Re: Self heal neccesary?
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:16 pm
You can also use self heal if you are standing close enough when using one of the group heals - I think.
You guys are forgetting the Auras. This only usable every 1/2 hour would like-wise be good, IF THEY WERE SPLIT UP, instead of linked as they are. Problem now is hitting the wrong key, so the melee aura is on while hunting plants, or magic aura on while the Torbak is ready to deal the killing blow (have had both happen, despite trying to keep the buttons far enough appart to prevent it).mitijea wrote:I think that's a great idea, Caitiff, having them on separate timers. With the amount of time it takes for the timers to reset, I cannot think that separating them would give any undo advantage. Instead it would allow us to use them all when we need them, rather than only one (figgybee's pedantic response notwithstanding). I haven't even bothered training any self whatever actions besides heal as I doubt I will ever use them. I just can't see myself not wanting the self heal ready just in case (unless I've already used it). It isn't worth it IMO. If they were on separate timers then I would actually use them once in a while; now, not going to happen.
On a separate note, I really think the timer should be lessened by half. This would make it a bit more useful without coming anywhere near the other heal; maybe a good compromise. Really the amount we self heal, even doubled over time, will never replace a teamate's heal. The only thing it will do is make the reset time more bearable. As it stands, it is just too long to not be overly noticeable.