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Re: Do we really need PvP?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:08 pm
by thebax
kwhopper wrote:What is the big stigma with PvP? Worried that you'll get killed once or twice by someone who doesn't like you? How often do you REALLy think that is going to happen, compared to how often you play? Is the prospect of killing another player so utterly terrible that you can't even think of doing it? What is so bad about a conflict between the different factions?
That has nothing to do with it, at least for most. None of the many people who have posted have expressed any such concern, that I recall. It is because PvP was not an intregal part of the game when we joined, and that is the very REASON many of us joined. It is because we see it as the death of any sembalance of politeness on the forums, and the gateway to griefers/gankers which will cause new players to quit (thereby shortening the life of the game).
kwhopper wrote:If everyone is so insistent on being so nice and friendly, why even have factions? Everyone should just be a homin with no Kami, no Karavan. Why align yourself with something if it doesn't matter in the sense of the gameplay/story/anything?
War solves nothing. Just because those in charge (ie. Kami/Karavan in game, Neverax out) have decided something, or taken a particular stance, doesn't mean the populace does. Many have moved past the need for leaders, governing bodies may now be composed of high-ranking servants. They work for you, not the other way around.
kwhopper wrote:With the past conflicts between these races I would think there would be some bad blood. Only taking a couple events to set things in motion. Perhaps it could be something worked into the storyline and the conflict will facilitate more RP...just of the not so nice, "I don't like you for (insert reason here)" variety.
Yep, and murdering each other in-game will bring about more bad blood. I think the long-term goal in Ryzom, at least in a political sense, is to learn enough about each other that we realize how valuable we are to each other. The Fyros' bravery. The Matis' sense of order and organization. The Tryker's unconventional methods and thinking. The Zoria's contemplation of the universe from a spiritual vantage. Seperately, they are flaws (Fyros=brash/hasty, Matis=arrogant/stodgy, Tryker=flighty/disorganized, Zorai=head-in-the-clouds/ non-productive). Together, however, you acheive the perfect components for an amazingly strong society.
kwhopper wrote:What do you do when you have gotten a combat skill to 250? Just abandon it and start something else? What was the point...really? AI can only present so much of a challenge, especially when they just come in waves and there is no scripting to the battles. Nuke/heal enough and you win.
ummmmm.....Kitins? Still a threat. Find a solution to that first, then you have the option to spend all your time in a PvP zone, if you so desire.
kwhopper wrote:Hopefully outposts will be more than just a place to go kill people. I hope to see them actually have elements that take all professions into mind. However I do think that fighting should be something included in these elements. Also, I hope to see FvF zones actually have some impact on region control and what not, so it actually means something (unlike contested territory in WoW, which really isn't contested).
I too hope outposts will provide more than a blood-soaked field. However, as thoroughly discussed earlier, PvP need not be a part of them, that's just Neverax being lazy, and thoughtless.
kwhopper wrote:Onelast question. Is there a way to transfer to the French server, or make a character on there? I'd be interested to know.
That'd be good. And, if so, how's about letting all those who want to be murderers move there, allow those who want peace on that server move here, and make it the PvP server, and LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE.

It's amazing that we are actually debateing the pros and cons of murder, when it would require a more restrictive rating just to show female nipples, let alone either sex's genitalia. Killing another is sometimes necessary, but it is never a good thing, only, at best, the lesser of two evils. I would much rather have sex with someone I was mildly fond of, than kill someone I hate.

Re: Do we really need PvP?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:36 pm
by michielb
twelve pages without this thread going ugly...

maybe there's hope yet

(though I'm not holding my breath...)

Re: Do we really need PvP?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:52 pm
by rushin
thebax wrote: That'd be good. And, if so, how's about letting all those who want to be murderers move there, allow those who want peace on that server move here, and make it the PvP server, and LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE.
hey now, we are having a pretty good debate about this i think. lets keep it that way?

I was completely anti-PvP when i started playing, but the two (2) times i have joined in here has been fantastic. One was an event where i was killed much more than i killed with about 200 people attending and it was great, just lots of mass fun. The other time was fighting over a supernode, kinda turned up without realising what was going on and spent next 3 hours healing in my focus gear lol. Considering the groups of people there was expecting trouble, but instead again had a great time, as did everyone else.

Nothing is ever going to be perfect, and never will every single homin play nicely. but i dont consider that as a valid reason for not seeing how it turns out, if i take my ingame experience then i see it being fun. simple as that. I have no interest in being the best, or killing homins randomly and i am sure many others would take a similar view. PvP adds an interesting dimension and a challange that AI will never replicate.

Re: Do we really need PvP?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:31 am
by thebax
rushin wrote:hey now, we are having a pretty good debate about this i think. lets keep it that way?
Sorry, that was directed at Neverax in general, not any player in particular.

Re: Do we really need PvP?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:08 am
by catfud
grimjim wrote:PvP argument summary

Spod 1: "I don't like peanuts. I don't want them in my food."
Spod 2: "Dude! Food without peanuts? What are you ON man. Peanuts fo' life!"
Spod 1: "No, seriously, I don't like peanuts. I've had them before."
Spod 2: "Life without peanuts simply isn't worth living!"
Spod 1: "Look. I'm ALLERGIC to peanuts. If I eat them, I swell up and DIE. Alright?"
(you get the gist of what im quoting)
Ha thats made my 3 am morning :D

Re: Do we really need PvP?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:32 am
by jinnear
Do we really need PvP?
((No, not really :p ))

Will the implementation of PvP ruin the game?
((Not likely no (none of your arguments have convinced me so far... sorry :o ) ))

((I believe Rushin pins it down very good in her last post. All you other guys; You worry too much ;) ))

Re: Do we really need PvP?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:15 pm
by sofiaoak
jinnear wrote:Will the implementation of PvP ruin the game?
((Not likely no (none of your arguments have convinced me so far... sorry :o ) ))
I think the balancing the PvE, because of PvP balance issue, is big negative effect to PvE player base.

But the questions are more like:

1. What does Ryzom PvE players benefit from PvP content?

2. What's more benefit to Ryzom player base, adding more PvP or PvE content?

When adding some content, does it cause more negative or positive reaction from player base.

Re: Do we really need PvP?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:27 pm
by troll16
I don't think people necessarily worry too much here, they have an interest in there characters that have taken a very long time to develop much longer than most games. To me the best thing in this game is the community. The types of people in this game are no different to any other game. To a large extent the game dictates how a community will develop. If you introduce conflict and special rewards you will also introduce things like greed and selfishness. Which, as far as I see will destroy the thing most people in this game like the most, the community. I've seen it happen in other games do you really think you are so different to players in other games.

Re: Do we really need PvP?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:10 pm
by kyesmith
PvP isnt needed, but its fun, nothing like killing someone weaker than you to make you feel big (j/k)

Re: Do we really need PvP?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:21 pm
by danadita
I guess my biggest problem with PvP combat is that I already live in a world where anybody can come up and gank me. I don't want the world where I go to relax, blow off steam against monsters (those not of the hominkind) and pursue the best LA to be just like that one. I don't want those fears, terror and anger to be carried into a place I go for enjoyment. There's a fine point of just enough realism to enhance game play in a fantasy setting and too much. Open PvP combat is too much for me.