1 »

sunew wrote:Hey basic you could sue for either defamtion or destruction of character
Good luck trying, read the "fine print" (you know, the EULA you accept everytime you want to play, for starters) anything and everything on the server and forum is property of Nevrax. :p
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Re: 1 small idea which may brighten some ppl.......

Post by vguerin »

Yeah, I would give a million dappers for a reroll of my skillspoints so I can fix some things...

I would be gone in a second if I had a rollback tho...

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Re: 1 small idea which may brighten some ppl.......

Post by g00st »

hell i like it.

everyone back to zero

you are not your title, you are not how much dappers you have in the guildhall, you are not the contents of your bag, you are not your drogyx pants, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.
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