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Re: Extracting 2 sorces in 1 prospection
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:59 pm
by usinuk
baldio wrote:if You extract Q50 or Q100. In the end, You will have more focus left, when You reach the timeline short before extraction time is over....
if extracting Q50 at a rate of 1.5 gives You 10 mats per spot (Q50) then extracting this spot with Q100 gives You 10 mats (Q100) in the same time. But You used 500 focus at Q50 and 750 focus at Q100.
Errr, actually, no.
Turns out that every q10 increment gives you the potential of .5 mats more with the exact same rate/time/speed stanzas. So...Q100 gentle gives you 2.5 mats more per pull than does q50 gentle. The only problem is that the only real application of this is when you're level 110 in a skill and need to harvest q50 mats in that land. If you try this in a land in which you are more than -10 below the stanza you're using, your drop and failure rate will more than eat the increased rate.
So it is better to harvest with higher q stanzas if you can afford the focus. There was a thread on this a while back...I posted comparable numbers there.
Re: Extracting 2 sorces in 1 prospection
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:28 am
by jtgrizom
I did a little test to see how the number of spots prospected afected the duration of the sources.
1 source -> 20 s
2 sources -> 40 s
3 sources -> 60 s
4 sources -> 80 s
5 sources -> 100 s
I'm sure you get the idea.

This is why when prospecting for 4 spots you can dig two of them.
The duration wasn't affected by the credit used, "bonus extraction time", knowledge, accelerated prospection, better materials or terrain specialization.
Re: Extracting 2 sorces in 1 prospection
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 10:54 am
by vin99
im lvl 90 in desert dig
i dig out 8 mats per source and 2 sources per prospect
thats 16 mats sometimes 14/15
heres my setup: ... =3849#3849
i hope it helps

Re: Extracting 2 sorces in 1 prospection
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:49 pm
by maroo
Well some more tips then:
If you're lvl 150 in an area and you dig somewhere else, use the following:
I take my example for PR:
Make a q60 gentle, max aggro rate, max gentle speed
Make a q150 gentle, max aggro rate, max gentle speed.
Make a "large" prospect (60 meters, angle 120, 4 spots) to track sources
Make a "nearby" prospect (angle 40, range 5, 6 spots)
First I do a large prospect to know where the mats are. Then I do a nearby prospect there so 6 spots appear at my feet.
I immediatly start digging with q60 until I reach q60 (halfway the extraction time) and then switch to q150. Ofcourse you get some fails, but I tend to reach q85-q95 which results in 12 mats and 2800 exp!!!!!
I immediatly take the next spot and thereafter the next. So I dig 3 times per prospect for 36 mats total and 8400 exp. (you have to experiment a little with the extraction time).
After these digs I use a 200 focus selfheal to be full focus again and I go again (and your selfheal will be back after the next 3 digs). This makes you a digging mad experience machine
If you dig q150 in your own area do the following:
Prospect the same as above (use NO BONUS TIME) and see how you dig 3 times per prospect and pulling 12 mats with caring included (I never have explosions) time 3 of q150. Now that fills up a bag quick. You can normally do this twice on a spot for a quick 72 mats at 1 spot.
I can't seem to make it work for q160 though

Re: Extracting 2 sorces in 1 prospection
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 3:29 pm
by Eshin
maroo wrote:I immediatly take the next spot and thereafter the next. So I dig 3 times per prospect for 36 mats total and 8400 exp. (you have to experiment a little with the extraction time).
Solid advice, except that extracting 3 sources per prospect with 6 resource spots in prime roots is impossible (since prime roots deposits have different overall time compared to surface ones).
With 8 resource spots per prospect (and that's at level 200), and having no times bonuses, it's possible. Tried with 6 resource spots, with no time bonuses and no terrain spec which doesn't even affect the time, but it's impossible. The third source dies during the last moments of the second extraction and there's no way you can get the third. Tried this with clustered sources so I didn't even have to move to get the next spot.
Re: Extracting 2 sorces in 1 prospection
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:52 pm
by predzz
Have u compared using same QL stanzas, since the higher ql u prospect the longer the source will last
BTW: the only real way to find out which method is best is comparing using times. For example a lvl 200 harvester would get around 500 mats per hour. Saying how much you get per source, prospect, etc is just too abstract, someone who gets little per source & prospect could overall still get more mats or xp than someone else because of a higher frequency...
Re: Extracting 2 sorces in 1 prospection
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 5:55 pm
by maroo
@Eshin: I really do get 3 sources, but remember I am low-level PR-harvest. I don't know if it's the best setup for #mats, but it seems a great setup for levelling.
Else you can try by letting die the first or second source premature by only caring with stability in between.
Re: Extracting 2 sorces in 1 prospection
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 6:29 pm
by Eshin
predzz wrote:Have u compared using same QL stanzas, since the higher ql u prospect the longer the source will last.
Tried prospect choice only, excellent only and gave up testing supreme for obvious reasons. Same result: the third source dies during the second extraction, and didn't notice any difference in the source time while testing excellent and choice (the third source dies exactly at the same time, no matter how choice or excellent it is)
I'll take that you meant the grades, since I fail to understand how one prospects certain quality levels
maroo wrote: I really do get 3 sources, but remember I am low-level PR-harvest. I don't know if it's the best setup for #mats, but it seems a great setup for levelling.
Else you can try by letting die the first or second source premature by only caring with stability in between.
Interesting. Only possible conclusion I have that you have more source time when you level up. Sounds far-fetched, but how else one could explain this?
Only thing I haven't tried is to extract with that setup in lower than q250 areas, as this was tested in q250 area. That might have an effect or not, but the fact at the moment is that I can't get the three with 6 resource spots. (and letting it die prematurely isn't an option, granted)
Re: Extracting 2 sorces in 1 prospection
Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 2:46 pm
by predzz
i meant the higher ql you extract ofcourse. the longer ur busy digging the less time u got to get more sources.
I always use source time 0 and with max amount of multiple sources (8). I usually get 3 sources before they dissapear
Re: Extracting 2 sorces in 1 prospection
Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:10 am
by blogie
i'm a lil newbie desert forager of level 120 and i get the 16 mats a prospect and have 0 downtime.
Thanks to Neun i can craft faster and level like mad.
The only thing what pussels me is the fail's i get when i digg in zora. I have terain spec jungel and can digg q 120 but it seams i get a lot of failiors in the sys info.
I will try the other method of digg q60 agresive rate gentel speed and switsh when i have q 60 to q120 i hope i get the same resolts as he gets in pr.
I nead the extra xp to boost range and angel its now at 20m and 60°s