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Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:40 pm
by moboid
Aimed shots work but for the effect to take place you have to critical hit. All they do is control where your blow lands, the chance for a critical hit stays the same as far as i can tell.


Head: Stun
Hands: Combat ability decrease
Body: Stamina Loss
Feet: Dodge
Legs: Slow Movement
Arms: Slow Attack Rate

Only one ive bought was aimed quadruped head, if you run and shoot it can can be usefull, the mob starts to close the gap then stops dead for a few seconds. But certainly not worth it if your tight on skill points.

One thing i need to test is if mob armour varies with body location.

Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:19 pm
by grimjim
I think you could fix the whole damn problem by adding roughly 50% on top to the damage of ranged weapons.

Which is pretty much what I've been suggesting since the start :)

Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 10:56 pm
by mrozzy
Got some more suggestions:

1. Knockback

When a hit lands, the oppent is knocked back a little. This could be very helpful in combat

2. Optional AOE

Launchers and autolaunchers have AOE, it could be very handy if that was optional (different type of ammo?)

3. Dual yield pistols

Fight in SoR Western style :)

4. Ammo retrieval

You can retrieve (part) of your ammo in the oppents loot

Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 1:33 pm
by lazarus
moboid wrote:Only one ive bought was aimed quadruped head, if you run and shoot it can can be usefull, the mob starts to close the gap then stops dead for a few seconds. But certainly not worth it if your tight on skill points.
Do the 'aim at' stanzas work with ranged? I thought someone said earlier they don't. Might have to buy one and test it...

Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:30 pm
by moboid
lazarus wrote:Do the 'aim at' stanzas work with ranged? I thought someone said earlier they don't. Might have to buy one and test it...
erk lazy posting on my part

The mob stops dead when you land a critical blow to the head ie its stunned. the duration seems to be based on the damage of the critical hit.

Got to make sure the aimed shot action is at 100% so it can be a bit pricey on stamina otherwise murphys law takes over and that one shot that misses the head will be a critical :(

Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:32 pm
by norvic
i agree with Jyudas about 50% more damage above what it is at the moment would seem a resonable fix. Plus more range i think the idea that range weapons should not have more range than magic is just daft, there should be some advantage to using the skill. Even if we had 50% more damage we still wouldnt be anywhere near mellee or magic damage and we have the stamina and mat costs so please put the range into range fighting.
If i can see that kincher i want to be able to stand a chance of shooting it which anyone who has any experience of a rifle will tell you is how it is, once it gets closer i am quite happy if the guys in tin suits and the arm wavers finish it off :p

btw range improvements should be on 2h range weps not on 1h such as pistols

Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:43 am
by holina
An interesting way to actually add damage to ranged ammo might be to allow the usage of +damage bricks in ammocraft like +hp in armorcraft.

Things like +5 acid/cold/rot damage and +fire/poison/electr./shock (later ones should maybe only usable in the corresponding race's ammo). Would make ammo crafting interesting.

Another improovement would be either auto-reload or at least the ability to bind a key to a reload action.

And of course the descriptions on the +hitrate bricks should be fixed if they stay in, since atm they don't state with which level guns they work best. According to my own small testing a +2 hitrate (+10 credit) brick works fine with q50 guns for example.

Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:15 pm
by hans1976
ooohhhh, a brick in ammocraft that allows one to add range to the ammo would be cool!

Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:08 pm
by holina
Might only be that the currently unused fields should be (re)activated (like +dmg on the weapons and +speed, +range on ammo) and it would be all fine.

At the moment crafting an 'of Damage' gun is pointless, since all that matters is speed and range, while in the case of ammo only damage and lightness.

Why not just activate the currently not working fields with +100% max bonus and put it on the test server for testing, have some duells (melee vs. ranged, nuker vs. ranged) and fine tune the actual bonus percentages?

( Mind you I haven't been in beta, so if this was already tried and didn't work... then dunno :/ )

Re: Suggestions for ranged fighting

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:46 pm
by walls124
Well I have tried some Range fighting. But not my highest skill. Still I want to come whit my oppinion on the subject.

The pistol. At present it seems they deliver a higher speed whit a tradeoff in range and damage. compared to the riffels. They don't measure up. To let people use 2 pistol at a lower acc. would make em interresting for not mentioning the coolness effect ;) But can also see the problem in ammo reload. The range will be fine. 2 pistols at longe range do not hit anything :)

The riffel. At the moment I think its rather good. ooh and by the way I define the Bow weapons as the crafters choice. Because it gives more xp from the ammo you need. While the others give more ammo at a lower cost.
Another thing is to Let the blank stats start taking effect, might help people to customize the weapons more to themself.

Autolauncher. Havn't used this one much So I won't come in on it.

Launcher. This is a weapon I really want to use more but not at the moment. My idea of fun are not to spend most of the week digging for mats so I can fill one packer. And then burn them all off in one afternoon. The bulk is much but think fair. going to war only carring 12 shells (=180 bulk) do make you carefull. the damage they deal are most times enough. ;)
But the launchers do have some interresting potential. Made one who had 52,2 m in range. So Elemtals Start play dodge ball whit my missils :D

At the moment Range is interresting but the lack of good ammo in the shops or Crafters who makes it. Will keep it in a lesser role. As a rule it is said "to use range, you better learn to craft the ammo yourself". and to keep the cost down. You better do the digging yourself too. the other classes don't need that much preparation before xp gathering.
What I really think is lacking is npc ammo and not the junk they currently sells, an Q 250 ammo that deals 35 damage is a Very bad joke. But will take some thinking to figure out a way to make it atleast useable when time is of the essence, but still so that people will prefer crafted ones. When they have the time.

Another thing I think might be interresting would be what I call ammo boxes. Now if I use 100/50/50 to craft some Riffel ammo I get 2000 bullets. that means 84 clips. And If I did the crafting for someone else... You can imagine the exchange time right ;) Now if I could stuff 500 bullets in a box. Perhaps lose some wheight and bulk. But giving you the disadvantage, that you will have to repack them into clips for use in weapons. Would make trading a little easier.