A vision of Cho (Golden age)
Re: A vision of Cho (Golden age)
maybe after 4 months, when it had changed all over again 

High Officer of Order of the Nameless
High Officer of Order of the Nameless
Re: A vision of Cho (Golden age)
How do you plan to deal with the ploy of guilds beefing up their ranks with ringers just prior to making a declaration? If you set a time limit for guildmembers to participate, guilds will beef up just before the time limit. Once they declare or when the defenders see the new 'guildies', the defending guild will cry foul.spoloh wrote:1. A GvG system: 1OP per 1 guild. At any given moment any guild can declare on another guild's op and they fight it out on a GvG basis.
High Officer of Aeden Artisans
Re: A vision of Cho (Golden age)
I don't like the 1 OP per guild thing... It just seems like another limitation to me... Which is not what we need in game, On any server
... I mean really... If some one doesnt't want the guild to have two OPs ... then get two guilds together and one guild attack each OP
they are bound to lose one of them. Just no reason for that limitation to me.Because I really don't care how "Uber" a guild is, I don't think they could defend two OPs from two other guilds at the same time.

Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: A vision of Cho (Golden age)
sehracii wrote:You don't think reducing a guilds outpost options because some are not their time zone is too limiting? I would think limits would encourage stagnation.
And regarding factions, doesn't everyone say Kara can field a good force at any time?
1. I think any option that avoids me needing to stay up til 3am or whatever to have a _chance_ of participating in "content" is a bad thing.
2. They can. But in case you havent noticed, the closest fought battles, and the ones where the non-Matis alliance members actually won a few rounds once or twice were mostly during Euro times.
Omega V
Re: A vision of Cho (Golden age)
Were you aware that your own guild, Atys Paladins, held both a q250 and a q200 outpost for nearly 4 months?raven41 wrote:I don't like the 1 OP per guild thing... It just seems like another limitation to me... Which is not what we need in game, On any server... I mean really... If some one doesnt't want the guild to have two OPs ... then get two guilds together and one guild attack each OP they are bound to lose one of them. Just no reason for that limitation to me.Because I really don't care how "Uber" a guild is, I don't think they could defend two OPs from two other guilds at the same time.
High Officer of Aeden Artisans
Re: A vision of Cho (Golden age)
Yeah, But no one challenged us until after we had given our 200 away... Wasn't long after that somone attempted to take our current OP. Infinity also held two for awhile... There are a few guilds which have held two... But none do now... So why "Limit" anyone ... When sooner or later it will be limited on its own.
All im saying is there is no reason to put limitations in... They will limit themselves.
P.S. We held them from release so it wasn't like we took the 2nd OP from anyone.
Also-- It doesn't effect my opinion at all that AP held two OPs at one time.... Its just me trying to cling to as much freedom as we can keep ingame.
All im saying is there is no reason to put limitations in... They will limit themselves.
P.S. We held them from release so it wasn't like we took the 2nd OP from anyone.
Also-- It doesn't effect my opinion at all that AP held two OPs at one time.... Its just me trying to cling to as much freedom as we can keep ingame.
Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: A vision of Cho (Golden age)
raven41 wrote:I don't like the 1 OP per guild thing... It just seems like another limitation to me... Which is not what we need in game, On any server... I mean really... If some one doesnt't want the guild to have two OPs ... then get two guilds together and one guild attack each OP
they are bound to lose one of them. Just no reason for that limitation to me.Because I really don't care how "Uber" a guild is, I don't think they could defend two OPs from two other guilds at the same time.
In an alliance style OP fight I think it would be totally possible to defend to OPs at once, as both attackers _and_ defenders have to split their forces. Only difference is more guards to fight (a set for each OP).
Unless one or both were like really far from the Defenders TP, so the other was a feint attack or something...
Omega V
Re: A vision of Cho (Golden age)
they are talking as Gvg... And I wasn't talking as the 2 guilds being allies... They don't need to be allies to both attack at the same time... which ever one wins gets an OP,the other goes without untill they can win.
On Arispotle it is definetly a possibilty to defend two OPs cus we basicly only have 2 large alliances fighting...
On Arispotle it is definetly a possibilty to defend two OPs cus we basicly only have 2 large alliances fighting...
Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: A vision of Cho (Golden age)
Mates, mates...
Lets cool those flames down shall we...
1. 1op per guild - it is possible to limit that to a certain time. For example: A guild should not possess more than one OP for over 2 weeks. This will cover the "transaction times" and all.
2. Different time zones. This can be helped by guilds defining their "guild timezone" (judging by the majority of players) and stating it on the main forum in the guild section (that's useful for the new players aswell you know). Then we can just determine closest to perfect attack times for zone/zone guilds and put them into the honor code...
Look at the last (most close fought) OP battles wasn't it more fun when the attack times were suitable for both sides?
3. Extra attackers. Well as I said, this has to be discussed... 3 additional players, full team, no matter. Once we agree on that we set the "attack ratio" in stone...
BUT the main idea: A neutral guild of warriors, helping defending side (when outnumbered) for the sake of balance and upholding the law? What you guys think of that?
They can just come to op fights as observers and only interfere if the defending side is outnumbered...
That was my main idea, but I see no comments on it...
Lets cool those flames down shall we...
1. 1op per guild - it is possible to limit that to a certain time. For example: A guild should not possess more than one OP for over 2 weeks. This will cover the "transaction times" and all.
2. Different time zones. This can be helped by guilds defining their "guild timezone" (judging by the majority of players) and stating it on the main forum in the guild section (that's useful for the new players aswell you know). Then we can just determine closest to perfect attack times for zone/zone guilds and put them into the honor code...
Look at the last (most close fought) OP battles wasn't it more fun when the attack times were suitable for both sides?
3. Extra attackers. Well as I said, this has to be discussed... 3 additional players, full team, no matter. Once we agree on that we set the "attack ratio" in stone...
BUT the main idea: A neutral guild of warriors, helping defending side (when outnumbered) for the sake of balance and upholding the law? What you guys think of that?
They can just come to op fights as observers and only interfere if the defending side is outnumbered...
That was my main idea, but I see no comments on it...
Spolloh - The spiritiual fyros.
Re: A vision of Cho (Golden age)
I'm not flaming at all
Sorry if it came off that way... I'm just tired of people losing the ability to do something they could do before
(Such as me not being able to use Kara TPs after the change... Or nuetrals losing all the town TPs).
Also the reason I hate(d) the idea of spires so strongly, Because people would lose even more things they already had. But thats a different topic.

Also the reason I hate(d) the idea of spires so strongly, Because people would lose even more things they already had. But thats a different topic.

Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!