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Re: website bugs

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 9:23 am
by mmatto
My biggest problem with Ryzom website is that text in many pages doesn't have any margin to "free trial & screenshot" box when using Firefox. That makes text unpleasant to read. Second problem is those sections that describe features that are not currently in game.

Re: website bugs

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 4:38 pm
by mrozzy
In reply to Dazman:

Ofcource this ain't an absolute list, and each argument has to be viewed at in case by case. You just have to use some common sense.
I haven't made a single website wich fits all of these points. Some things need to be considered, for example:
- Do I want to keep my customers at my website?
- Do I want to make sure disabled people can read my website with ease?
- Is there a lot of text to read on my website, or is it constructed out of pictures?
- What is most important? Usability? Navigation? Eye-catching? ...

and so on ..


A pop-up is an additional window that is opened using a script, in this case the user clicks a link wich is totaly different.
The thing is the purchase and download links shouldn't be hidden when looking at the forum, at least not from a commercial point of view. There are other solutions wich can solve the problem (changing the boards header for example), but the current one sure ain't the best.
About the clickable logo: I think I can consider myself as an experienced surfer, but somehow I never have found the link behind the logo on the forums (I always typed the url to return to the news).
If I can't find the link back, there is something wrong with it (it should be placed left for example). Also this link doesn't return you to the place you came from (a news item on the website, or the news archives), it returns you to the home page.