Ryzon buyout news

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Re: Ryzon buyout news

Post by iphdrunk »

vardarac wrote:But fact is, I DON'T know, and I can't find out who the other bidder is. I'm not comfortable with that.
*Rumors* say that it is Gameforge (http://www.gameforge.de) a Game publisher/develpoer/operator, mainly focused on web-browser-based games, with like 40 employees and a product porftofilo with several games, including e.g. Ogame (rumored to have several million players). It seems that some of those web-based games are free, and revenue and income may come from advertisements? I don't know.

Is this info true? reliable? any other comments or thoughts?
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Re: Ryzon buyout news

Post by dakhound »

rushin wrote:that wasnt what the poll asked, and fyi i didnt vote for .org being the best option because i dont think it is. my point stands though.
your point doesnt stand at all, they deserve all critisism, they can put ideas forward all they like and they can argue their point(which they have been doing). this is a public forum and people are FREE to critisise it all the way. The new owners whoever they may be will get the same when they put their ideas into the public forum.
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Re: RyzoM buyout news

Post by badgergb »

I haven't played the game too long so I cannot comment too much - but my worry is that the company buying the code - only wants this for the engine so they can develop a new game without the need to develop a new engine.
If this is true its a shame as this game has the best artwork / design of any MMO currently available .....and to me that's one of its great strengths.
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Re: Ryzon buyout news

Post by naib73 »

iphdrunk wrote:*Rumors* say that it is Gameforge (http://www.gameforge.de) a Game publisher/develpoer/operator, mainly focused on web-browser-based games, with like 40 employees and a product porftofilo with several games, including e.g. Ogame (rumored to have several million players). It seems that some of those web-based games are free, and revenue and income may come from advertisements? I don't know.

Is this info true? reliable? any other comments or thoughts?
LOL if this is true .. i am gonna have a good laugh :)
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Re: Ryzon buyout news

Post by mithur »

iphdrunk wrote:Is this info true? reliable? any other comments or thoughts?
If it is Gameforge, could be great :)

I know several BiteFigth players (Web based game) and they are happy with the avaiability and with the ideas, as with the friendly-feel of the company.

They haven't take any big MMORPG, as far as I know, but I prefer Ryzom being the main ship for a company than only another MMORPG in them.

Surely they'll maintain the actual staff (Not having one of their own), witch is good. The rest is management, and with very little they have archieved a lot, so there are good prospectives.

But... this is only my thoughs, not the real things. I don't know if its Gameforge, nor wich are their ideas.
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Re: Ryzon buyout news

Post by rundll32 »

Heh Jacko, you cant make seeminly innocent polls so you can later misquote them to support your argument :D

The fact that the poll stated best means that many people who will have offered pledges wont have voted for the .org project, as obviously a well established games company with a good reputation would be, in my opinion, preferable.

However, if we were to be told tommorow that the other company bidding wants to buy the game engine to end ryzom and start a new mmo of their own, suddenly the .org project wouldnt look like such a terrible option.

The polls pretty much rigged as no one knows whats happening...its easy to be against something you know, and hold out for something much more magnificent (but unknown). But until you know what the other options are, its impossible to make an informed decision.
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Re: RyzoM buyout news

Post by meitemax »

badgergb wrote:I haven't played the game too long so I cannot comment too much - but my worry is that the company buying the code - only wants this for the engine so they can develop a new game without the need to develop a new engine.
If this is true its a shame as this game has the best artwork / design of any MMO currently available .....and to me that's one of its great strengths.
KIlling this game to make a new one dont make much sense. Taking over to make a new game and using this playerbase to get players for a new one makes sense, all while running a allready complete game that gets some cash in makes more sense. Then again, combining "money" and "sense" is kinda an oxymoron.
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Re: Ryzon buyout news

Post by rundll32 »

That depends on wether youve spent lots of money aquiring the engine in the first place. If you pay relative peanuts for it, then killing an already failed game and starting afresh doesnt seem daft at all.
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Re: Ryzon buyout news

Post by eadwig1 »

Just a reminder: The NeL engine is open source and free.
Check it out here.

Also on that page was Nevrax's MMORPG start up kit,
which was close sourced and cost up to 500,000 euros(they were willing to haggle).
Guess they didn't sell many of those.....
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Re: Ryzon buyout news

Post by sx4rlet »

rundll32 wrote:That depends on wether youve spent lots of money aquiring the engine in the first place. If you pay relative peanuts for it, then killing an already failed game and starting afresh doesnt seem daft at all.
True, but if you let the failed game run until, or even after you launch your fresh start, you even get some cash in while developping your new start.

(unless your figures say that keeping it going is more expensive then killing it when you get it...)
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