Going way off topic here, but:grimjim wrote:
Except furries, everyone looks down on furries.
Ah, come on man, what could possibly be wrong with furries? Some of my favorite characters have been furries - what would life have been like without looney tunes? I remember wanting to be Bugs Bunny when I grew up - he's one cool rabbit, he is.
Coming back on topic:
IMO if you think high level items are hard to get now in the shops, wait until PvP is rampant. Who is going to want the competition getting any of the better weapons or armor when it will only be used against them? Same will go for jewelery and materials. I think that any guild serious about the competition would be in their right to put pressure on any members selling this stuff. One member shouldn't profit from an action that puts the whole guild at risk.
At the same time, if any good stuff makes it to the market, I wouldn't put it past a rich guild to buy them all up as quickly and as often as possibe, even if all they do is destroy the items (if they cannot use them). The money spent could well be worth it in the long run if it keeps the other less experienced guilds from building up their own arsenal. Sure, in the long run, any guild should be able to eventually make their own stuff, but until they can harvest/loot the best materials and have the experienced crafters, they will be at a distinct disadvantage. If a guild can control both the best resources (through PvP) and the stores for anything that leaks through, then there might be nothing to stop them (or at least slow them for quite some time).
Oh, and another thing: Non guildmate groups - that is bad for so many reasons. Shouldn't be helping the competition level up, nor find good hunting/harvesting locations, nor teaching them your fighting techniques... I could go on and on about this. Really, a serious PvPer should never group with anyone outside their guild (well, unless you are spying; that might work...hmmm). Okay maybe there are some advantages, if you play it right.