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Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:04 pm
by dakhound
well as for this great spire ideas,

I'm glad nevrax are so slow in sorting anything out as I'm probably gonna play till april 2006. Hence I will probably never have to suffer the consequences of this ill thought out and absolutly stupid idea.

Man I really thought they we're losing their edge when they announced the dumbed down crappy outposts but now I know they didnt lose their edge just kinda fell off it.

why oh why cant they see people want "storyline" involved scenarios involving invasions (yeah you know them things that happen like twice a year), fighting goo, new lands (not quickly done PvP lands) and they would also like nevrax to sort out the content already in the game - listed below in no apparent order -

melee (not so bad atm)
missing bandit bosses
PR weather (oh sry its not bugged it works as intended)
non working tp's (again not bugged just part of some mega distance off rite missions)
higher lvl mobs (that dont take a 8 man team 5 mins to kill *exaggeration*)
guild hall addtional rooms
non resists against mob special attacks (may have been sorted)

I'm sure the list goes on and on but thats the few I remember

see some of you in dark and light dec 8th

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:02 pm
by jared96
xenofur wrote:why should christians be nice to non-believers?

Cause it's the christian thing to thy neighbor and all that stuff :)

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:33 am
by kuroari
jared96 wrote:Cause it's the christian thing to thy neighbor and all that stuff :)
*hugs jared* we need more ppl like this in our game.

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 4:21 pm
by bgraz
Just thought I'd bring this thread back up to remind the Kamists of the times to come, and the need to work together to become dominant :)

as the game has progressed since EP2 i really like the idea of these spires and think they will be more fun than people expected when this tread started

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:22 am
by zerotacg
we lost all TP's of karavan or Kami through the last patch and neutrals lost the TP's for highlvl regions

alot don't won't to pvp and still got kami or karavan for the TP's so now they will lose TP's n regions owned of the opposing force even if not concerned with PvP

to sum it up, they don't get a boost or malus but still lose the ability to spawn/teleport in this regions without pvp flag activated

well I normaly harvest in the void and I'm pretty sure it want get karavan or stay neutral but I still just have to hope it will? If I can't "play" I won't most might think the same way

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:03 pm
by marct
I would have to agree, a non-tagged player does not get the buffs, and still loses/gains the ability to TP? How is that fair. The buff/debuff should affect all players.

Maybe they are thinking that it will force more players to be PvP tagged. I think I will need to experiment with being tagged, and see what happens when flying my colors.


Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:10 pm
by blaah
marct wrote:I would have to agree, a non-tagged player does not get the buffs, and still loses/gains the ability to TP? How is that fair. The buff/debuff should affect all players.
"risk vs reward" comes to mind.

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:25 pm
by boinged
It's not obvious from the page mentioned in the first post, but how will Neutrals be affected by the teleportation/respawn rules? A region can be Neutral/Kami/Karavan. If Neutral, then anyone can port in. But if it's Kami can only Kami's or can Kami AND Neutral people port?

If that is the case then those who don't want to take part in this can just become Neutral and live with the same restrictions (no PR tps, no high level tps) that we currently do.

Conversely, as a Neutral is there a way for me to get involved in these spire battles? It might be in my interests to keep regions Neutral so my Karavan friends can help me or keep them Kami-controlled so my Karavan enemies can't get in.

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:50 pm
by calel
boinged wrote:It's not obvious from the page mentioned in the first post, but how will Neutrals be affected by the teleportation/respawn rules? A region can be Neutral/Kami/Karavan. If Neutral, then anyone can port in. But if it's Kami can only Kami's or can Kami AND Neutral people port?
Oudknoei brought up a point somewhere else that might be what it will be.
If Enchanted Isle in the Lakelands would be Karavan controlled then only the Karavan Altar there would work. That means that neutrals who only have access to the Kami Altar for that region, would not be able to teleport or respawn there. If it should be Kami controlled then Kamists and Neutrals will have access as they both can only use the very same Altar.

This doesn' t explain however how neutrals and neutral or regional respawn points would work since they have no 'oposing faction'.

boinged wrote: If that is the case then those who don't want to take part in this can just become Neutral and live with the same restrictions (no PR tps, no high level tps) that we currently do.
Point, but then again it is up again rather to conveniance than RP. I am however not advocating that whoever joins a Kult should be labeled as someone that has to PvP in order to access all content. On the part of buffs/debuffs I think it is though as I don' t see it as 'content' but rather a sort of 'reward' for taking the risk to PvP as in a sort of mini-game.

This is what makes these Spires such a heavy topic: how to allow 'rewards' for Faction, and how for FvF without trying to impose on those that want to belong to a Faction without being forced into PvP.

boinged wrote: Conversely, as a Neutral is there a way for me to get involved in these spire battles? It might be in my interests to keep regions Neutral so my Karavan friends can help me or keep them Kami-controlled so my Karavan enemies can't get in.
You want to make it even harder to discern the current 'layers' of PvP? :p
I understand your point of view though and would perhaps want to see this too, but only if there wouldn' t be buff/debuff advantages linked to it for Neutrals. (and if these current PvP/FvF rules would work as intended first)

Re: Global Faction PvP - Claiming Territories For Your Faction

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:12 pm
by blaah
boinged wrote:It's not obvious from the page mentioned in the first post, but how will Neutrals be affected by the teleportation/respawn rules? A region can be Neutral/Kami/Karavan. If Neutral, then anyone can port in. But if it's Kami can only Kami's or can Kami AND Neutral people port?
respawn rules have been mentioned in latest Q&A.
All 9 above ground respawn zones will be available for neutrals to respawn. They also have both kami and kara tp for neutrals.

just for reference, faction tp's (currently not available for neutrals):
faction kara tp's (kara land, kami tp probably unavailable when spire goes live)
matis - fq(100)
tryker - dd(100), rw(150), ei(200)

faction kami tp's (kami land, kara tp probably unavailable when spire goes live)
fyros - sm(150), oc(200)
zorai - mg(100)
(i think i got them all)

official word about those regions and tp possibilities for neutrals would be welcomed.

Q: Can Cult Neutral homin buy and use kami tp ticket in Fleeting Garden when there is karavan spire active ? or will karavan tp become active for neutral player with karavan spire in that region ?

if not, trykers will get hit hard ;-(