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Re: How to avoid burn out in any game - Ryzom in particular!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 8:49 pm
by gillest
Quote <Ryzom is more like real life than a game from one point of view..... >.

I agree wholeheartly with everything but this one even more.
That is the main reason why i love this game above every other: it can be grind and lvl, aren't all the game the same at some stage ;p
But it also so close from real life and ppl interaction:

you can even feel people feelings and moods sometimes lol.

After the power lvling to 200 (pleeding guiltee : guilty guildee on this one), there is more behind it as you said, lil events, help other ppl, spend the day at stables power lvling chat ;p..

Shape your own world and shape the world.

Get some lvl goals obviously to get stronger and craft better things but sell a few and giving some away is so rewarding:
funny thing happened to me yesterday:
someone looking for q90 sword (usually doing q150+), as i dont have any idea about price of those i give it for free, and this person gave the price she would have paid to a rookie..
I was feeling as happy to give it as I felt to know this player actually gave the cash to a rookie (i heard Thx gillest on region lol).

The game got a real good potential and creates a very good communitary spirit.
Lets hope it doesnt change.

FOr the RP side, even have a lil one on the side:
"The 3 trials of gilly" (more on that soon).

Another good thread from Neun to say how much we love this game

Re: How to avoid burn out in any game - Ryzom in particular!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 11:09 pm
by janlee
Thanks Neun. I was feeling a bit fed up and haven't played for a couple of days. After reading your post it made me want to play again.

Re: How to avoid burn out in any game - Ryzom in particular!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:36 am
by hans1976
Shot offtopic about prices, when I am unsure what to ask bacause it is out of my lvlrange, I take the raw matsprice for the mats use times 2, so sell at 100%
Will get weird results, caus a ql70 armor in which I use ql150/170 mats will cost 320K

Re: How to avoid burn out in any game - Ryzom in particular!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:14 pm
by mmatto
gillest wrote: After the power lvling to 200 (pleeding guiltee : guilty guildee on this one), there is more behind it as you said, lil events, help other ppl, spend the day at stables power lvling chat ;p..
You missed the obvious, power lvling to 250 :)

One good idea is to play less intensively. 50+ h/week any game will burn out eventually. Do something completely different to MMO. Do not go fast forwarding next game out there. Take out the trash that has been piling up in your apartment, for example :)

Re: How to avoid burn out in any game - Ryzom in particular!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:27 pm
by hans1976
Or make a new char on noob isle and help new players there with all your knowledge :-)

Lets get new players in Atys by takin em when their yang!

Re: How to avoid burn out in any game - Ryzom in particular!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 1:11 pm
by borg9
hans1976 wrote:Or make a new char on noob isle and help new players there with all your knowledge :-)

Lets get new players in Atys by takin em when their yang!
I just got this picture in my head and had to share it....

lvl 200 elemental teams with 8 lvl 10 healers and goes hunting in Loria!

Example of Chat box:

Healer1 :d ing
Ele + Healer2-8 : gratz
Healer2 :d ing
Healer3 :d ing
Healer8 :d ing
Ele + Healer2-7 : gratz

8 x double top ups
Ele cast acid 1 on Horrific Najab
8 x casts of lvl 1 heal
Ele cast dbl shockwave lvl 200

Healer1 :d ing
Ele + Healer2-8 : gratz
Healer2 :d ing
Healer3 :d ing
Healer8 :d ing
Ele + Healer2-7 : gratz

30 Najabs later.....

Ele: Ding 201
Healer1-8: grats
(Healer 1-8) can we go spend our 300 skill point now please ..... just one more pleeeeeaaaaze says the ele!

Re: How to avoid burn out in any game - Ryzom in particular!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 1:30 pm
by sprite
lmao thats hilarious neun... the thing is; I can actually imagine it happening xD

Re: How to avoid burn out in any game - Ryzom in particular!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 1:45 pm
by micrix
:D unfortunately they can not tp back from school outing.

Re: How to avoid burn out in any game - Ryzom in particular!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:18 pm
by alibasil
They should be then forced to buy tp's with all the najab bits they will have looted!

Re: How to avoid burn out in any game - Ryzom in particular!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:34 pm
by matteo81
I agree with a lot of sentiments already said on here!

My time in noob land was great, great community. Many of which Im still friends with now, although their 50-100 levels ahead of me on every skill branch:/ Spent loads of time on noob land, and was reluctant to leave, (had bad lag problems to which didnt help), but everyone I knew had left so was time to pack my bags and head for the big wide world.

I solo'ed a lot first of when getting to pyr, then I found 'igara hill' - with aid of someone else, and spent many hours there to :) Rest is history.

I have come across a lot of high level people who all seem to be levelling harvesting / craft atm...are we coimg to the end of an era soon is my question?

For me 'fun' things have been:-

Wasteing sp on harvest as I didnt have aclue about it and am paying the price for it having to grind grind grind.

Spending two hours harvesting thinking that a no xp message was just a bug and when i asked someone they said to check the HP of the tool - *doh*

And not one to learn from my mistakes Ive had 3 crafting sessions using jewel / melee / armour etc doing exactly the same thing before wondering why I wasn't levelling....not getting any xp! *big doh*.

Clearing dp with craft - why oh why would you do this!?!?!

Never being able to find the materials you really really want :/

Getting squatted by goari when you first get to pyr, fleeing in panic, and now being able to squidge them up for breakfeast! :P

Nothing quite beats res'ing people and then realising they had some big aggro on them and you having to do relays with them until your all safe, ie you rez them you die, they rez you they die.......and so on!
Everyone is always s happy / excited when you rez them / help them.

Always being able to have laugh and joke with people around, i have many times lol! Quite a few occasions have been hilarious!

Im sure theres many more to come which keeps me interested...and I to like to lvl slower (not intended...i just do!)

The title of celestial guardian sounds very appealing to me and might be tempted to level heal way ahead of everything else (already am lol).

When in FF, at night, saw the most beautiful night sky, was awesome!

Havnt been to any events yet but am looking forward to going to quite a few :)

High Office of Ye Ribbiton
Healer, Forager, Heavy Armnsman, and a Saint ;)