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Re: Yay KP is back \o/

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:10 am
by iphdrunk
If memory serves well....

There was a wedding between a Matisian noble (NA community) and some Tryker female (EE community), although those nasty fyrosians (DE community) would not agree and they would rather smack us. Peacemongering Zorais (FR community) would try to calm us down... everything with a mix of english, german and french.

A war involving the 4 peoples, which ended up all together against a common foe, a uber-doober Minion yelk, with hundreds of thousands of hit points, and took the whole server like 45 minutes to take down (+ 45 minutes for lagged "player foo hits bar for xxx damage" messages...

One of the best events I remember.... almost 5 years ago.... and this all happened at the Kami oasis :*)


Re: Yay KP is back \o/

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:57 am
by zarozina
kalindra wrote:Meh ! I was alright with having KPs, I just had trouble with their aggro range. I guess it does have a logic, since the Kitins might perceive we are no longer a threath to their nests.

Periodic KPs seems like a good idea to me. Sometimes a huge load of hyper-aggressive Kirostas, sometimes just a couple of them doing their routine patrol. They'd re-appear at season changes when there is supposed to be a lot of homins down there and slowly disappear as the Kirostas return to their nests (and de-spawn)... or get killed.
Nice. :)

I don't know what was said in tickets, but on the forums all that has been said, (by most) was knock down the aggro range a little. Maybe as Anissa said they are tweaking or there are event-related resons for their appearence/disappearence. Whatever the reason, it is a shame they have been nerfed this badly. They needed a tweak, sure, but not anihilation, lol.

As for the Oasis ... there is (or was about a year ago) a way in, to the south. someone (Solo, maybe - I don remember) found it and told me and we wandered aruond inside for a while ... dunno whether the way has been closed up again or why it was open briefly if so.

Re: Yay KP is back \o/

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:42 pm
by vonzuben
They have not been nerfed. There is no intentional change. They are bugged or something. See my previous post.

But it would sure be nice if someone came and officially explained this. Spiderweb communication is pathetic.

Re: Yay KP is back \o/

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:02 pm
by zarozina
Ah ok, I must've missed that. Odd then.

Re: Yay KP is back \o/

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:30 pm
by blaah
vonzuben wrote:They have not been nerfed. There is no intentional change. They are bugged or something. See my previous post.
think positive. they were bugged, but devs fixed them ;-) and so CSR's are right saying that they have not been nerfed.

Re: Yay KP is back \o/

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:56 pm
by jared96
I think at this point the main issue is simple given the current population.

Pre-patch: Joe Blow logs on .... his friends list has 2 lights on. he contacts those people, 1 is AFK, one is building honor points. Joe has some skills in to 200 range but Region chat brings up no interested parties. So Joe goes down to PR and camps some of his fav PR spots waiting for something to pop. Prolly spends the time witha browser window open readingt he new son thes every forums. After an hour so, a few lights go on in thta friends list and Joie is happily teaming with friends in aplod or kinch team.

Post-patch: Joe Blow logs on .... his friends list has 2 lights on. he contacts those people, 1 is AFK, one is building honor points. Joe has some skills in to 200 range but Region chat brings up no interested parties. Joe figures no logic in going down to PR since he has no hope of doing squat alone so he logs off and gets involved with something else. He's therefore not logged in when his friends list lights start popping on. His friends go through the same thing now cause Joe is not on leaving them less opportunities to team up and they log. Eventually everyone kinda loses touch with one another and all start logging in less and less frequently continuing a downward spiral.

In short, with population as it is on the server, there needs to be something to do when you can't find a team. PR digging used to be the outlet. If that outlet is removed, it needs to be replaced with something esle. Digging your 3rd or 4th above ground region might be that outlet if there was some reward at the end of the tunnel such as increased focus with each region you master.

Or perhaps having npc mats above 100 would provide the necessary mats that the existing player base is unable to supply.

I don't think it's the existence of KP's per se that is the problem, the problem is having soemthing to do when server population is low. I still agree that KP's need some tweaking but I think the "having nothing to do" issue when server population is low is the bigger issue.

Re: Yay KP is back \o/

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:04 pm
by akovylin
Maybe land forage was underrated and now everything return to where it should be?

Re: Yay KP is back \o/

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:06 pm
by dakhound

so joe blow cant go dig another land? there isnt an instant "right" to supreme mats so he cant get them, grind mats ofc he can get anywhere

Re: Yay KP is back \o/

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:59 pm
by suib0m
Aside from the communication bit, the current owners have been doing a good job. Prior to the patch, we had an event leading up to it. Yes it was a bit rushed, but that seems to be due to the fact that there is a lack of event folks on Aris.. I'm not sure how it was handled in the other regions, so maybe i'm off on that one.

Anyway, we have honor points back, we have KP back. We have an air of mystery to things. Rather than giving up all hope or thinking that everything is completely broken just cause KPs are more vicious now, why don't we try taking this in context?

1. We just invaded the Kitin in their home territory. A large invasion, taking out what appears to be an important creature. Yes the Kitin are going to be very alert and very peeved at the action. Yes they will be more actively protecting the lair that was just attacked. Yes they are probably planning something for the future... we shall wait to see.

2. After the invasion, we see that some forces have pushed their will upon hominity again and we are, again, at war with each other. This is just after a massive effort of all, an effort where we worked together regardless of race or diety. Personally, I believe these forces are active in the political realm and are working with Kami and Karavan groups that have less than good intentions for us homins, to bring dissent to us... to control us easier.

I expect we will continue to see profound shifts that will effect us all. These shifts will be seen as both good and bad for our ability to do things and they will modify over time as we learn to cope with them better or other factors come into play.

So, essentially I am saying that we should let our feelings be known to the folks that control this game, but without getting all up-in-arms and aggro so soon after it's happened. this stuff can still be handled in the realm of the in-game world. These actions, while annoying to some, are not improbable to the events that have occurred. I'm thinking that the current folks in charge will be willing to accommodate us as best they can. The core of this game has been to grow with it's inhabitants and to remain an evolving entity. Let's give them proper incentive to do so in a way that flows with our story and lore.

- Sui

Re: Yay KP is back \o/

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:15 pm
by ajsuk
Just a shame that my, cynical, continually disappointed, self, can't help thinking... :p