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Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 3:09 pm
by marct
A button to filter tickets on your inventory windows. Just like the others, right next to it.

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 4:57 pm
by tylarth
Make aggros mobs less hungry. 1 kincher does not need to kill 4 yelks ever 10 mins.

Give herbs the same number of mats as aggros and kitins, after all they are generally bigger in physical size so why less mats? And why are herbs at higher lvls (200+) disproprtionate in lvl to the aggro mobs and the region eg a voracious pr yelk (biggest non-named yelk) is just 1 star, many other bearly reach 2 star, with exception of uber herbs. It means hunting as a method of obtaining craft materials is not really viable for the herb based materials, but quite adequate for aggro based materials.

Give PR mobs normal HP for their lvl or extra xp.

(And yes, i had a bad day from aggros in the pr)

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:56 am
by kaetemi
Armilo-Duk Ammo Crafting Tool.

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:55 am
by raisrev1
Hrm 18ish pages of stuff too read, duno if what I post has been said or not, but here goes.

1. Have more than 3 packers/1mount
2. Fix the Gender issue with Emotes/team invites/Exchanges
3. Raise the Buy back cost of Items sold to NPC for Players to be higher than the Sell to NPC cost (to deter the Sell at hawker in middle of nowhere, then port to Yrk or where ever and move to apt, or what ever)
4. Stables at Various Tribe camps (doesnt make ne sense that a Tribe with "pets" or mounts in their little Pens, dont have a stable to house/feed them)
5. Fix the Matis 1h Sword, Has no Trail behind it like the others
6. Adjust Resource Tracking so that it takes you to the material source, not to the edge of the Mass deposit that has everything. (example, at Sap Slaves camp in GoC, If one were to go to the edge of the cliff roughly NE of them, Aproximatly 60ish meters from the camp, And do 100m tracking for Choice only Fiber. It will say your bout 50ish meters from "deposit". YOu get there and there is no Choice fiber there. Its another 50m away on the Far side of the Camp from you next to the Tree.)
7. Be able to at least look at your Crafting plans without a tool. (too see what you have, figure out how much you need of various materials to craft, ect.)
8. Fix the PvP
9. Bring back the Pheonix graphics on spell casting :D
10. Increase the amount of Mats Herbivores drop.
11. Increase the number of Mobs that can Drop Choice mats (as discused in another thread, perhaps PR Mobs to offset thier Extra Hit Points)(and to "support" the increased number of Mobs doing so, Have the Slayer's, Destroyer's, and Death's drop more mats and more HP)
12. Give more people a reason to be in PR for things other than Supreme mats, and named/boss mobs. Like number 11 :D or increase the XP of mobs to again offset the increased HP's.
13. Bring back the Kirosta Patrols in PR :rolleyes:
14. Be able to Force the Game to "reconnect" while still logged in
15. A button to "Auto Sort" inventory(s)
16. A price diffrence between Regular Bale, and Small Bale (Mount/packer food)
17. Emote to Sit in an existing Chair or Bench
Well thats all I can think of this time around.

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:56 pm
by blaah
ability to access apartement and guild hall inventory within city limits.
currently porting to apartement/gh is just waste of time. it does not add anything to game.

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 4:52 pm
by sk8rss
tylarth wrote: Give PR mobs normal HP for their lvl or extra xp.
This, I'm sorry to say isn't something I'd like to see. Level should determine the XP, and high HP on PR mobs is something I'd like to see. The PR is considered a deep, dark, dangerous place to visit. It's not supposed to be heavily trafficed. Every trip into the PR is an adventure, I like it that way. This are not our homelands or a leveling place, this is a place for getting supreme, racially independant mats or finding super mobs. If you ask me the PR should be a difficult place for any team. If any change is to be made to the PR, as others said, make the bosses tougher. Also make more of a reason to be down there, but don't make it easier. Something along the lines of a mission to retrieve something from the PR would be great, as a huge fame booster or something.
raisrev1 wrote: 17. Emote to Sit in an existing Chair or Bench
Yeah, this one's good.

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 6:32 pm
by jamela
"Aim" stanza for melee actions is massively overpriced for its almost negligible effect - reduce it by a factor of 10. I mean the credit cost to use it, not the Skill Point cost of learning it.

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:29 pm
by petej
A Right-Click option on the Map that Remove's/Restore's the heading "MAP" , the Buttons , Season and Weather info so I can get just the Map itself displayed without any "Clutter" taking up screen space when those options/info's arent needed

Would also be nice in that case to have a Right-Click option to get back to the "Whole World" map (taking the place of the "Back" button) when veiwing one of the smaller maps -so I wouldnt have to Restore the buttons just to switch maps

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:42 pm
by blaah
petej wrote:A Right-Click option on the Map that Remove's/Restore's the heading "MAP" , the Buttons , Season and Weather info so I can get just the Map itself displayed without any "Clutter" taking up screen space when those options/info's arent needed
maybe something like this ?
actually, i had no problems with that "clutter" before i finished that image.... damn, i want it now ;-)

Re: Forums: What Bugs You The Most? (by Xavier Antoviaque)

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:37 pm
by petej
blaah wrote:maybe something like this ?
actually, i had no problems with that "clutter" before i finished that image.... damn, i want it now ;-)

Thats not bad , id still want to lose the window title line "MAP" tho and have the Season/Weather line read something like "02 h on a Fair Summers Night" -nice n minimal :)

EDIT - you could also get rid of the "Back" Button and just switch between the World map and the individual land maps via the zoom function , one step closer than you can get now would switch from the World map to whichever map it was centered on , going back to the World map would just be zooming out one step more than you can now