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Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:19 pm
by acridiel
Sorry to barge in, but this is priceless. *LMAO*
Those guys should have had a big sign over "their Domain".
You are now leaving the Gamerules protected sector.
Please leave your common sense outside.
Enter and obey!!
All who enter here, abandon all hope!!"

Mind you, I´m an RPGer myself and I realy love it, but to impose such hilarious rules as you mentioned upon an unsuspecting fellow player in a virtual World is just ridiculus. *ROFL*


Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:45 pm
by chessack
mugendo wrote: The following few weeks became iontolerable as I was informed by the RP group I was dead...therefore I MUST DELETE MY CHARACTER!!!!, it is the rules THEY live by.
Oh see.

I would have informed them that I am actually RPing my character's afterlife, and that according to my rules, this world is my afterlife, and since they are still alive (not dead) it should be THEY who delete characters, not me.

I mean after all, two can play that game.

And by the way I'm a pretty hardcore RPer. But I never heard of telling someone else to delete his character.


Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:59 pm
by mugendo
chessack wrote:Oh see.

I would have informed them that I am actually RPing my character's afterlife, and that according to my rules, this world is my afterlife, and since they are still alive (not dead) it should be THEY who delete characters, not me.

I mean after all, two can play that game.
They only 'recognised' RP inside their 'rp domain'. I explained I had overlooked on numerous times THEY had died in PvE 'grinding'...they explained it was not 'them' when they are OOC.

Yes...incredulous as it may seem....ONLINE GAMES DO HAVE A PAUSE BUTTON..... :D :D :D :D

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:25 pm
by everith
Basically this entire thread can summed up easily. You are play a MMORPG the 'R' Standing for 'roleplaying'. If u can't take some of the players of the game roleplaying than u need to re-think your choice of entertainment.

Now don't think that this statement is meant to flame non RP'ers because it's not. I've Rped in the past and i have chosen not to other times. What needs to be understood though is that a MMORPG needs to be an immersive experience for all players. It needs to be filled with lore and differences among characters. It needs to feature character growth and individuality. These things are the main characteristic which defines the word "RPG". That being said u can't really have a game of this ilk without the rpers.

In addition, Most true rpers are NOT the type of person to get a party killed in spite. After reading the lore of this game i do not even see reason to do such in true rp. I mean yes there are 2 rival factions but for the most part at the point in the story they do not seem really violent; hence pushing more emphasis on the fact those RPers u dispise are merely using rp as an excuse to grief. Griefers by name will grief no matter what. when i played l2 they griefed, eve online, COH, AC2, the list goes on there are always griefers no matter what lable they put themselves under. What needs to be done in this case is we need to distinguish a griefer from a true rper before we pass judgement of all the latter due to missinterperetation.

Either way the world is filled with both. People who wanna make believe their in another world and that they ARE on atys, AND people who will do whatever it takes to make life misserable for anyone and everyone. We should be proud we are in one of the only games i've EVER played since Advanced dungeons and dragons (pen and paper 1980's) that is MAJORITY nice people which is a rarity these days where everyone and their mother plays an MMO.

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:56 pm
by acridiel
/sign man, sign.


Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:04 am
by ashling
jfoxp wrote:So, I have some questions that I would like everyone to answer, and give their reasons why.

Do you feel you're all grown up now, and that pretending to be something in a fictional world is silly?


Do you feel that roleplay only has to do with conflict? Examples are RP events that involve PvP, and/or strong Kami vs. Karavan themes.


Do you feel that pretending to be in a role that does not involve your God, and also involves magic to be something blasphemous? (I'm serious on this one, lay off the flames guys. I really want to understand things here)


Is there some other reason that you have a "distaste" or "disgust" for roleplay?
I'll start with I don't 'hate' roleplay or roleplayers. I just tend to avoid it now after some encounters with a very nasty roleplay community from a previous MMO. Roleplay there was used as cover for some very nasty attitudes and ways of treating people and the general attitude of even the nice people (not necissarily nice characters as I understand the differeance) in that community was 'who were they to judge what someone else wanted to roleplay' which enabled the other people to get away with how they behaved and has made me very wary of roleplayers in general which is probably a bit unfair but there you go.

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:31 am
by komissar
Well since you can have various alts on Ryzom many people have been RPing various personnalities. I know a person who had 1 hilvl character in a very karavan guild and another hilvl character in a very kami guild. recognizing this for RP it evidently is I kept my mouth shut but it was fun seeing this person charging my (karavan) outpost with a battle yell like: Kara Scum must die!

I for one am content with having a heavy RP low-lvl alt that I am using for the RP events that i host from time to time ;) The other members of my guild accept this alts behaviour as a sort of interactive theatrical show and as long as interaction or even communication with it is not imposed on them everybody is happy and content :)

I like to RP but not all the time ;) So I in turn accept it as an interactive theatrical show I put up for myself.

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:53 pm
by johntf
Most of the people who claim to rp only do so in the most basic way, it's not about the language you use it's about creating and sticking to a character and reacting as they would in situations. And not about using "supposed" olde world language.

So yeah I do find I hate a lot of rp'ers because most of them (not all) don't have a flying yubo of a clue what real role playing is. Yet feel the need to tell me to role play more... then when I try in even very simple words to explain to them why they aren't really roleplaying and technically I am (in some situations although not so much these days as I cba with rp) they get very offensive in an amusing fashion.

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:28 pm
by amitst
My biggest problem is that I can't decide what to be :-( so I end up being a shady variant of myself.