Its a Karavan's World, Too bad Im not planning be part of it.

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Re: Its a Karavan's World, Too bad Im not planning be part of it.

Post by greymar »

grimjim wrote:Yes.
It does.

Okie. I'll go back to being Neutral and enjoying not PvPing then. You all have a nice argument :)
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Re: Its a Karavan's World, Too bad Im not planning be part of it.

Post by g00staff »

where do we go from here
the words are coming out all weird
where are you now when i need you........
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Re: Its a Karavan's World, Too bad Im not planning be part of it.

Post by grimjim »

greymar wrote:Okie. I'll go back to being Neutral and enjoying not PvPing then. You all have a nice argument :)
I'm neutral, but I merc out my services in these battles.
I'm also interested in social game dynamics.

The KA is certainly percieved as being bigger if that isn't so it shifts the blame/emphasis onto tactics and power level/access to 'good stuff'.
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Re: Its a Karavan's World, Too bad Im not planning be part of it.

Post by grimjim »

The numbers at the Woodburn Stronghold battle fluctuated quite a bit and my counting of the Karavan was somewhat complicated by being killed by them a lot while trying to count.


The numbers at this battle were (approximately) even as best as I could make out, with approx 50-60 people on each side, on average, throughout the battles.

The Karavan were, at most, ahead by two teams (approx 15-20 people) the Kami appeared to be briefly ahead on numbers by approximately one team (5-10) at the last big Karavan push.

The numbers alone don't tell the whole story however...

1. Though it seems, to me, that the exercisable KA numerical advantage is somewhat overstated, it is there and a team or two can make a huge difference in a tight situation.

2. The Kami were fighting defensively in this battle, which does carry a good advantage. Woodburn stronghold is a good, defensible OP.

3. The Kami were supported by neutrals/moderates who will usually only fight defensive battles. These numbers cannot be translated into an attacking force to retake OPs that have already gone.

4. The Kami had a LOT of new faces and unrecognised names/guilds present while the KA had a lot more older, more recognisable names by proportion. This suggests to me that, with sufficient motivation and levelling (Which would be aided by a better supply of cats) the Kami force could even the odds considerably within 3-6 months of pro PvP acheiver players grinding. This depends whether recruitment proportions remain the same as they have been of course and is also dependent on Crystal supply.

5. The timezone wasn't especially suitable for Euro players (despite the weekend) but the numbers present were good (if a lot of new players). I would suspect that a lot of the newly subscribed players are American, so the timezone advantage may become moot in the same 3-6 month period stated above.

Make of that what you will really.
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Re: Its a Karavan's World, Too bad Im not planning be part of it.

Post by vguerin »

grimjim wrote:The numbers alone don't tell the whole story however...
We did lose alot of folks, but there was a reason, we just never recovered. This was a good battle and I enjoy fighting when the best show on the opposing side. The sides certainly aren't as skewed as some suggest, but when the time is right we have the advantage. I usually cannot blame anyone for using the clock to their advantage and this was a good day on Atys.

If we can stay away from the extremes in these things there will continue to be enjoyment even in a loss/stalmate. We still had a couple gloaters in region, and a few neutrals running around in the battlefield... We were closer to being honorable homins and thats what matters.

As a warrior and servant of Jena IC, I enjoy seeing this kind of battle. We cannot control OOC shouts and such, and shouldn't try it just makes it worse. We can TRY to just bring our best stuff and see how things turn out. Tonight we did this for the most part and we see what people are capable of, even if there are some who are going to go against the grain.
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Re: Its a Karavan's World, Too bad Im not planning be part of it.

Post by danolt »

I hate to admit this but we are pretty much out of Peromania gear. I told everyone going half off and throwing in the "I am Perofect" shirts would end up causing a riot. Well the folks over at Ginti workshop are working on getting some Pero gear out as fast as they can... I prolly should not have said there is gonna be another riot.

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Re: Its a Karavan's World, Too bad Im not planning be part of it.

Post by martl »

grimjim wrote: 1. Though it seems, to me, that the exercisable KA numerical advantage is somewhat overstated, it is there and a team or two can make a huge difference in a tight situation.
Thank you for counting, Jyudas :)

actually i dont think this OP fight represents as your average op fight. It being the last but one q250 op on Kami side on stake, more than the usual count of Kamists showed up; And maybe some Kara followers didn't. I myself was there only at the end because my time zone calculation skill sucks :) but i would have been there, were it at 4am my time or not; Something i would possibly not do for yet another pointless attack on some far away Matis OP...

So the op fights i've been to where numbers were even or in favour of Kami, i can count on one hand. It seems to me that the number of players on Kara side who are regulars at any op fight is bigger.


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Re: Its a Karavan's World, Too bad Im not planning be part of it.

Post by grimjim »

martl wrote:Thank you for counting, Jyudas :)

actually i dont think this OP fight represents as your average op fight. It being the last but one q250 op on Kami side on stake, more than the usual count of Kamists showed up; And maybe some Kara followers didn't. I myself was there only at the end because my time zone calculation skill sucks :) but i would have been there, were it at 4am my time or not; Something i would possibly not do for yet another pointless attack on some far away Matis OP...

So the op fights i've been to where numbers were even or in favour of Kami, i can count on one hand. It seems to me that the number of players on Kara side who are regulars at any op fight is bigger.

I did give provisors, but it does show that Kami _can_ mobilise. I'll try and get a count at today's attack as well but it'll be more of a guesstimate because I'm knackered.
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Re: Its a Karavan's World, Too bad Im not planning be part of it.

Post by kiexa »

grimjim wrote:I'll try and get a count at today's attack

another attack today?
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Re: Its a Karavan's World, Too bad Im not planning be part of it.

Post by andypur1 »

Zok wishes to apologise to his team and the Soul, for missing the defence. The short (1-2 hour I reckoned) trek to go and get the Loria tp took about 3 1/4 hours, what with crashes, some lag and some nasty kitins ganging up on the three of us :(

Still we made it at about 4.15 BST and I'm glad that the Kami did well this time. I'll try and be about for the next one.
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