Players leaving because of recent events

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Re: Players leaving because of recent events

Post by michielb »

blaah wrote:i think it's time for another "weekly" (i think that was weekly before) dev letter to give us Nevrax's next years plans

Don't need a newsletter for year the dev's will be looking for a job along with everyone else at nevrax....
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Re: Players leaving because of recent events

Post by borg9 »

For clarification:

I am digging when I get chance and playing other games the rest of the time.

I am in the PvP zone cas there is nothing else left to do on Atys.

I pre paid for 3 months so I want something in return for that money.

After the news of Atys becoming 'Risk', I will not be renewing.

(Reserves the right to return, if the promised 'suprises' turn out to be something good compared to this poor version of WoW)
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Re: Players leaving because of recent events

Post by sofiaoak »

mtsmith wrote:Many, many "ppl" who are not into PVP are having a good time during this event. I honestly hope that some of those folks take the time to read this thread and comment.
People who aren't part of event, can have fun with the game as general, as can those who are part of it. People who do not like open PvP, can't have fun with the Open PvP content, because they would never be part of it. It's the consent swich, do You accept duel. It's the consent swich do You step in open PvP zone. People who say they like the PvP event and are part of PvP event, can never say they are not into PvP, because they just where that. I think You get the point.
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Re: Players leaving because of recent events

Post by grimjim »

sofiaoak wrote:People who aren't part of event, can have fun with the game as general, as can those who are part of it. People who do not like open PvP, can't have fun with the Open PvP content, because they would never be part of it. It's the consent swich, do You accept duel. It's the consent swich do You step in open PvP zone. People who say they like the PvP event and are part of PvP event, can never say they are not into PvP, because they just where that. I think You get the point.
So long as 'content' (story, rewards, building, development) is inexorably tied to a single playstyle (PvP) then there is no consent since you are forced to take part and engage in something you hate in order to remain a worthwhile character and to have any influence on your world.

This is not a consensual event.

I am taking part, I loath it.

There is no choice.

There's a lot of other diggers etc who are similarly fed up to the back teeth of the ganking aspect.
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Re: Players leaving because of recent events

Post by ambika »

Maybe, I'm an oddball...or maybe it's because I wasn't able to play since August. I was never much of a pvper. Only into consensual or at the gladiator events. In fact, I was scared and felt negative about it because of certain actions of arse players. But ever since I started playing, I have been very active in the event. Shortly, I'm loving it. Yes, a former pvp-hater loving this event. :p Sure, there are a few people that are arses for the sake of arses but I noticed many people aren't taking it personal. At least from what I've seen most of us there are having a good time. There's something so satisfying of serving Jena by building her Temples and taking out some Kamis. :p Don't get me wrong, I've seen kami people ask if they could have one person to be let through so they can be rezed and get no DP which to I've agreed to (though, usually, there are other kara who don't and nuke...can't control their actions. >.>). Ambika willingly and proudly serves Jena, but she's honorable and fair, too. ^_^

With that being said, there are a few things which I would have prefered if only they had implemented them. Such as: no dp from kincher (would stop people b*tching about DP...which I can empathize with diggers but not with fighters), option to be neutral (ya can't harm them and they can't help/harm any non-neutral), and being able to respawn at the camps in the old lands.

Add those three things, I'm MORE that positive more people would find this event more enjoyable. I don't mind dp (as much as others might who only come there to dig), but I HATE having to respawn in yrk and run back (though, I'm sure it's so each side has time to dig before the opposing faction re-groups and counters). Also, that would eliminate having to deal with gankers waiting on the mainland wanting to nuke ya once ya enter the FvF zone.

Or as other people suggested, mats distributed differently (easy ones you can get to or in the camp for those that don't want to pvp and harder/higher leveled mats in the middle) would help alot. Heck, I REALLY love Oshido's idea of dynamic PvP (too bad it would take forever to be implemented...though, at the rate the temples are being built, the programmers might just do it xD).

I truly don't see how the neutrals can't be satisfied or denied their requests. The basic things being asked to implement (mat distribution, possibly no dp, change spawn points, or even choose neutrality and not be allowed to interact with non-neutrals) are already in place or easy enough to program (well maybe not the choosing part...not a programmer, so I'm unsure). Or, if ya can't choose neutrality...just make the area closer to camps of each faction non-pvp with mats (just Q50/Q100 mats, shell and resin). I know that has to be easily implemented (zones with pvp and non-pvp...Sawdust Mines is one...the other is in Matis lands...and distributing mats in the non-pvp zone).

I'm sure THOSE minor changes wouldn't kill the curent pvp going on, but it would certainly make people who don't want to pvp MUCH happier. That means less whining...which I'm sure Nevrax would love. In the end, we'd all be happy...for the moment. >.>
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Updated list

Post by thosholm »

Evolutioneers lost the last few days:
- Blondy. Wont be coming back.
- Groom. Wont be coming back.
- Ishamael.
- Holina. Sub runs out in 3 weeks, will pop in to see if it got better.
- Thosam, Sub ends end-of-year
- Scarazi, will let sub run out
- Sxarlet, our beloved guild leader, has just announced it on Guild site

Evolutioneers to loose in the coming month if not something real good, real fast.
- Machieltje.
- Frydeswinde.

Close friends lost in the last few days.
- Lienchang
- Neun
- Zespiole

Close friends considering leaving if not something real good, real fast.
- Taidi.
Last edited by thosholm on Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Updated list

Post by dazoo »

Armada's toll so far.

Extended, if not indefinite break...


Thinking about it...


Too confused and distraught to do any thing but sit and wonder about FH...

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Re: Players leaving because of recent events

Post by norvic »

Definitely getting noticeable now. FH was nearly Deserted best i saw last night was 1/2 dozen dots max besides my own guildies and that was abit of a highpoint.

Thought maybe everyone in AD then, but no, Kami side did appear to still have some numbers but Kara was about 10 max.

Fair enough it may have been just odd timing for me, i have always tried to keep an open mind on the numbers effect of this content, but i think its now apparent that the numbers quitting or just not bothering to log in are rising and rising fast.
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Re: Players leaving because of recent events

Post by dmarxs »

You might want to add to that list that I have already gone, sub has already been canceled and runs out tomorrow. I maybe would come back if something amazing happened...but I doubt that.

I can't help but feel this whole thing has hit the Tryker community hardest.
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Re: Players leaving because of recent events

Post by geezas »

norvic wrote:... but i think its now apparent that the numbers quitting or just not bothering to log in are rising and rising fast.
Put me down for the 2nd category, I see not much effort from nevrax to tell us the Saga, just stupid wars fought for no apparent reason other then 'he is kami so kill' and vice versa. My interest for the game world has run out, it no longer is exciting, it's empty and normal now rapidly becoming a clone of the more popular so called role playing games, pretty pictures and the same mundane mediocre crap.
Aina - homin
Oh lookie a thingy, that would go very well with this thingy I have here and the other thingy I found at the uhm thingy near uhm well, that's not important right now. This might make a excellent thingy to hit thingies with :D
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