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Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:06 pm
by moriant
Most of us do not really care about the XP gain. What we want IS balance. Currently, combat types and harvesters (before mat spec nerf) were able to making XP a lot faster than a crafter past 100. We have been saying for a long time that harvesting needs to bring in MORE mats. This doesnt have to mean more XP.

Now combat types are nerfed in Patch 1 (in theory) so that they will not make XP as fast. Harvesters as well are slowed down additionally in terms of QUANTITY of mats. This in effect slows down crafting EVEN FURTHER than pre-patch 1.

So you see... they slow down ALL the trees and as a result it WILL slow down the crafters even more. Slowing down is FINE. Everyone benefits from a longer term game, but further slowing of an already to slow (by most accounts) tree is NOT a good thing.


Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:10 pm
by mikwana
korin77 wrote:To compare, someone who was able to pull ql 150 mats over my ql 100 zoomed past me in an area of harvesting where we both started out equally, and is able now to concentrate on something else. I spent the same amount of time as him, but because I didn't use mat spec to level up my first harvesting skill, I am now suffering through the slow process to even get to level 100.
And a mage who uses fear/nuke advances much faster than one who simply uses acid-link and has downtime to heal HP.

And a ranged warrior advances more slowly than a warrior who uses a two hander.

Different skills and actions make you advance differently. He played his way, you played yours, his way worked better to get XP. Does that mean that new players who start 2 weeks/months/years after those who started at launch should complain that they arn't the same level and can't fight the same stuff as those who started at launch?

And there will ALWAYS be someone who is bigger/better/stronger/faster etc than you.

If you want a game where everyone is equal, go play UT2004. It's not about being "The Best" but about being the best you can, doing things your way, and having fun. if you have to be THE best, then sorry, it's not going to happen, no matter how much you complain.

As shrike said, the NA forum is the only one where a FEW players are screaming about the end of the world with patch one.

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:10 pm
by buzyb77
buzyb77 wrote:GO GO Monster Thread

yaaa page 15 can we get 20?

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:12 pm
by ctusk
shrike wrote:Also, I might add that from the euro-english, the german and the NA forum you find this "OMG the game will die" panic ONLY in the NA forum.
Ich bin mir zwar nicht so sicher wie gut dein Deutsch ist aber ich habe den Eindruck die Jungs in dem Forum sind auch nicht ganz so happy ueber die Aenderungen. Kleiner Vorschlag: Warum haelst du nicht einfach die Klappe Shrike und gruendest deinen eigenen kleinen Ryzom-Fan-Troll club?

Translation: I am not sure how well your german is Shrike, but I have the impression that the guys in the german forum are pretty pissed about the changes as well. Suggestion: Why don't you shut up already and go found your own little ryzom fan troll club somewhere?

Sorry, I don't like misinformation being spread for those that may or may not be able to read the other forums for themselves.

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:13 pm
by moriant
shrike wrote:Also, I might add that from the euro-english, the german and the NA forum you find this "OMG the game will die" panic ONLY in the NA forum.

The thread which comes closest to this one in the EU forum is quite different: ... ge=1&pp=10

The players on the other server are capable harvesters as well, so why does not everyone seem to think the game will die there? Perhaps they *gasp* disagree?

Except that even people in that thread agree that the Patch isn't all that great. I certainly don't see everyone praising it there. In fact I see people even changing their minds from 'its good' to 'it very well may ruin the game'. *shrug*

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:14 pm
by korin77
mikwana wrote:And a mage who uses fear/nuke advances much faster than one who simply uses acid-link and has downtime to heal HP.

And a ranged warrior advances more slowly than a warrior who uses a two hander.

Different skills and actions make you advance differently. He played his way, you played yours, his way worked better to get XP. Does that mean that new players who start 2 weeks/months/years after those who started at launch should complain that they arn't the same level and can't fight the same stuff as those who started at launch?

And there will ALWAYS be someone who is bigger/better/stronger/faster etc than you.

If you want a game where everyone is equal, go play UT2004. It's not about being "The Best" but about being the best you can, doing things your way, and having fun. if you have to be THE best, then sorry, it's not going to happen, no matter how much you complain.

As shrike said, the NA forum is the only one where a FEW players are screaming about the end of the world with patch one.

As usual you can't see past your own nose. Yes, he played his way and I played mine. Now I want to play his way and I can't. Because the same people who complained about balance are the same people who have used those methods to get that high. Now they don't want anyone else catching up to them. That is the real issue here.

Did they complain about it when the game first started? No, they waited weeks til they sufficiently used these methods to level before even making a sound. If this was truely a problem, it would have been voiced in beta? What happened to all you beta testers?

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:21 pm
by btamilio
moriant wrote: So you see... they slow down ALL the trees and as a result it WILL slow down the crafters even more. Slowing down is FINE. Everyone benefits from a longer term game, but further slowing of an already to slow (by most accounts) tree is NOT a good thing.
And the thread circles around on itself again:

- NPC merchants mean more mats available to all players. Granted, not the 3540000 you need to go from 199 to 200, but in general WAY more mats. This helps crafters at all levels, particularly levels where the MEDIAN of the level curve is found, where there are the most harvesters / fighters etc selling mats of whatever quality, for crafters to use.

- Given this, harvesting may be slower, but there is more incentive as you can sell your mats. AND there is more incentive to craft 50+ because you can buy mats without having to harvest them.

- NPC merchants allow you to focus on being a crafter OR a harvester and not needing the other.

Right now, unless you have harvest at the same level as craft (above 50), it takes forever to get appropriate mats.

- The harder hitting mobs give more incentive to bring a healer or two along with any group. this means more group-role specialization, which means more grouping.

- I know far too many players with at least one harvest line above 100, and everything else half or 3/4 that. To me, that smells of exploit or easy mode. But I don't know -- I'm not the harvester type.

This patch hurts uber guilds and powergamer teams. It's a boon to everyone else. Perhaps I don't fully appreciate how these concerns scale up to levels 150+, but they make the game at the "make or break" levels, 50-100, a lot more reasonable.

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:23 pm
by jharker
Because the same people who complained about balance are the same people who have used those methods to get that high. Now they don't want anyone else catching up to them. That is the real issue here.
I don't understand why that matters. I definitely don't care if someone is already level 250 and they got there by using exploits or playing on beta code. Why does it matter if someone is higher level than you? It's not like they can kill you or anything. What will those people take away from the rest of us?

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:25 pm
by raynes
btamilio wrote: This patch hurts uber guilds and powergamer teams.
Boy you hit that one right on target.

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:29 pm
by shrike
ctusk wrote:Ich bin mir zwar nicht so sicher wie gut dein Deutsch ist aber ich habe den Eindruck die Jungs in dem Forum sind auch nicht ganz so happy ueber die Aenderungen. Kleiner Vorschlag: Warum haelst du nicht einfach die Klappe Shrike und gruendest deinen eigenen kleinen Ryzom-Fan-Troll club?

Translation: I am not sure how well your german is Shrike, but I have the impression that the guys in their forum are pretty pissed about the changes as well. Suggestion: Why don't you shut up already and go found your own little ryzom fan troll club somewhere?

Sorry, I don't like misinformation being spread for those that may or may not be able to read the other forums for themselves. Plus I am tired of your fanboy crap.
Ich bin mir zwar ebenfalls nicht sicher wie gut dein Englisch ist, aber ich habe nicht gesagt das die Leute dort vor Freude in die Luft springen. Es ist eher eine Stimmung von skeptischer Erwartung dort vorzufinden.
Welche WELTEN von der "Patch 1 wird das Spiel zerstören" Stimmung von hier entfernt ist.

I'm not really sure how good your english is as well, but I never said that the people jump in the air out of pure joy in the german forum. Most people there are sceptical and curious.
Which is quite a difference to the "OMG the game will die" panic here.
moriant wrote:Except that even people in that thread agree that the Patch isn't all that great. I certainly don't see everyone praising it there. In fact I see people even changing their minds from 'its good' to 'it very well may ruin the game'. *shrug*
Nope. But, as said, neither do they say "if patch one comes as it is now I quit" or "patch 1 will kill the game". They are sceptical, yes, but most there seem rather want to test the things themselves than to listen to some doomsayers.