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Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:23 am
by naratuul
jared96 wrote:Correction:

Currently there is no game mechanic neutral faction. I have more time in game pre faction than post faction.
Currently there is no mechanic to jump or shoot lazers from your eyes. From what I've seen I don't think either of those will happen either. We are more likely to see yubos pee fire on unsuspecting homins than we are to see a third faction mechanic. If Jyu and his incessant pestering and flaming couldn't bring it about I doubt its gonna happen :)

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:54 am
by komissar
Jyudas lives! :eek:

Sooner or later he will appear on these forums again mark my words!

And we do need a third faction but maybe it'll just be a third alliance instead. One powerful enough to beat both kami and karas and rule the server.
I think it's quite possible, what you guys think? :)

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:32 am
by cloudy97
Kitins are the third faction!

Seriously, Spires would be a much more fun puzzle if Civilization fame was added to the mix.

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:33 pm
by jared96
naratuul wrote:Currently there is no mechanic to jump or shoot lazers from your eyes. From what I've seen I don't think either of those will happen either. We are more likely to see yubos pee fire on unsuspecting homins than we are to see a third faction mechanic. If Jyu and his incessant pestering and flaming couldn't bring it about I doubt its gonna happen :)
Huh ? I can make no sense of what you are saying; I'm talking what was, you are talking "what ifs". Let's do a little history.

1. There has never been yubo peeing fire and laser eyes in Ryzom.

2. There was a time when a neutral game mechanic did exist.

3. So back to original statement. There was a neutral game mechanic in Ryzon but it "currently" (as in "no longer") exists.

The point that was made is that currently there is no game mechanic for a neutral faction but for a very long time there was. Taking it out at a time when most new games were coming out PvE only was more than "against the grain". For many of us, we have more time in game when the neutral mechanic did exist then when it didn't. We lost half the player base when the neutral game mechani was removed and Ryzom, or better said "Nevrax", never recovered.

How is Ryzom going to compete in the crowded MMORPG space ? Even WoW has slightly over 50 % of their servers (I provided an exact count in another thread) dedicated to "non PvP". Can GF afford to ignore 50% of the MMORPG playing public ? Think about this, if you want to continue the faction wars in Ryzom, then Ryzom has to exist. It can't exist without a sustainable player base. Providing no game mechanic for people who want no part of faction wars only means they are going to:

a) Find a workaround which most remaining neutrals have done
b) Go someplace else.

The introduction of spires however as well as many of the other pro faction suggestions would remove a) as a viable alternative, leaving only Option b. That doubles the likelihood that the game will never reach that necessary sustenance point and doubles the likelihood that karavan and kami will exist in our memories only.

We have had many players in our neutral guild who when on to leave and join PvP guilds.....six even started new guilds, all but one pvP oriented. We have had many people join our guild who got tired of PvP and don't wanna be bothered with all the bickering anymore. The game still provides an option to be neutral. The option is a bit cumbersome and with some penalties but for the most part workable. Increasing the penalties for the neutral choice will evntually produce the proverbial "straw that beaks the mektoubs back".

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:58 pm
by sidusar
cloudy97 wrote:Seriously, Spires would be a much more fun puzzle if Civilization fame was added to the mix.
I think so too. :)

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:49 am
by vguerin
jared96 wrote:The point that was made is that currently there is no game mechanic for a neutral faction but for a very long time there was. Taking it out at a time when most new games were coming out PvE only was more than "against the grain". For many of us, we have more time in game when the neutral mechanic did exist then when it didn't. We lost half the player base when the neutral game mechani was removed and Ryzom, or better said "Nevrax", never recovered.
You make many good points, but you're misleading a bit.

Ryzom ALWAYS intended 2 factions and PvP, like nearly every game it was rushed out the door without either of them functional. In their defense, Nevrax did put this game back into beta for several months and the first release date slipped quite a bit. MANY things didn't make it into the game that were supposed to be in it, PvP and faction options were not add-ons (and not even released the way we tested in the case of OP's).

We lost a lot of folks when it was finally implemented, it was only because they had a false hope that their gameplay wouldn't be effected. Guild's split up, people had to make a choice. You, like me and many others still around have the original box and playbook... PvP and faction battles were in there, even if they released the game without it.