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Re: Grave rumours, Homins
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 4:45 pm
by sx4rlet
Day 6-7
I smell acid. But it smells good to me now. I look upon the Crafter Camp in Tryker, and I see the Federation flag above the camp. Near me lie the scorched bodies of kitin, scorched by the mages' acid fire.
As far as I can see, I see no signs of kitins. Scouts just brought news of another victory at the War Camp, to the south. It has been a hard fight, and I know the kitins will come back, but this victory will make it possible to regroup and prepare for another attack..
Tryker General
Officer of Evolution
Re: Grave rumours, Homins
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:29 pm
by thewarcc
Fight for Jena, Kill the Kitin scum!
Re: Grave rumours, Homins
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:53 pm
by shadowweb
And now Homins, your crafting and harvesting labours will bear their true fruit. For the guards that you equipped will now start to take up their allotted posts in the chain of guard towers that will lead the way into the heart of enemy terratory. Additionally, they will also aid you to the death against the kitin plague and anything else that might seek to kill you.
The more tower guards you can recruit and equip, the easier the final approach to the evil nest will be.
So work as never before - the time grows short and this is a battle we can not lose!
Re: Grave rumours, Homins
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 6:17 pm
by kibsword
This is a victory all homins must work too, everyone who can should work on equipting new guards to aid us in our struggle
Re: Grave rumours, Homins
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:37 pm
by mojojojo
Great night tonight (friday),think we had the whole of matis working as one,if i read the post right it is imperitive that we get the guards equip'd as they will man the gaurd towers which will form a line to the enemy.tonights battle was hard. I think we have a harder times ahead.
if guilds can help getting crafters and harvesters to the camps so they may do their work,we will be halfway there.
thanks to kibs and zcorpion for their support tonight,i think we are getting the orginisation of these events better and better each time.
homins be brave,stand tall and stand fast
mojojojo out!
also thanks to nevrax for a great event
Re: Grave rumours, Homins
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 12:25 am
by jdrake
To Arms!!! This is what we have been waiting for since release!! There can be no more complaining about the "Same Old Thing" Ryzom and the current battle For Atys proves IMHO that we have a chance to make the diffrence in what happens to our Homeland and to others Homelands!!
Band together brothers and sisters! this battle will prove our true worth to call ourselves Homins! The enemy must be destroyed and only by us all working together may we accomplish this holy goal!!
Saturday I believe will be the cusp of the battle as the rumors have foretold, sleep well and I will see you all on the battlefield upon the morrow.
Regent of The New Empire
Re: Grave rumours, Homins
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 1:59 am
by kibsword
Great fun fighting that boss kitin tonight, think 80+ homins at one point fighting the boss around the camps in matis, so much fun
And Mojojojo, I'd have had a lot more trouble without u m8, ty to u aswell
Re: Grave rumours, Homins
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:41 am
by andreaw
YAY! I just love the more positive response we've seen in here today about the invasion! There are issues that need to be tweaked before the next mass-invasion, of course there are - this is the developer's first attempt at an invasion on such a large scale - but all-in-all this is much more like the ethos I signed up for! Grats and thanks Nevrax for the fun and thrills seeing those VAST boss-mobs gave me
Re: Grave rumours, Homins
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 3:01 am
by magick1
Two teams working together, managed to get behind enemy linies in Zorai.
Sadly, the huge battle front continues deep into their territory, with the usual patrols, makeing it very though to get around.
So far no sign of the enemy camp.
Resource master is still open, as is the war camp. The crafter camp is completely under enemy control.
Re: Grave rumours, Homins
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 3:19 am
by rushin
Yes, we fought bravely late into the night, and scouting the area to the west of Zora. A structure was found but no sign of the camp. I think it likely the camp lies to the north of stainmoor but the journey is a long, bloody one... maybe tomorrow