The Trykers did amazingly well Although early in the evening i thought the 1 full group of Ravens(+Threbus of Atys Ghosts and a little later Wlaas of Evolution) was all that was going to be around to fight the Kitins off, But Atys Ghosts, Evolution and Other Trykers guild ( sorry I cant remember all of them) Showed about an hour or so later and the Tryker Army was formed but by this time there were NO guards left alive at any tower...
The Swathes of Kitins we had to kill to get to Kipyruk ( not sure on that spelling
) was scary
The Trykers and one Huge Zorai Tryker wannabe ( Hi Xorte
) fought bravely and well like a Slow moving but unstoppable Kitin killing mass. We reached The Area of the Boss and Setup a Base at Cute Spring Research centre and began to pull the Bosses minions.
We then heard that Zorai and Matis had Killed thier Bosses and that some of the Matis Army was coming to help.
The Brave Tryker forces were slaying the minions with little problem until it came to kill the Elite "uber OMG how hard are they even the little ones hit for nearly 3k damage per hit" Kinreys they Wiped us out to all but one lone man Alex Of the Ravens had managed to Survive and was in a nearby lake wounded but alive.
I have to say i have never seen so many People get ressed so fast it was truely inspiring and nicely organised it was like a single wave of healing sweeping the field of dead bodies
The minion killing resumed in short order , Partol after patrol and more and more minions were killed but still the Kinrey remained, It was time again to deal with them, and Again they proved too much for the Valiant Tryker forces but we had learnt from our first encounters and 4 Trykers survived (including me
)and some of the kinrey actually fell to our blades and magics. Due to actual healers surviving this time ressing the Army was no problem even though it was more tight for time due to a Kitin patrol attacking us as we returned to ress the rest.
The Matis Army was on its way now to reinforce our numbers but they seemed to have some trouble in our Lakeland terrain and were either slowed by the Masses of Kitins or beaten back I am unsure.
It was time for try three agains the Kinrey mass but this time we were winning, Kinrey were falling and not us then the Cruelest of fates happened a Kitin patrol Engaged our rear ranks Slaying Our healers with frightening speed the shout of Retreat was heard and a rolling retreat to the safety of the nearby lake happened and a small group of Trykers survived but this time the Kitins did not retreat in time to enable us to Ress our Army.
We Regrouped but our number seem depleted I assume due to tiredness and War wounds so a smaller Tryker army met and joined with our Matis Allies that had come to help clear the Kitins out of the Lakelands.
About this time News of Fyros's Victory reached us.
Our Journey to the Boss was alot easier I assume because of our previous slaying of several hundred Kitins . We now had the company of many Guides giving silent moral support
The battle with the boss was hard but suprisingly short. It was a bit chaotic but it fell and we Rejoiced at our effort and that of our allies and friends from Matis ( and one Zorian
It was fun although after our epic struggles before the Matis arrived the final battle felt a liitle of an anticlimax. But none the less a very fun but very long evening
Thanks to Phaedrea for her Company from the the begining and her Sagely advice
and Thanks to all that Partook in the event either equiping the guards or in the final Epic battle.
and thanks to the events team for a nice Event even though there were some problems it was a huge event and nicely done considering this
It was nice to see all the Guilds of Tryker working together and then Matis and Tryker working together.