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Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:43 pm
by phradok
Marjo wrote:Here's the list of TPs that will be available for neutrals :
(in parenthesis, the faction owning the altar)
*in stars, the altars activated with the upcoming patch*
Thank you very much for this information. I just wish it would have been made available a week ago, would have saved me a week of severe depression.

I think this list of teleporters will be a liveable option for most neutrals and open up lots of newer areas that are currently way under-explored. Although I can't imagine hunting for excellent materials in Bounty Beaches!

If this list has been modified in the last week, thank you Nevrax for listening to your players.

Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:49 pm
by blaah
oldmess wrote:1. Let's say, and why not, that I choose to be a Karavan supporter. That means I'll lose access to all of the Kami teleporters, yes? If I already own a TP ticket for a Kami teleporter, your answer implies I'll be able to use it, but I will not be able to buy a replacement.
if it would be up to me, i would put Kami death squad to every Kami tp and Karavan welcoming party to every karavan tp.
it's war you know and ... blah blah blah

*runs off to buy pr tickets*

Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 5:31 pm
by oldmess
blaah wrote:if it would be up to me, i would put Kami death squad to every Kami tp and Karavan welcoming party to every karavan tp.
it's war you know and ... blah blah blah
That's actually a good question: If a Karavan supporter teleports to a Kami TP (because of a previously purchased ticket), will the various Kami personnel at that TP respond in a hostile manner to him. i.e. will they kill him? Or, will that depend on his fame? i.e. a Karavaner with a -30 Kami will not be attacked, but a -50 or lower would?

Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:04 pm
by kazaam31
outposts at monday :D get ur fight stuff rdy :P

Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:52 pm
by blaah
oldmess wrote:Or, will that depend on his fame? i.e. a Karavaner with a -30 Kami will not be attacked, but a -50 or lower would?
max Kami fame Karavaneer can have is -50%, which will make him/her target to KOS death squads.

i have no information if Tp's will be protected by KOS guards or not.
Some has guards, in tryker Fount/Kara and EI/Kami, FH/Kami and maybe FH/Kara. no info if those will KOS players or just mobs/npc.
EDIT: no kami/kara KOS guards in towns, what a shame :rolleyes:

either way, it's gonna get interesting

Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:15 pm
by gwythion
A big thank you Marjo for posting the tp information.

Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:34 pm
by petej
Ive seen no mention on any changes regarding Tribe fames -does this mean they are staying as they are atm with thier start fame being equal with their old Civ Fame values (the Civ Fame used being determined by the Chars Race unless they are a Citizen of another Race -pressumably) and what rules would be used for a Neutral Race Homin ?

On ATS atm (patch 150) Tribes only seem to take into account personal fame and thats capped to 50 cant see it staying that way tho...

Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 10:26 pm
by thlau
petej wrote:On ATS atm (patch 150) Tribes only seem to take into account personal fame and thats capped to 50 cant see it staying that way tho...
Yes, they only take personal fame into account.
The caps are modified by citizenship.

I don't know if the convert status modifies the caps, too.

Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:57 am
by rushin
thlau wrote:Yes, they only take personal fame into account.
The caps are modified by citizenship.

I don't know if the convert status modifies the caps, too.
with cult and citizen still have the 50 cap

Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:11 am
by thlau
rushin wrote:with cult and citizen still have the 50 cap
You mean if I become a cult convert all the caps will be 50 again?

Because with personal citizenship the caps with the tribes definetly not always
50. Chlorogoos fame for example is capped at -50 with tryker citizenship.