Episode 2 Poll

Come in, pull up a chair, let's discuss all things Ryzom-related.

What do you reckon to Episode 2?

Excellent! - This is going to make me stick with the game.
Good - I like it.
Meh - I could take it or leave it.
Poor - Its bad, but I can do other stuff.
Awful - I am considering unsubbing/have unsubbed
Total votes: 219

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Re: Episode 2 Poll

Post by tylarth »

i am not aware of any govt. or faction paying for mercenaries, nor would i encourage a culture where mercenaries are acceptable. I would fght with those loyal to the cause not those loyal to their personal greed. for they are unreliable and untrustworthy. I extent this view also to guilds inconsistant in their faith, those i find unreliable and untrustworty too.

There is no place for a 'red cross' as all homin combatants are resurrected by their patron power. There is no 'UN' nor a need. If civilsations wish to discuss matters they send diplomats. There is no need for a neutral to be present in the war zone.
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Re: Episode 2 Poll

Post by micrix »

tylarth wrote:i am not aware of any govt. or faction paying for mercenaries, nor would i encourage a culture where mercenaries are acceptable. I would fght with those loyal to the cause not those loyal to their personal greed. for they are unreliable and untrustworthy. I extent this view also to guilds inconsistant in their faith, those i find unreliable and untrustworty too.
You would ban mercs from your culture but not bloodthirsty gods ? Interessting vision...
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Re: Episode 2 Poll

Post by grimjim »

micrix wrote:You would ban mercs from your culture but not bloodthirsty gods ? Interessting vision...
Aye, at least a mercenary's motives are 'pure'.
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Re: Episode 2 Poll

Post by lienem »

cloudy97 wrote: Must be especially confusing for the Trykers, allowing a Kami temple to be built in their country. Why would they make a 180° turn and start to kill Kami now?

Check the kite flying over the Corsairs' camp. A tribe our leader is said to have spent his whole youth in, a tribe he's said to have led. A tribe we have a high positive fame with. And try saying 180° again ;) .
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Re: Episode 2 Poll

Post by cloudy97 »

lienem wrote:Check the kite flying over the Corsairs' camp. A tribe our leader is said to have spent his whole youth in, a tribe he's said to have led. A tribe we have a high positive fame with. And try saying 180° again ;) .
180° for the Trykers privileged to vote on the temple matter, not a notoriously vigillant tribe. And, for some reason I don't see them fighting in the desert this time ;)

"Nothing will put the breeze up these unruly but brave battlers who are always ready to attack foreign enemy convoys under the slightest pretext. The authorities of Fairhaven have no interest in curbing the Corsairs' keenness for action, and leave them a loose rein. They are, after all, loyal partisans trained to play a preponderant role in warfare. Many a Tryker has been a Corsair in his or her younger days in order to learn the art of combat, the most illustrious being Still Wyler, the great Governor. Once the fervor of youth has abated, however, Trykers generally prefer to turn to less violent activities."

from http://ryzom.com/?page=lore_atys_tribes_aqueous
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Re: Episode 2 Poll

Post by jared96 »

tylarth wrote:If any mechanic were introduced to allow neutrals to havest at an advantage over the loyalists i would vehemently oppose this, as i would any penalty of neutral killing in a warzone.

So we can summarize your position as what helps you is great, and if other people are denied the same opportunity then who cares. You "vehemently oppose" any advantage which nuetrals might be given, but you don't "vehemently oppose" anything which gives non neutrals an advantage ...the ole "double standards are OK as long as I am the one who benefits" position.

As far as the "boob islands", I don't care what happens there cause I been there, seen it and have no interest in going back. PvP'ers can do the port, die, spawn thing over and over again 150 times a night if that's what tickles their fancy but I plan on staying out of the place cause it offers nothing but a gank fest. If a neutral chooses to go to a place where no neutral content is offered other than PvP then do what you want to him / her. But if a neutral is on the manilands or prime roots, and not on "boob island" the honor point penalty should be imposed. They didn't wanna go to your parrty, don't bring the party back to them.

And with less than half the people in the poll saying they like the PvP (and I wonder how much will fade as the novelty wears off and the prospect of 100 days of port-die-respawn repetitiveness sets in) I have to ask when does the rest of the player base get their piece of the pie ? Give us our "boob island" where all we fight is kitin and where we can say for example build monuments to the heroes of the past who united the four faces to curb the kitin invasion. Let us earn honor points for this effort where we can get access to the same rewards as people who worship these so called gods.
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Re: Episode 2 Poll

Post by svayvti »

Wish I could change my vote... my more informed opinion of Ep2 has soured me on it more than first impressions.
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Re: Episode 2 Poll

Post by grimjim »

svayvti wrote:Wish I could change my vote... my more informed opinion of Ep2 has soured me on it more than first impressions.
I was considering doing a new one at some point to reflect shifting opinion, but don't know if people would fill that one out as much.
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Re: Episode 2 Poll

Post by riveit »

tylarth wrote:i am not aware of any govt. or faction paying for mercenaries, nor would i encourage a culture where mercenaries are acceptable. I would fght with those loyal to the cause not those loyal to their personal greed. for they are unreliable and untrustworthy.
I think that the Karavan and Kamis have based their war on a business decision or perhaps it is just playful a contest between them. It's hard to tell with all their secrets and disinformation. However, they obviously don't take the war very seriously themselves or they would be blasting each other and not using weak homins as proxies.
Last edited by riveit on Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode 2 Poll

Post by mimir1 »

lawrence[/color wrote:]... Regarding black ribbons used as forum avatars - Use of black ribbons as a protest can demean the idea of the black ribbon, symbolizing the remembrance of someone who has passed away. The use of the avatars here on these public message boards may well be misunderstood as lack of respect for what the black ribbon symbolizes and thus be offensive to certain users, especially those who have lost a loved one. Please consider changing your avatar back and finding a better way of expressing your feelings.

Sorry but I believe that the original message from Goofy was about loosing a loved one (Ryzom), loosing the community, loosing the time and effort invested in the game. If being sad about the loss of friends gathered over the last year. (not a RL death) And sadness for them leaving and becoming nothing but a memory. If RL feelings about a game can be so strong but do not deserve some form of solidarity well then I may have to rethink my original plan of keeping my account active.

Oh and for the record, Black ribbons are a form of protest, not just for mourning a loved one. But in this case I think both are true.

FYI a few sites using black ribbons

Original Message translated to French.

J'ai une reponse qui je pense est satifaisante. Je n'ai pas envie de voir le jeux disparaitre, c'est pourquoi je vais continuer de m'abonner. Je ne jouerai peut-être pas aussi souvent, mais je me loggerai de temps à autre pour voir comment ca va.

De plus, j'ai changé mon avatare pour un ruban noir, pour exprimer mon mécontentement. Utilisez cela à votre gré. Une image exprime autant que 1000 mots et si plusieurs voient les rubans noirs, cela les réveillera peut-être.
Last edited by mimir1 on Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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