filtern wrote:Lol, I didnt want to say, but I realized we should look for another little tryker arriving from the island, and running off to explore and get tps to Enchanted Island, Void, GoC and so.
Or maybe there is a newborn Matis explorer out there these days?
Most of my alts are too easy to spot, by the people that know me.
(Note to my friends - This is a very important 'escape time' for me. It a deliberate act of separation, not abandonment! Know this I am having FUN in Ryzom, so please just let me be for awhile.)
(Me the person behind Neun, is dedicated to the success of this project, becuase despite the 'bugs' and 'difficulties', it is the best game that has been put on the market for about 5 years!)
A note to the 'bored people'.
Try this:
1. Make an alt, in a race you have never played. (This was hard for me as I have played them all)
2. DON'T gift them with ANYTHING.
3. Make your money, hunting, digging, crafting, doing missions. (Yes that includes doing the 'This is the trainers mission' (Welcomer mission).
4. Do everything and try everything!
(If you have a good friend, take them with you to do it it with you)
5. Don't Power Level! (a hard won fight level based on 600xp a kill is so much more fun that 10 lvls in 1 hr from 3k kills)
6. Make the stuff you need, if you can't make it buy if from a merchant, if its not on the merchants list, learn how to make it or live without it. (The excitement factor of making you first dagger or pair of sleeves is fantastic!)
Hunting with 'starter 20%' amps is dam hard, but its great fun.
7. Realise that a char with a ql10 dagger and a pair of light boots can survive on Starter Isle!
8. Be light hearted and have fun, this is not a race. Its a place of entertainment.
Most of all, take your time!
Btw - if you have just sub'd to Ryzom, its a game that shouldn't be rushed. Its a 'fine wine' of a game, it should be savoured, sipped slowly. Take in the sights and sounds, stop, look and think.
Ryzom has NO end-game, I don't think it was ever intended to have one! (Ryzom 8 may have one but thats a long long way away)
Its a saga, and the next story is yet to be even talked about in public.
Every Race is unique - not in character traints, but in the environment in which it grows! We were all born equal (IRL), what makes us different is the environment in which me grow up and the choices we make!
So see you soon, I will be watching over you