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Re: Feature Wishlist.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 5:20 pm
by korin77
Just a few things to mention : Maps can be further zoomed in on towns by first zooming in on the town and then clicking on the highlighted portion. You will be brought to a town level map that shows everything on a building level.

There is a buff section on your interface, you may not have noticed it because by default the system window or task window gets put on top of it, close it and you will see it right under your status bars.

My wish list is to have

1. Auto loot and auto distribute/split.
2. Some bugs fixed, there are still quite a number of them out there.
3. Ability to go to a different land to join up with friends from a different race. Right now its neigh impossible to go from one land to another til you are over level 150.
4. Intelligent mobs should drop equipment, even if its crappy equipment. RIght now some NPCs don't even allow you to loot them.
5. in Tryker land, you can only swim onto an island from certain places because the slight rise in the terrain prevents swiming up it. However if it was a real life situation you could have just climbed onto it and stood up and walked over to the island. Please fix this.

Re: Feature Wishlist.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 5:46 pm
by Starla
As mentioned earlier, Jewelery artwork would be nice.

It would also be nice if some of the devs or others who know the inner workings of the game could write and post a few indepth manuals on this site (Such as a skill guide so people could plan out their characters more than 10-20 levels at a time).

A coordinate and waypoint system would be nice ala SWG.

More information about guilds, guild halls and guild missions is sorely needed. Before we plunk down 10,000,000 dappers we'd like to know exactly what we are getting for it.

An indepth explanation of Fame would also be nice.

Btw: I love this game, keep up the good work.

Re: Feature Wishlist.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 6:00 pm
by andrecyr
jdiegel wrote:I should be able to hear it when somebody is shooting at me. That got me killed twice yesterday. Killed the two melee mobs that aggro'd us, then we all stood there like a bunch of tards while the sniper picked us off. I should hear a bang, zing, splat, something when I'm getting shot at.
I sometimes find it hard to locate the person shooting at me. Mobs instantly recognize who has shot at them (even if their backs are turned) and start charging towards them. It would be nice if the compass (for example) not only showed the mobs/NPCs, but flashed or changed colour if they were attacking you. That way one would stand a chance of either running up to or running away from the attacker.

Out of Cavern Explorer

Re: Feature Wishlist.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 6:28 pm
by raynes
My feature wishes:

1) More than one pick. It would be nice if we could increase out harvesting through the use of better tools as well as skill.
2) Maps with multiple layers. That way we could mark one with resource spots, one with tribes, one with various animals. It would also be nice if we could make notes on the make.
3) Some sort of stealth or invisibility. Make it so that it can't be used during battle. But it would be nice for spying as well as exploration. Even something like camaflage clothing would be cool.
4) Information on if an animal or tribe is aggressive or friendly. Yes there are colors but the system is confusing the say the least.
5) Leadership skill system that includes diplomacy skills. For those of us who prefer to try peace. Part of this could be a mentoring skill/requirement.
6) Animal communication skill. Something where we could hear what the animals think possibly even speak to them.

Re: Feature Wishlist.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 6:56 pm
by ayne31
sunkist wrote:More explanation needs to be given.. maybe from an NPC or something
I would recommend implemantation of pop-up help windows

Like you click the craft trainer and window appears---->

"Joon Doee is a craft trainer who teaches you new skills as you progress. The more you advance in a skill, the more options you are going to be offered....."And then you can click icons to learn the basics of self-heals, auras, credits, cost etc.

In addition once you hit 31 a msg box should pop up telling you: "You reached lvl 31 in a skill which means you may choose a new title and the skill tree splits up for more in-depht training <more>"

Once you cant stand the pop up you tick a box and its gone from now on ;)

Re: Feature Wishlist.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 7:27 pm
by Starla
how about some better emote graphics

Re: Feature Wishlist.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 7:52 pm
by bremmon
Maybe some more uses for mission items. Half the time I get only missions items when quartering and nothing for crafting. Rarely do I only get crafting items. Or at least change the ratio a little bit.

Re: Feature Wishlist.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:29 pm
by tintagil
It was mentioned before about being able to change characters without quitting the game. Well I'll say it again incase the point didn't get across. Also it states in the instruction booklet that you can't color weapons(if you already can well disregard this). The ability to craft different color weapons would be very hooah.

Re: Feature Wishlist.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:32 pm
by edoughty
I'm loving the game so far! A couple of things that have occurred to me that I think would be very helpful:

1. Looking for group utility (ala Dark Age of Camelot / EQ / FFXI) that would show solos looking for groups as well as group leaders looking for more members. Also the ability to specify the basic type of character you are looking for (e.g. Healer, Dmg Dealer, etc.)

2. Auction House (ala FFXI). I understand they are adding some sort of vendors to allow crafters to more easily sell their wares. I'm not sure how this would work but I think a centralized auction house (possibly regional) that has the following features would be great: allow crafters to set a price for an item, post it for sale (removing it from inventory), allow sale while logged off, deliver proceeds on next log on. The one in FFXI also supports blind bidding which would be nice but is not critical.

3. The group loot system needs some work. I always liked the auto-split option in Dark Age of Camelot where each loot item was randomly allocated to a party member regardless of who actually looted the corpse. The loot lot system in FFXI was also nice where all group loot went into a "holding area" where group members could cast lots (roll a random number) on individual items to try to win them. People who don't want the loot don't cast a lot.

That's all that has occurred to me so far.

Re: Feature Wishlist.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:38 pm
by 20mike
iross1 wrote:I'd like to see a feature to change one's name/nickname on the forums. I thought the forum nick and login nick were seperate entities, but I was so very wrong.

In all seriousness, one of the many things on the top of my head that should be added into SoR...

Full Character Name customization. The NPCs have full names, why can't we? I'd like a first and last, and possibly the use of apostraphe's in the event I desired to create something outlandish.


Very good idea, possible a way for us to gain a last name after we reach a certain advancement level, possibly once you reach your 100th level in a school, thereby showing that you have gained enough 'knowledge' to be recognized by the comunity with a last name.