X I know that you know fully well that up to THIS point, PVPless point, we do not HAVE anyone in game that is worthy of full out HATE them. I have seen nothing but the type of players that make you SICK...as you stated IN game. "Stinking Carebears" to which a few people in the region replied something about CareBear STARE, or something like that. I was foraging at the time.
I am not worried about the beta test group, nor the release group up to about a month ago, then the crowd started to get a tad tense. SILENCE in regional chat that used to be busier than most chat rooms.
I am worried...as I have already stated, about the griefer PK punk kid that has a great network of other PK punk kids, all with too much time and too much money for their own good. One kid IM's his entire list and for at least two weeks, the game is RUINED.
Also...about the Fame based PVP, you DO suffer a penalty if you chose a fame OTHER than the one you current are based off of. EI if a Matis picked KAMI...fame hit, same for a Fyros that picks Karavan, fame hit, WITHOUT killing any other player.
I would like to see a LARGE faction hit for PKing, enough that would KOS you in various towns. I see the Arena as a DIFFERENT MATTER and consequences should NOT apply here. It is kinda HARD to not see the arena coming and NOT avoid it, you step into this NON leveling space...you WANT to PVP, for there is NO other reason to go there.
A friend I trust stated it this way, "the ONLY reason I see for PVP is to slow down the Prime roots foraging...We got to the end content too soon after release...they have to come up with SOME way to slow us down. Watch...next thing that they will do after the PVP patch is to post an ad on a HARD CORE PVPer/PKers haven web site".
Honestly if I found out that they HAD posted a web to one of those Doom header web sites. It would be time to hang up my pick, even IF PVP was limited, at SOME point I would have to face the griefers, and I am not paying my money to deal with kids that didn't get enough discipline from their parents, or "grown ups" that had a really bad day.
xcomvic wrote:I break my silence now, since he wants to point me out... I LOVE PvP! But I think there should be consequences for RPKers... DROP FAME LEVELs so LOW that your own race will kill you in cities (after a few kills obviously)... but then again, if you really hate someone and they insult you a lot in game... it would suck not to beat the snot out of him for his bad manners... maybe have a JAIL system, where if you kill someone and he reports it to the guards in the city or maybe some kind of technology see it was an Unwaranted kill (without consent) then you would go to jail in a city and not able to do anything for some REAL LIFE HOURS (3-4 hours should be enough of a cooldown), after awhile of getting killed on site or going to jail, RPKers will either A) left the game or b) changed their ways... of course, my ideas are a little bit hard to implement for various reasons, but I figured I would just humor Tetra a little.